how much including shipping to U.S?

EDIT: woah why did it post twice??
(Jan. 04, 2011  12:42 AM)UnLeAsHeD Wrote: how much including shipping to U.S?

EDIT: woah why did it post twice??
this happen to me also if have updated internet explorer to 9 beta u should downgrade it 7 and also Solider-F3AR how much for Ray Unicorno
UnLeAsHeD: Please check PM for shipping prices
DragoonRoks: Please check PM
Bump! Mint ray unicorno,white launcher rubber and right launcher 2 for sale pm for pics
I also got some Hms And Plastics on its way
What are the HMS you're getting in?
Blue Dragoon MS,Wyvern DJ,Gold/Yellow Gaia Dragoon MS And a White Driger MS
OP Updated with the beys am receiving soon
Mythic l drago: Please check your Pm for details
can i buy galaxy pegasis starter
The stuff will be here around Feb 11 as I need to sort something out in my account
So what separates you from a more primary source retailer? Surely your prices will be higher than someone like DimSum/ AkirasDaddy whatever since you probably got your stock from there?
So will we be expecting noticeable cheaper price compared to AkirasDaddy/Dimsum? If so I will buy from you when your stuff arrives.
Yup they will I will update my store with the prices soon and shipping will be included in the prices
BB-52 And BB-10 Will be on hold until I can work out the shipping price
Updated OP With Prices some of the prices are not definite so they can change meaning they will be lower not higher than the price thats already there
OP Updated with Infinity Libra
how much for killer beafowl???