Questions about the WBO

How does the battle profile work? Is it something I have to update or is it something you guys update?
it's updated everytime a tournament you went to is processed which sometimes can take awhile as were trying to get the faces and beypoints up and running then we can get the username function back Smile also if you want your rank to show like the person who posted above you Kai-V you have to perticapate in a tournament Smile
After you participate in WBO tournaments, the host will send the results to a committee member and then a committee member will process the tournament and depending on how well you did in the tourney, decides your bey rank and beypoints.
whats that groups you belong to in the user cp and what other groupd csn you join that will show up there?
There's organizers, advanced members, moderators, global moderators, committee members, and banned users.

And yeah, passport holders Tongue_out
& Passport Holders.
oh ok thanks I never new that I tiughht that was teams you beloonged to Tired
Yeah, teams aren't really officially recognized... No one has come up with a workable, popular team battle system, and team members frequently are separated by a long ways, so they really don't have much purpose. If anyone enjoys them, good. I'm not a fan of teams, but I can understand having a group of beyblade friends to organize tournaments with Smile
Do you have to go to a tourney to have an official battle?
(Sep. 13, 2013  10:31 PM)Bularieleone Wrote: Do you have to go to a tourney to have an official battle?

Yeah. I believe a long time ago, the BeyPoints counted if you battled with other WBO players, but it was axed due to cheating. If I'm wrong, anyone feel free to correct that.
How to become a moderator?? Just curious.
There's not really steps to follow. The committee will go to whoever they feel could be a valuable moderator. That's why Cannon and Ingulit are moderators now because they are great members.

Also I have a question, if someone was an organizer and an advanced member, would they have an italic-bold username or just one if the two?
(Sep. 16, 2013  12:17 PM)Tri Wrote: Also I have a question, if someone was an organizer and an advanced member, would they have an italic-bold username or just one if the two?

It would only be in italics. But I do believe you can set your group to either?; bold or italics, but not fully sure since my one and only primary user group is GM.
What can mods do that other users can't?
(Sep. 16, 2013  1:55 PM)Bularieleone Wrote: What can mods do that other users can't?

Delete threads, erase posts, give out earnings, attach moderator notices, view specific forums that normal users can't, edit other users' profile, ban, and all that fun stuff.
oh yeah I've got a question can mod's read other peoples pm's?
(Sep. 16, 2013  2:39 PM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah I've got a question can mod's read other peoples pm's?

They can if they need to.
(Sep. 16, 2013  2:39 PM)Lazer Wrote: oh yeah I've got a question can mod's read other peoples pm's?

You should have searched this. It has been asked before.
I also have a question... How do you submit tournament money in to the wbo
I think you can send it by paypal or post but i think paypal is better so it can't get lost. Sorry mods if it's the rong info.
Thanks galaxy blade. This is going to help me q lot in the next four months.
I bet this has been asked a thousand times but I can't figure out a good way to search for it: what does it mean on the Online Users list if someone has an asterisk by their name?
I believe it means that you are that user. Was it showing only by your username?
Asterisk is a caricature that can be used by any user in there name correct? I could be The Bishop* if that's what i had chosen.
Why do you now have to log in to view the beypoints system?