Random Thoughts 5 - READ RULES IN FIRST POST

(Nov. 08, 2013  4:00 AM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Beating squirrels to death? WARNING ANIMAL CRUELTY INFORMATION INCOMING
Wow...that's just terrible. Do they have any evidence? I'm assuming someone found the kittens... Uncertain
(Nov. 08, 2013  5:24 AM)OwnageDerp Wrote: Sadly, all of those exist at my school, it's just that there are many groups such as: the Emo group, the Gamers group, the Smokey Smoke group, the Magnet group, the Couples/Public Affection group... I hate my school.

What's a magnet group?
I think that's just the really smart people.
Moving at age 17 sucks. So does staying home every friday night because you have 2 actual friends at your new school -.-
Staying home Friday night? What else would you do? I have like ten friends and I stay home every Friday night.
Since I lived on the same street as the boarding school I went to, before I moved, I would go out to dinner with friends, watch movies, etc. almost every friday night. Just sucks when you have no one to talk to because the people you were friends with are out actually doing things.
...it's probably a girl thing lol.
I usually stay home during the weekends to play video games and stuff. Sounds weird, I know, but I hang out with my friends almost every week day, and I see them at school too, so I prefer using the weekend to watch a lot of anime, and play video games, and that kind of stuff. I don't really like going to the movies, or the mall or things like that so staying home during the weekend doesn't really bother me at all.
(Nov. 09, 2013  1:19 AM)The Supreme One Wrote: Since I lived on the same street as the boarding school I went to, before I moved, I would go out to dinner with friends, watch movies, etc. almost every friday night. Just sucks when you have no one to talk to because the people you were friends with are out actually doing things.
...it's probably a girl thing lol.
Oh, I never lived near any of my friends, so it's just me XP
Anchor Actually, I'm the same way, but the thing about my friends (or my best friend at least) is that we'll Skype while watching anime & playing Pokemon, so it's kind of like we're doing things by ourselves, together
Ok, I think this proves that my school is worse than all of yours.

So apparently this girl in my grade had a boyfriend in 1 grade below us, and all the girl in that grade liked him. So they declared war on 6th grade. They had fights outside, after school. Then the stupid boys of both grades (besides me) got involved for no reason and started making gangs like FGK (Fifth Grade Killers). They finally decided to have one big fight against 5th grade (the grade with the principal's son) after school today. However, the principal only stepped up because he sun got hurt by a 6th grader yesterday, which means she couldn't care less about us. She brought us all into the auditorium and scolded us for 2 hours. She threatened to make anyone who continued clean all the bathrooms, classrooms, and the courtyard of our school.

Crazy, I yell ya.
We had something like that, in first grade and for no reason though.

See, this is why relationships are stupid, especially at a young age.
A kid at my high school last year shot another student that went to a nearby school...
he was charged with murder in the second degree and two counts of attempted murder.

Playing hard mode on audiosurf with Nightcore music is incredibly difficult.
Do any of you remember the Pepsi Cheetos I discussed back in August? Well they have a good chance to make it to hit the US Snack Bars! In other words, Frito Lay said they might sell them, they're awaiting acceptance from the US Food Standards. For more information, read the Los Angeles Times article.
Sorry Desktop users, I put a link to the Mobile site, I'm using my iPod Touch.
Oh man... that actually sounds totally awesome haha
I would totally buy Pepsi cheetos.
Pepsi Cheetos? Hmm.
Who would like those? *COUGH* XD
People who are hip to obscure foods, or the weirdos who like lemon flavored chlorine.
Yeah, I would say I like obscure foods. I've eaten jellyfish, duck tongue, escargot, kangaroo, & crickets before (all from various restaurants) lol
Can't say I'd be a huge fan of Pepsi Cheetos from the sound of it, but I'm definitely going to try them.
Why the beautiful Austrailian animal?
You can get it at a certain restaurant in Florida haha
It tastes a little like spicy chicken.
(Nov. 10, 2013  9:49 PM)The Supreme One Wrote: You can get it at a certain restaurant in Florida haha
It tastes a little like spicy chicken.
I had a Kangaroo burger in Melbourne FL. lol it was actually really good!

I ate at a place that served lion meat once. I didn't eat any, I had the gator instead lol-
You might want to continue this odd discussion on the weirdest foods thread...
My mom and I just got into an arguement over whether it is Myles' or Myles's. I was with the latter, but she didn't think so. It's my freakin name I think I know what I am doing.
Well the proper form would be Myles'
Just sayin'
Actually, in my English classes, I was told by several teachers that both were OK. Usually, the rule is that you cannot put 's to a word that ends with an s already, but the only exception is with capitalised names. It might be a British/Canadian versus American grammar issue, but I was told it was accepted.
True, because neither version was corrected when I typed it (the red line).