(Jul. 04, 2011 6:16 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: So it has to be about Beyblade? Hrm... Not really feelin' this. It could turn out VERY repetitive. And again, some people have already done theirs, so it's not really fair. (Ultimate Kjcp already admitted to it.) I was actually looking forward to seeing what the members could do if the stories had NOTHING to do with beyblade.
Who said you have to write as if your story was just another remake of the show? The main character doesn't even have to be a beyblader. For example, if I were to write about my 8 years of Beyblading, I could start from the time my mother sent me to a psych ward when I was 14. It was right after the world championships and all I wanted to do was play with my Beyblades. To be in a world other than my own for a brief moment. I could look back on my victories and how hard I forgot, using the examples of determination from my blader spirit to keep me going through hard times.
Another would be to write from a parent's perspective. You know, making your kids happy, teaching them about winning, losing, and sharing, etc.
I even saw one story that had the beyblades turn into people and gave them personalities. Now that's interesting! Using that, you can even turn life into an analogy for Beyblade.
KCPJ doesn't know the page to page theme so he just wrote a story for nothing.