Reborn Team BigBangFury (New Jersey and New york) Elite team, Now Recruiting!

(Jul. 23, 2012  5:07 PM)flashbladerX Wrote: Yea. I saw sparkman and zero x are you goin to make a tournment ?
Hey flashbladerX just pm him this could count as a spam for the thread!
yea team so lets get back on track
Soory about that is that I'm getting used to this web
hopefully i see u guys at divinebladers tourney
Beychamp76:I am 100% sure I can make it!but I don't know about flashbladerX I haven't heard from him for a while!
Zero X:I already tested flashbladerX he passed...
k also team before the tourny we will have team practice in freeplay to prepare ourselves so try to come early
(Aug. 01, 2012  3:19 AM)ZERO X Wrote: k also team before the tourny we will have tem practice in freeplay to prepare ourselves so try to come early

I will be there like 10 minutes early as always
The Argonauts challenge BBF at the tourney.
K bigbang fury accept your challenge
Who is in your team near?is the inthegreek there I want to battle him!
Talk to him about that in PM or look at his team thread
Nice team ZERO X. Glad to see another team in the USA. My team will gladly battle you one day Smile
Thanks we will battle you guys one day.
Hopefully a member of big bang fury will win the upcoming tournament
sorry i have to say this but i have to quit this team because i want to start my own team with my neighborhood friends
hopefully we can be friendly teams
Sorry delete my post in your team-___- I didn't saw hat you wrote here until now!also yes our teams should battle sometime!
Op is updated and team we also have a new ranking system
Hey team sorry I havent been on here for a long time been busy but I hope we get stronger and get new team members
Hmph. If I join this, I may have a chance to regain my loss power..
Ok Team Big Bang Fury,, I would like to apply for the job xD
(Aug. 18, 2012  1:49 AM)ryugarulz Wrote: Hmph. If I join this, I may have a chance to regain my loss power..
Ok Team Big Bang Fury,, I would like to apply for the job xD
read the first post and follow the join in format!

1:Launch) Its ok, but I SERIOUSLY can't wait till I get my Rev Up. Wish it would work for left spins too : /
2:Tourneys) I have been to 1 WBO tourney, and 1 Hasbro tourney. I won in the hasbro tourney with Earth Pegasis 105WD.
3:Combo)My main combo for left spin would be L Drago Destroy 100WB, and Right would be Basalt Nemesis AD145D
4:How long in BB) About 1 1/2 years.
Ok ryugarulz your in and if you need conbos you canjust go to build me a combo also first post update
Will my Sig have Ryuuga instead of Gingka?
Whatever you want as long as you have bigbangfury anywhere on your signature