Team Ωmega Nova Main Thread (New Meeting Date Up!)

Poll: Do you think that the new ranking system should go ahead?

Yes, it is a good idea
Ok, it needs improving
No, it is horrible
Total: 100% 55 vote(s)
who is jedwards, Caz and gabsta
jedwards is a low-level blader who I am probably removing from the team for someone who want's to be in the team. Caz is an annoying little brat who cry's because he couldn't get Hell Kerbecs for his B Day and Gabsta, I'm not sure about.
(Aug. 09, 2011  3:14 PM)SDamonCronous Wrote: Caz is an annoying little brat who cry's because he couldn't get Hell Kerbecs for his B Day

......... Hell Kerbecs is a good bey... I can understand the pain XD
lol but would u cry over 1 bey Tongue_out
oh ok can't wait till battles
We are thinking of Saturday the 21st of August for the next meetup. Same place as before, Kings Park. Is this good for everyone?
(Aug. 10, 2011  8:48 AM)SDamonCronous Wrote: We are thinking of Saturday the 21st of August for the next meetup. Same place as before, Kings Park. Is this good for everyone?

what time is it gonna be?
I think I have a plan for our scoring system. I think this could be a fun way to play it and have the scores on this thread through out the time that Team Omega Nova stands.
For scoring we can do each win (after the best out of three) a member gets one point for their team. At the end we will add up all the points and see which team is winning. At the next meet up we will add the points onto the previous total and so on. We will be having round robins so everyone will verse everyone. Team with the most points wins but it is an ongoing thing for competition.
It's probably going to be 2.00-5.00.
with the system RowDog, I was thinking along the lines of free play battles, then a block tourney. Then individual battles. Free time will be for however long we want it to be and no battles win/loss will be recorded. This is a chance to perfect your combo's and find new ones. Then a block tourney begins. In a block tourney, you verse certain people and once you loose, your out. The wins will be included in the team score, and the overall winner and semi-final winners will be given extra points. Individual battle time is like free free time, but you can now challenge someone to an official battle. There are 3 typed of battles. Single battle, point theif and winner takes all. In single battle, a win is 3 points, loss is 1 and draw is 2. In point theif, the winner takes 2 points from the loosing player and adds it to their teams score. In winner takes all, the victorious blader takes all of the loosing bladers points and adds it to there own, a last second chance to take the lead.
It's just an idea.
isn't the 21st of August a Sunday? 2.00-5.00pm is ok I guess.... but it would be sweet if people could start coming at 12 pm onwards, it might give more time for free play, but its just a suggestion =)

I find RowDog's point system, easier to follow Cute but if there is a way to combine the Uniqueness of the system suggested by SDamonCronous it might work.

though not really a fan of the "point theif and winner takes all" part XD
Ok, scrap the point theif thing. It was just meant to be a twist.
Damn, 21st is on a sunday. I can't do Sundays unless we finish by 3.30. That means we have to start at around 12 and that means my parents need to rush from my brothers football, then they get all stressed and use it as an excuse for me to stop beyblading. My grandparents anniversary is that Saturday, so how does saturday the 27th sound for everyone?
I can't make Saturdays as I have basketball and I was hoping it was a Sunday Unhappy
Hmm... Does anyone else have anything on saturdays? I may be able to make a sunday if we start at around 1.00-1.30, I may just need to take the day of work, which I have a 5.00 every sunday. If I can find someone to cover my shift then sure, lets do a sunday.
which sunday will be the tourney be on ?
Ok, here are the two options for the next tourney:

Option 1
Date: Sunday the 21st of August
Time: 1.30-4.00PM
Place: Kings Park

Option 2
Date: Saturday the 27st of August
Time: 12.00-2.00PM
Place: Kings Park

Pick which one, vote!
(Aug. 11, 2011  12:51 PM)SDamonCronous Wrote: Ok, here are the two options for the next tourney:

Option 1
Date: Sunday the 21st of August
Time: 1.30-4.00PM
Place: Kings Park

Option 2
Date: Saturday the 27st of August
Time: 12.00-2.00PM
Place: Kings Park

Pick which one, vote!

I choose 21st of Sunday as I have to pick up my family from the airport on the 27th, SDamonCronous if you ever have transportation issues, I can help as I have a driver license =)
Thanks for the offer bull, I'll keep that in mind. It is seeming like sunday is the go.
Unhappy Awww... I just ordered some new beys online and now they ain't gonna be here in time Unhappy
(Aug. 11, 2011  2:43 PM)SDamonCronous Wrote: Thanks for the offer bull, I'll keep that in mind. It is seeming like sunday is the go.
Unhappy Awww... I just ordered some new beys online and now they ain't gonna be here in time Unhappy
ahhh carp.... these shipments take roughly 10 - 20 days, unless your lucky, you might get it on the 16th day like I got my Fang Leone =)
The Burning Bladers has a few members. The website is Every person on the site is a member.
i just ordered 2 beys and just found out that the guy i bought it from made a website and has 10 percent off Unhappy not sure if he included it to my price or not
Hey, he's the seller I am planning on buying Ray Unicorn, two metal faces and Hell Kerbecs from. Thanks, I will ask for the 10% discount if I buy from him. I also want at least 2 random booster volume 7's, so if anyone has a good price for them then feel free to PM me.
didnt u buy any from bali? im kinda bummed about rb7 bought 5 and didnt get lynx
There were no beys in bali, and I mean none. All there was was fake ones on the street that were total carp. Well, there was a LightningLDrago, Storm Pegasis and Earth Eagle in HyperMart, and the Earth Eagel came paired with a TT attack stadium (thats how I got mine). I was going ot get Th!nk one, but when we went back the store had been trashed (or the toy isle had). It was the last day of the kids school holidays and I think they went all out in the toys section. So to answer your question, no. I got no real worthwhile beys, only a stadium that I have worn the life out of already.