[Product]  BB-70 Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F

It's just a card with a magnetic strip... There might be a future online point system for Japanese players.
wow they are realy pushing for beybade to become #1.... Chocked_2
(Feb. 27, 2010  4:35 PM)Nebula Wrote: hmmm.. does this mean japans not going to be the only one with hoby machines?

(walks in toys r us one day and sees beyblade arcade machine = miricle)
I do not know how you assumed this.
From the looks of the picture, it seems the beypoint cards will be super shiny/glittery, looks nice.
I'll have a couple of them, since I'm planning on getting at least 3 Galaxy Peg. in April.
the card is probably for prople to stop cheating i cant wait for galaxy peg to come out
(Feb. 28, 2010  8:59 AM)Ashari Wrote: the card is probably for prople to stop cheating i cant wait for galaxy peg to come out

Makes sense. But I think they made Beypoint cards because they were a lot cheaper to make than Beypointers.
This is amazing and the bottom is pretty funky but I'm really not sure what to think about it, I would have thought that it would get damaged after a while of using it so when I get it, I would probably only have it as a collectable, though it does depend on how good it turns out to be.

Thanks for the pics and all the info you could get hold of Kai-V

Also, as for the Beypoint card, we'll just have to wait and see what it is really for, I agree that it might be because it is cheaper and because it will cut down cheating.
sliding shoot ould screw up the bottom
i keep coming back to this thread to see if someone has actuly found some hard info on what r2f actuly does... we wont know till april.....maby earlier... if anybody really knows,,, please share... im kinda getin desperate...
Galaxy Pegasis should be sold in an event prior to its actual release on April 1st, somewhere in the end of March. That is as early as it can get ...

Thank you, Zander Soulwind.
If you receive news about when and where the event will be, I would love to hear about it. I will be in Japan at the end of March on a tour so I could perhaps get the new Pegasus then if the event occurs on any of the dates I am there.
(Feb. 28, 2010  11:08 PM)bbgoldflame Wrote: If you receive news about when and where the event will be, I would love to hear about it. I will be in Japan at the end of March on a tour so I could perhaps get the new Pegasus then if the event occurs on any of the dates I am there.
Hm, March 22nd at the Battle Bladers tournament in Spring, at the World Hobby Fair ?

I did not know there was a World Hobby Fair in spring though ...
That's great! I am in Japan until the 25th March. I'm hoping the Hobby Fair is in Tokyo, Asakusa or Hakone since that is where I will be during that week. Is there an age limit for the tournament and does it say anything about entry fees and what time it starts and finishes?
(Feb. 28, 2010  11:36 PM)bbgoldflame Wrote: That's great! I am in Japan until the 25th March. I'm hoping the Hobby Fair is in Tokyo, Asakusa or Hakone since that is where I will be during that week. Is there an age limit for the tournament and does it say anyhting about entry fees and what time it starts and finishes?
You most likely cannot enter the tournament, however there are no further details at the moment.
[Image: MFB_GalaxyPegasis3.jpg]

R²F stands for Right Rubber Flat.

LRF= Dragoon HWS XD I'm not serious

Thanks Kai-V for the news.
Galaxy Pegasis' beygoma is really awesome Smile
The colors are awful T_______T
The third Pegasis could have the LRF.
If there will be a left rubber flat I would assume that depending on how ryuga is handled and if ldrago is destroyed then this might be a part for a new ldrago. Just a guess though.
Im starting to really dislike the look of this beyblade. :\ The colour of the face and clear wheel dont go well with the rest of the bey and the shape of galaxy is terible. Still R2F sounds good.
(Mar. 12, 2010  12:27 PM)Kai-V Wrote: [Image: MFB_GalaxyPegasis3.jpg]

R²F stands for Right Rubber Flat.


... what?
I'm going to take a guess and say that it might be referring to the direction of the spikes on the bottom. By the drawing Kai-V previously posted the spikes go in the right direction.

it's still a dumb as hell name
I guess this means the new LDrago will have a Left Rubber Flat?

Thanks for the new info Kai-V! Grin