Recent Beyblade Purchases

I just ordered : Grand Ketos WD145RS and Rock Giraffe R145WB Im so happy.....
Galaxy Cancer. Flame Gemios, hell kerbecs, poison serpent, earth virgo, and thermal pisces. all i got today
After managing to scruff up some extra Christmas money, I bought Flame Byxis, Hell Kerbecs, and Gravity Perseus from AkirasDaddy!
Hell Kerbecs, great buy IMO. So is Gravity for Gravity Perseus (85R2F) and AD145WD for stamina. I also have a flame byxis on the way so idk but 230WD are top tier stamina, well 230 will MOST LIKELY be.
230 is probably going to be a top-tier Defense track too.

I'm not testing Hell though, it looks too nice. AD is pure awesomeness.
Ray Gil
BB-32 Will be awesome.

Anyone want the red Beylauncher =P

OFF-TOPIC Sorry...
Today I just got my:

(Red) Storm Aquario 105HF/S
(Purple) Dark Capricorn M145Q
(Black) Flame Libra T125ES
I got
Storm Aquario 100HF/S
Dark Bull H145SD
Rock Leone 145WB and
Ray Gil 100RSF all in 48hrs
The first three are Hasbro while Gil is SonoKong I plan to get Earth Virgo and Grand Ketos
I gotten Dark Gasher/Cancer and Storm Aquario yesterday.

I just purchased Random Booster Volume 5, I am not going to be butthurt if I do not get Grand Ketos. I actually look forward to one of the Unicornos included.
Burn Fireblaze
LL Drago
Storm Pegasis
At Walgreens in Florida Smile
My recent purchase. idk why it posted twice
Just came back from Toysrus. I got Dark Bull and Earth Virgo.

I wanted to get an Earth Aquila and a grip too. But they only had Virgos,Bulls and Aquarios,And that Assembly Chamber
Just purchased Uriel 2 and Flash leopard. Can't wait till i'm home to get themSmile
Where did you find uriel2 and how much was it?
From valetinSmile It never hurts to ask if a seller has something even if it's not on their list. Got them both for $50 including shippingSupaburn
Oh my.I bet Valentin could have sold it for WAY MORE.That is a great price.although,must admit i got mine for even better price.Kindness of a seller.
I got the Flash leopard for free btw. I think $45 is a pretty nice price for Uriel 2 although I once bought one for much more than that(Sold it a while ago btw)
I ordered the
Extreme stadium with Tornado Herculeo-$55 yes!
Flame Bxyis
RBV6 x1
Hell Kerbecs-$44 ouch! should have got it from AD

and these from Dimsum2u
Vulcan Horuses
Bakushin Susanoo
Wolf/Pegasis/Aquario set
Some purchases arrived today! Galaxy Pegasus, Quetz (silver), Dragoon MS (red), Hell Kerbecs, and Jiraya MS. Thanks to AkirasDaddy and wwqqyang.
Decided to throw up a picture since I put the beys together.
I'm sorry, but you've done so many things to help everyone. I'll offer you anything beyblade, battle strikers, etc. Just please come back to WBO!
Crying Angry
(Jan. 10, 2011  2:09 AM)DrigerGtfan1 Wrote: I'm sorry, but you've done so many things to help everyone. I'll offer you anything beyblade, battle strikers, etc. Just please come back to WBO!
Crying Angry

Who are u talking about and wrong thread. dont spam.
i took a chance i ordered a burning firestrike stadium. i hope it is good