Recent Beyblade Purchases

Fang Leone 130W2D and Rock Giraffe R145WB.

Wraith is back.
I just picked up 3 Galaxy Pegasus, 2 Ray "Strikers", and a Thermal Lacerta.

For some reason, one of the Unicorno CW was warped a bit: it's not very usable because it doesn't let the Face screw in straight. I probably should have checked it better before picking it up, but meh.

First product mishap I've experienced with Hasbro Uncertain
I just brought Hell KerbecsBD145DS and my lil bro brought Basalt Horogium145WD
Received a nice package yesterday. A full set of RB7 and 5 R2Fs (transparent).
Ohhhh, if possible can you weight it please?
Just bought 2 RBV7's. Already said this but It turns out i did not order them so I ordered them now.
Also got a BB-10
Flame Byxis Finally came in, now I'm waiting for Basalt Horogium and my three more RBV7's.

I picked it up at my local store for about $38.00 CAD, which is pretty amazing, considering it was going for about $58.00 CAD a few months ago. I've been wanting to play around with the Libra Wheel a lot, hahah; I never even had the chance to indulge it since it was legalized again.

Btw, the background is my "Beyblade studio" for my videos. =P And no, the background was acquired over time, and not just today, xD
It's great to see that you're slowly coming back. I'll be watching your "Beyblade" studio grow larger and larger. Grin
I just purchased:
Hell Kerbecs, Launcher grip and Rubber grip.
Possibly buy some more later.
Just got Thunder Libra. I have high hopes for it!
I got 3 random booster 7's. 1 Beat Lynx, 1 Gravity Perseus BD145XF, and 1 Hell Horuseus 85RS.
I also got a ray striker, I want to try the Hasbro CS.
In a couple of Beys I will be Purchasing....well Getting this Stuff for my B-day from different Family Members.

MLD URS, Wide Square Stadium, 2nd Hell Kerbecs, 2nd Basalt Horogium, 2nd Flame Byxis, 2 RBV7 (Hoping for Gravity BD145), 2 R2F (To play with on MF Lightning L drago BD145 while keeping my LRF in Prime condition), Ray Unicorno Aurora Ver., L Drago Destroy Gold Armour Version (2 LRF's Tongue_out), Scythe Kronos Pre-Order, MF Red, MF2 Orange, Light wheel RB. Tongue_out

Pretty Pumped.
I just bought an L Drago Destroy, haven't bought anything in a long time.
Just got a BB-01 Pegasis for free! Grin.

In a few days, i'm going to buy alot of stuff. There is a promotion going on during this june, at my country. Go to any event, spend £20 and you can buy Infinity Libra for £2.5 or Quetzalcoatl for £4.5.

      Awesome isnt? Haha. I'm not sure what to buy with the £20. They only have S1&2. Only if someone could recommend.. I have all beys btw.
Just pick up and Extra Storm Peg and a LLD or something.
Lol.Well, i have 3 Beylaunchers, 10 Rfs and 3 LLD.. So i dont see a reason Uncertain. I think i need a MF-2, Ray Unicorno, Metal Assist and [Insert Starter Here]. 
Lol, 10 RFs and 3 LDDs ? That's kinda excessive because LDD doesn't seem to break after use as well ...
Going to buy Mercury Anubis Legend Ver. soon though. [:
(Jun. 05, 2011  10:39 AM)blah Wrote: Lol, 10 RFs and 3 LDDs ? That's kinda excessive because LDD doesn't seem to break after use as well ...
Going to buy Mercury Anubis Legend Ver. soon though. [:

Blah, i guess you read it wrongly. Haha. I typed LLD, not LDD. I do have 10 RFs, from friends, packs etc. LLD breaks easily Unhappy.
I meant LLD as well, haha. Typo. D:

And seriously ? I've had my LLD for so long now and it has yet to break.
Hpmh.. Check underside of Lightning, there should be cracks if you use too much. I used too much and it will break, like chips off lol. I get some back-ups, so during tours its fine lol. Its weird to find yours not broken.
(Jun. 05, 2011  10:43 AM)blah Wrote: I've had my LLD for so long now and it has yet to break.
LLD is one that I use signs of breaking either.
(Jun. 05, 2011  10:52 AM)Azlanslayer Wrote: Hpmh.. Check underside of Lightning, there should be cracks if you use too much. I used too much and it will break, like chips off lol. I get some back-ups, so during tours its fine lol. Its weird to find yours not broken.

I use my LLD exessively as well, and I see no cracks or breakage. But I use hasbro's LLD, if that makes any difference.
The most distortion it has is in the metal that shows when in "upper mode", it's become fairly blunt.