Put me as a maybe.
Put me down! Put me down! Put me down!
I'm 100% coming!

wait matt if there are like lets say only 25 ppl coming could we do the normal block battle oh and btw matt i wouldnt mind judging
so yea i kinda want to judge for once
so yea thanks

Put me up please
Put me as unconfirmed. WIll bring my Stadium and help out judging if I do come, if you'd like.
That was a seriously quick conformation...
Put me up for a Maybe Please!
Put me down. Yay I love tourneys

(Apr. 22, 2011 4:52 PM)ToRmEnTeD Wrote: wait matt if there are like lets say only 25 ppl coming could we do the normal block battle oh and btw matt i wouldnt mind judgingso yea i kinda want to judge for once
so yea thanks
I'm sure Kai-V wouldn't mind if we did Block Round Robin with 24 people but anymore than that we'll have to do Double Elimination.
(Apr. 22, 2011 4:54 PM)♥ Wrote: Put me as unconfirmed. WIll bring my Stadium and help out judging if I do come, if you'd like.
Would be great Alex, would be nice if I didn't have to lug my stadium with me for once haha.
We've already got like 17 people in the first hour so unfortunately I doubt we'll have 24 in total.
You know I'll be there!

is there a tourney at 30/5/11
Is anyone going to record this.
Awesome, I shall come!
EDIT: I can't bring any legal stadiums for this on but for any in May it is possible that I can bring 2!
EDIT: I can't bring any legal stadiums for this on but for any in May it is possible that I can bring 2!
Obviously, Have you not seen any off the previous Tourneys. Blitz has posted all the videos
Ultimate Zero : the guy who lives relatively close to a lot of tournaments, can never go to any of them, and always asks whether someone will record what he misses as well as who won afterwards ...
Sometimes I dont go to some tournament's because I have to go to other places and ask if they record or who wo because I dident want to miss it.
(Apr. 22, 2011 5:48 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Ultimate Zero : the guy who lives relatively close to a lot of tournaments, can never go to any of them, and always asks whether someone will record what he misses as well as who won afterwards ...Did I really have to point this out
BTW: Kai-V; He also said he was coming to Enzoxs Bristol tournament but apprently this is what he said:
Ultimate Zero Wrote:No im can't come there was a sudden change in planes so thats why I can't come.
Ultimate Zero Wrote:Who's going to record the tournament.And
Ultimate Zero Wrote:Who won the tournament.
Which prove Kai-V's point
Maybe I dont live relatively close to bristol or regents park and it will tack at the minim of a 2hr drive also I try to get to the tournament.

Looking forward to this ^^
Bandstand may be packed seeing on how it is unlimited -__-
Looking forward to this ^^
Bandstand may be packed seeing on how it is unlimited -__-
xD I forgot sorry, fountain will be packed xD