[Product]  BB-70 Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F

Can't WAIT to see how R2F can perform. Hope that it moves in a star pattern, and is super fast but controllable. But yeah, why put a defense type bottom on an attack type? Longer spin (maybe?)?

But it comes out around my birthday. Know something I'm asking for...
Grrr, I'm tempted to go cut a piece of an eraser into the shape of the tip, and attach it to my broken HF, JUST to see what will happen with that kinda shape.
It seems the clear face is probably gonna weight less to which will probably affect the stamia. i wonder if altakore will carry these within 2 weeks of its release.if so.i'm defintly buying from him
(Feb. 22, 2010  1:46 AM)Toonpenguin Wrote: It seems the clear face is probably gonna weight less to which will probably affect the stamia. i wonder if altakore will carry these within 2 weeks of its release.if so.i'm defintly buying from him
Clear parts do not generally weigh less, or enough to make a difference ... It is still the same volumes.
the galaxy wheel looks sweeT!!!

OH did you know that ginga in english means galaxy?
(Feb. 22, 2010  2:03 AM)Nebula Wrote: the galaxy wheel looks sweeT!!!

OH did you know that ginga in english means galaxy?

Yurp, Hagane Ginga - Steel Galaxy
(Feb. 22, 2010  1:58 AM)Kai-V Wrote: Clear parts do not generally weigh less, or enough to make a difference ... It is still the same volumes.

oh i thought since it was clear it was made with a different kind of plastic thus making it weight less. well i guess i was wrongk
(Feb. 22, 2010  1:46 AM)Toonpenguin Wrote: It seems the clear face is probably gonna weight less to which will probably affect the stamia. i wonder if altakore will carry these within 2 weeks of its release.if so.i'm defintly buying from him

Same here, but it isn't a he. It's a company. But they have great prices on blades, how I got Storm Pegasis and how I'll get Galaxy Pegasis!
R^2F could be like a Q bottom, if tilted.
Gosh, that blade is AWESOME!!!!! Gasp
I think the rubber would be too soft for it to perform in a similar way to Q, chances are if tilted the wheel would just scrape the stadium floor and fling itself out of the stadium.
If it were plastic, and on a very slight tilt, you may see a slight jumping pattern for a few moments.
Not to mention a higher chance of the rubber coming off!
I'm still unsure about this one, I hope that R2F isn't just a gimmick that doesn't perform as well as regular RF...

(Oh and BTW I can't see the images on Ameba anymore. From what I can make out from numbers, I think the site may be down until tomorrow at 8:00)
(Feb. 22, 2010  9:22 PM)Cyber Kerberous Wrote: I'm still unsure about this one, I hope that R2F isn't just a gimmick that doesn't perform as well as regular RF...

(Oh and BTW I can't see the images on Ameba anymore. From what I can make out from numbers, I think the site may be down until tomorrow at 8:00)

It look like a gimmick blade and the w105 look like a windmill
galaxy pegasis is probably going to move like dragoon ms but a little faster
like a tornado and the wheel its

ex for the wheel
pegasis wheel + storm wheel=Cyber
Pegasis wheel x Storm wheel=Galaxy
... How many windmills have you seen with only two wings :\?
Also it's unlikely that it'll move like Dragoon MS, or even RF at first due to its shape.
Possibly when each of the pointed protrusions have worn down, but even then it's fairly unlikely.
Your little "equation" there doesn't quite work either.
Although the conclusion for the Cyber wheel is logical, Galaxy is simply an evolutionary step up from Storm which builds upon the pre-existing features of Storm.
It will however perform completely differently, since the ramps of the wheel feel like they'll have decent upper attack.
I can pretty much guarantee that R2F won't have any really extremely different behavior other than being easier to control. That and it'll wear down faster and be easier to damage due to a reduced amount of material around the edges.

~oh well~
You're a total buzzkill.
(Feb. 24, 2010  9:34 AM)Guardian Odin Wrote: I can pretty much guarantee that R2F won't have any really extremely different behavior other than being easier to control. That and it'll wear down faster and be easier to damage due to a reduced amount of material around the edges.

~oh well~

The man has a point. It's better to face reality now than be disappointed later. Tired
should've just reprinted Dragoon MS UV's tip
they should make a RXF rubber extreme flat for pegasis and there are some 2 blade windmills
This is the new Beypoint Card, by the way :

There is also a scan that seems to show more about Ray Unicorno, however it is really too small and blurry.
EDIT : I saw a bigger and neater scan right afterwards : it does not reveal much about Ray Unicorno at all ...
No more, or less than I expected. I suppose its a lot cheaper for TT to make cards than the Beypointers.

a more clear shot of the beypoint card.. THANKS KAI-V!
(Feb. 27, 2010  4:26 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Hah, "INSERT GANGAN HOBBY MACHINE".

hmmm.. does this mean japans not going to be the only one with hoby machines?

(walks in toys r us one day and sees beyblade arcade machine = miricle)
BeyPointer card is a card with a microchip inside
maybe just like you go to bank to get some money and you need to put your card inside
and you put the beypointer card in to bey tai 2...
(sorry if i got wrong grammer)