Takara Tomy Beyblade Burst - Upcoming Release & Rumor Thread

Im ngl "Bell" sounds like a girls name soooooo.....?
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:28 PM)DeltaZakuro Wrote: Im ngl "Bell" sounds like a girls name soooooo.....?

I guess it does but I've seen a male use that name.
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:28 PM)Free... Hoya Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:28 PM)DeltaZakuro Wrote: Im ngl "Bell" sounds like a girls name soooooo.....?

I guess it does but I've seen a male use that name.

Bell is a girl name. Bell doesn't sound like a boy name at all
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:29 PM)Ryuga\s Son Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:28 PM)Free... Hoya Wrote: I guess it does but I've seen a male use that name.

Bell is a girl name. Bell doesn't sound like a boy name at all

Yes tinker bell. 
But also we've seen anime where they use girlish names for boys.
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:29 PM)Ryuga\s Son Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:28 PM)Free... Hoya Wrote: I guess it does but I've seen a male use that name.

Bell is a girl name. Bell doesn't sound like a boy name at all

Can be both it doesn't really matter
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:31 PM)Free... Hoya Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:29 PM)Ryuga\s Son Wrote: Bell is a girl name. Bell doesn't sound like a boy name at all

Yes tinker bell. 
But also we've seen anime where they use girlish names for boys.

(Feb. 12, 2021  6:33 PM)KnightPro Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  6:29 PM)Ryuga\s Son Wrote: Bell is a girl name. Bell doesn't sound like a boy name at all

Can be both it doesn't really matter

i never said it mattered. All I said was that Bell is a girl name lol

Anime is full of boy girl names. In Naruto, A villian Named Madara is a boy, but Madara sounds like a girl name
Okay the final Compiled list of the news.
1 ) New season has the theme similar to MFB like fantasy
2) New main character called Bell ( gender not confirmed)
3) The main character has a Devil bey
4) New silhouette of New bey of season 6 . It has a black/blue (dark) and red Colour scheme (in the pic its very dark)
5) Title of New season not revealed but key word is demon or devil.

Credit : Marutti who has corocoro

Edit: Dasmind are you happy?
Honestly I was gonna assume that Season 6 would be a total reboot where it goes in it's own direction and has little to no returning bladers, although if Valkyrie is there, then I guess it might still be connected in some way.
Wait a second, Bell? We already had Drum. What's season 7's main character gonna be called? Rock?

Nah, I'm kidding. This is all pretty exciting news, and a main protagonist bey based on a sort of demon, that's pretty rad! Maybe their name is Bell, because it rhymes with... "hell"?
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:15 PM)Vtryuga Wrote: Okay the final Compiled list of the news.
1 ) New season has the theme similar to MFB like fantasy
2) New main character called Bell ( gender not confirmed)
3) The main character has a Devil bey
4) New silhouette of Valkyrie of season 6 . It has a black/blue (dark) and red Colour scheme (in the pic its very dark)
5) Title of New season not revealed but key word is demon or devil.

Credit : Marutti who has corocoro

Yess so exciting
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:19 PM)Jinbee Wrote: Honestly I was gonna assume that Season 6 would be a total reboot where it goes in it's own direction and has little to no returning bladers, although if Valkyrie is there, then I guess it might still be connected in some way.

Wait looks like I was wrong. It shows the new characters bey not Valkryie. Marutti didn't read the comic well enough.
So Bell uses a devil/demon bey? Thats interesting considering those kind of beys are usually reserved for Antagonists.
Another new protagonist... uhg. I just hope they're good and not boring. At least the name isn't as bad as Drum lol.
A new bey with a black and blood red color scheme, i'm a sucker for black and red (as long as it's mainly black) so i'm looking forward to this. Very curious to see how they do the fantasy aspect, and the devil theme sounds interesting.
I honestly hope this is a soft reboot of Burst, i need new characters
Is Bell supposed to be like Delta as same theme for their beys but a more heroic demeanor as a protagonist?
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:26 PM)Vtryuga Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:19 PM)Jinbee Wrote: Honestly I was gonna assume that Season 6 would be a total reboot where it goes in it's own direction and has little to no returning bladers, although if Valkyrie is there, then I guess it might still be connected in some way.

Wait looks like I was wrong. It shows the new characters bey not Valkryie. Marutti didn't read the comic well enough.

Ahh I see, although I wouldn't have been surprised if it was considering Valkyrie won that bey election.

Alright so about the news, I'd give my proper thoughts on it but I don't have much to work on. But yeah, another new main character? Look, I know it's Burst's thing at this point, because I guess sticking to a lane and developing it is just too hard for Burst... but give me a break. Constantly resetting and catching up with a new main character is tiresome, mainly because these characters aren't given enough time to be fleshed out. Look at Drum, and currently it feels like Hikaru and Hyuga fall into this too. Very little character development or much depth, just there to serve as "main character of the week".

Look I didn't exactly like Hyuga, but I felt that because he has much more room to develop, and the fact the two had to share a short screen time, they deserved more time to get better.

The name "Bell" is odd, is it because it rhymes with "Hell"? It sounds like a girls name but I don't think it'll be a main female lead, I mean we've never had one because... I guess Burst doesn't want cooties. Nah I'm joking... sort of, but yeah I imagine the name is to rhyme with Hell. It's an odd name to say the least, although it's still less weird than "Drum".

The series purportedly being more fantasy heavy is interesting, and kinda inevitable given Burst has gotten more supernatural as it went, so they may as well go all out.
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:15 PM)Vtryuga Wrote: Okay the final Compiled list of the news.
1 ) New season has the theme similar to MFB like fantasy
2) New main character called Bell ( gender not confirmed)
3) The main character has a Devil bey
4) New silhouette of New bey of season 6 . It has a black/blue (dark) and red Colour scheme (in the pic its very dark)
5) Title of New season not revealed but key word is demon or devil.

Credit : Marutti who has corocoro

Edit: Dasmind are you happy?

So if the keyword is demon or devil perhaps it has something to do with this “db” title we were hearing so much about. Anyways the gender of the main character being unconfirmed is interesting and I do truly wonder if it’s a female. Hiro Morita has always said he was openly interested in implementing female characters so it’s definitely a possibility.

What I believe is most exciting about all this is the fantasy theme. Originally I had gotten sick of that and was happy when burst took the realistic turn but I honestly don’t mind a return or mash-up of sorts, it sounds fun after all. Each season of burst seems to emphasize the supernatural powers and feats of beyblades more than the last so perhaps knowledge of resonance and power will have increased by this season.
Bell-lmao, just great. Hopefully the main protagonist bey design and character design is good

(Feb. 12, 2021  2:53 PM)Dasmind Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  11:20 AM)蒼井バルト Wrote: All you could relay on him, but I prefer find news by myself, for example I found jet wyvern news for first :-)
At least he leak out the news which Corocoro is our basic needs in here, but if you can find news it is good for us too.

(Feb. 12, 2021  11:20 AM)蒼井バルト Wrote: Again... marutti could also post the link, it is an evident kidding us!
Yes, he is a Japan people , he can find news in the trademark and tells us actually.

Honestly, majority of people may rely on Marutti for beyblade related news and such-but you should also remember the fact the he's a human, and he also has a life. Since the past few days you've been annoying Marutti and many others in this thread-it's to the point where some people have started unsubscribing from the thread. Please, just wait normally for the news and don't nag Marutti or anyone else for leaks. It's getting annoying.
Localization's gonna have a field day with this season lol
Bell. Interesting. The concept of Devil bey is cool, thought there are anime with Devil concept. I love it. And siluete of new Valkyrie. I love it, but hope season will be interesting. I hope new characters, not all old

(Feb. 12, 2021  8:18 PM)AceTarragon Wrote: Белл-Имао, просто здорово. Надеюсь, дизайн главного героя Бея и дизайн персонажей хороши

(Feb. 12, 2021  2:53 PM)Dasmind Wrote: По крайней мере, он сообщил новости о том, что Корокоро является нашей основной потребностью здесь, но если вы можете найти новости, это хорошо и для нас.

Да, он из Японии, он может найти новости о торговой марке и на самом деле нам рассказать.

Честно говоря, большинство людей могут полагаться на Марутти в новостях, связанных с бейблейдом, и тому подобное, но вы также должны помнить тот факт, что он человек, и у него также есть жизнь. Последние несколько дней вы раздражали Марутти и многих других в этой ветке - до такой степени, что некоторые люди начали отказываться от подписки на эту ветку. Пожалуйста, просто дождитесь новостей в обычном режиме и не пилите Марутти или кого-либо еще на предмет утечек. Это раздражает.

I don't want to show myself as idiot, but I never was like that as you said. I just wanted to become friend and support others. To be honest I understand Marutti and it's ok with him. Also, again don't want to show myself as idiot, but if he want to show news ( he is human, I know) then for him better use Instagram

(Feb. 12, 2021  8:14 PM)Zeutron Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:15 PM)Втрюга Wrote: Хорошо, окончательный составленный список новостей.
1) Новый сезон имеет тему, похожую на MFB, например, фэнтези
2) Новый главный герой по имени Белл (пол не подтвержден)
3) У главного героя есть Дьявол-бей
4) Новый силуэт Нью-бея из 6 сезона. Он имеет черно-синюю (темную) и красную цветовую схему (на картинке очень темный).
5) Название нового сезона не раскрывается, но ключевое слово - демон или дьявол.


: Марутти, у которого есть корокоро. Редактировать: Dasmind, ты счастлив?

Так что если ключевое слово «демон» или «дьявол», возможно, оно имеет какое-то отношение к названию «db», о котором мы так много слышали. В любом случае, пол не подтвержденного главного героя интересен, и мне действительно интересно, женщина ли это. Хиро Морита всегда говорил, что открыто интересовался воплощением женских персонажей, так что это определенно возможно.

Что я считаю наиболее захватывающим во всем этом, так это фэнтезийная тема. Изначально мне это надоело, и я был счастлив, когда всплеск приобрел реалистичный оборот, но я, честно говоря, не возражаю против возврата или своего рода мес-апа, в конце концов, это звучит весело. Кажется, что каждый сезон всплеска подчеркивает сверхъестественные силы и подвиги бейблейдов больше, чем предыдущий, поэтому, возможно, знания о резонансе и мощи к этому сезону увеличатся.

Maybe. Thought after Choz it goes to degradation
so the main character will have a demon bey huh well going by his name and burst like to associated the first letter together I'm guessing the bey name will be between beelzebub, belphegor, baal/Berith , belial, barbatos, or bael. should be interesting
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:26 PM)Втрюга Wrote:
(Feb. 12, 2021  7:19 PM)Дзимби Wrote: Честно говоря, я собирался предположить, что 6-й сезон будет полной перезагрузкой, когда он пойдет в своем собственном направлении и почти не будет иметь возвращающихся блейдеров, хотя, если Валькирия есть, то я думаю, что это все еще может быть каким-то образом связано.

Подождите, похоже, я ошибался. На нем изображены новые персонажи - Бей, а не Валкри. Марутти недостаточно хорошо прочитал комикс.
Is there picture

(Feb. 11, 2021  2:45 PM)蒼 井 バ ル ト Wrote:
(Feb. 11, 2021  2:19 PM)Валтриек Аой Wrote: Марутти в основном говорит, что отказался бы от подписки из-за бесполезного разговора, обычно любезно предоставленного Dasmind.

Не стоит забывать, что нам не нужны спойлеры от marutti, новости можно найти и сами. 
Так что если marutti откажется от подписки на эту ветку, это не проблема ...
I wonder how it does
As I was talking to my friends when Lucifer was announced, I literally called "after Satan, Diabolos and Lucifer, next time we're gonna have Belzebuth"
And I guess I was right haha... We still have some chances of having a Bael or Baal bey... And a very little chance of having a Baphomet bey... But very little, as it can be too offensive for some people Smile
Okay so this very exciting i never thought a Devil motif type bey would be the MC bey and a total reboot? Yup guest it I hope they implement this MC aka bell to the Fullest since you know the H bros was kinda disappointing and yeah looking at the leaked pictures i loved bell design it he looks like a bad boy he foes kinda reminds me of Lean+valt and it seems like bell is a male character.
I freaking hate instagram it's so hard to navigate if you don't have an account.

Trying to find a Bell picture, not to share I just wanna see him broIfeel unending sadness.