(Apr. 24, 2011 12:33 AM)stevebak Wrote: But I mean at least F: D switches and can wildly ko the opponent, but F: S just stands in the middle waiting to be ko'd. But maybe there is a combo that can let it perform better, but i leave it up to the pros and testers. And I personally think F: D is better than F: S in a straight battle S got barely any friction to the stadium but the RHF got the opposite and if there is a contact it knocks of balance or ko's it. From my observation, but correct me i i am wrong.
Well, the idea with F:S is that you first try to KO the opponent, and if you can't then you try to outspin/spin equalize/steal them.
F:D loses most of its power at the end, so RHF can't really do as much attacking as a regular RF.
In F:D VS F:S, F:S could knock F:D out of the stadium. SF doesn't have too much grip.
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