[Product]  BB-70 Galaxy Pegasis W105R²F

Galaxy looks like an amazing smasher. Thanks for the pics.
(Mar. 15, 2010  2:26 AM)Kai-V Wrote: [Image: GalaxyPegasis.jpg]
As I thought, there will probably be stickers on that card for tournaments or something.

Is it me or does the Hybrid Wheel look like it has plastic instead of metal rimming the outside? Then again, it could be just the colour making it seem like that. I suppose we would have to see it in person to find out. This Beyblade looks cool all round even so and I might be tempted to get it.
(Mar. 15, 2010  2:34 AM)Toonpenguin Wrote: The beypoint card design/art work is awesome. Based of the arrow you'll have to swipe it like a credit card which leads me to think you'll only be able to get points from the arcade machine or tournaments thus greatly lowering cheating IE buy 2 beypointers ... you get the rest

um...it clearly says insert
[Image: GalaxyPegasis_BeyPointCard.jpg]
galaxy pegasis has many notches it will get so many recoil
(Mar. 15, 2010  2:04 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Pegasis II :
[Image: clearwheel_pegasis2.jpg]

Galaxy :
[Image: metalwheel_galaxy.jpg]

W105 :
[Image: track_w105_img.jpg]

R²F (Officially pronounced "r 2 flat" ...) :
[Image: bottom_r2f_img.jpg]

Pegasis II?
So technically the Bey should be called:
Galaxy Pegasis II W105R²F
r 2 flat isnt really that flat at all.....
After seeing the video on Beyblade Coliseum I'm a little worried. I hope that guy just had a wimpy shot, because it didn't come off as very powerful.
probably afraid it would zoom out as usual
I think that little ridge around the edge of R2F is probably the cause if it was mint.
Until that has worn down, there can't be too much surface area touching the stadium floor.
Wow, this is IMO the best looking MFB so far.

Thanks for the new info and pics Kai-V! Grin
this beyblade might be great actually, based off episode 10 on bey Colosseum it acts like you use a sliding shoot, instead of just running around the stadium like a regular attack blade this has alot of promise now based off the video

also in the video they showed the beypointer card , and they added stickers to it i guess the stickers are proof that you won in a tournament
(Mar. 15, 2010  9:33 PM)Toonpenguin Wrote: this beyblade might be great actually, based off episode 10 on bey Colosseum it acts like you use a sliding shoot, instead of just running around the stadium like a regular attack blade this has alot of promise now based off the video


this is not true
(Mar. 15, 2010  9:33 PM)Toonpenguin Wrote: this beyblade might be great actually, based off episode 10 on bey Colosseum it acts like you use a sliding shoot, instead of just running around the stadium like a regular attack blade this has alot of promise now based off the video

No it doesn't... It was moving in a circular pattern.
Circular pattern = normal shoot
Flower pattern = sliding shoot

It does look more controlable though.
wow cant wait for allatkoria to get these in.
Me either, hopefully around April 6(but probably not)
in the video looks like this wheel might have abit of recoil power Tongue_out
My initial impression: this is not what we needed.
I don't know. R2F had more control then RF. Galaxy Pegasis W105 R2F did knock out Rock Leone without much aggresssiveness, sure it had alot of recoil but noteworthy controlled power aswell. Galaxy might just be a great smash wheel, imagine what Galaxy Pegasis 100 RF could do. I'll definitlly get Ray Unicorno first but will pick up a copy for sure because of Galaxy.
ray unicorno bottom are my favorite its like flat sharp but for me its 100000000000 times more power full i think galaxy is like pegasis
(Mar. 16, 2010  5:39 AM)SilverWind Wrote: I don't know. R2F had more control then RF. Galaxy Pegasis W105 R2F did knock out Rock Leone without much aggresssiveness, sure it had alot of recoil but noteworthy controlled power aswell. Galaxy might just be a great smash wheel, imagine what Galaxy Pegasis 100 RF could do. I'll definitlly get Ray Unicorno first but will pick up a copy for sure because of Galaxy.

Rock Leone vs Galaxy Pegasis? Where did you watch that? If it's from the Bey Colosseum video, the green Bey is Ray Unicorno.
(Mar. 16, 2010  7:49 AM)libraM145R2F Wrote: ray unicorno bottom are my favorite its like flat sharp but for me its 100000000000 times more power full i think galaxy is like pegasis

Tired 100000000000 times more powerful? You got to be kidding
Galaxy is like Pegasis?:\ What makes you think that?
(Mar. 16, 2010  9:42 AM)diamondclimax Wrote: Rock Leone vs Galaxy Pegasis? Where did you watch that? If it's from the Bey Colosseum video, the green Bey is Ray Unicorno.

Tired 100000000000 times more powerful? You got to be kidding
Galaxy is like Pegasis?:\ What makes you think that?

nah its rockleone man,they show ray unicorno but dont use it
(Mar. 16, 2010  9:48 AM)Dirge Wrote: nah its rockleone man,they show ray unicorno but dont use it

I went to check. Sorry guys. My bad. Will be a lot more careful next time before posting.Pinching_eyes_2