[Product]  BB-108 L Drago Destroy F:S

Basalt 230 isn't really the problem. There are a lot of combos that beat them (MF LLD BD145LRF, MF-H Gravity Perseus (ATK) CH120MF,(MF?) Hell Kerbecs BD145RF/R2F).
The big trouble is MF-H Basalt Aquario/Bull/Kerbecs BD145CS (or MB, according to many).
If you were able to test against that when you do your testing, it would make me most happy.
But its still nice to have found something that wins perfectly (from what I can depict) against 230 Basalt, and if it PWNs BD145 then its a bonus.

Is Basalt BD145CS really a problem? I can beat it easily, but I guess that's just me. BD145 gets really low and can kill itself using a destabilizer.

IIRC, those combos that you listed don't really beat Basalt 230CS consistently, unless I missed some testing.
Yeah, they don't. Now I'm certain you achieved perfect win rates against Basalt 230. Also, we want to beat BD145CS with attack types, its not a viable option to use stamina types, even in a meta game where defense currently dominates. I've sent payment to AD, will get it probably on Wednesday? Yeah, usually takes four days for me so hopefully I can do some testing. That Perseus is cute, lol. Awesome colours <3

What is epic is that its basically two clear wheels held together by a face. BWAHAHAH
Really? I know at least the Gravity one gets, what 80+%, if it's used right. I haven't got the actual tests, I'm not sure they've been done, but I've used it a lot, though, I suspect that mightn't be worth more than a pinch of salt to you Tongue_out Apparently, many people have no trouble beating it with Hell BD145RF, from what I've read. For The LLD BD145 one, check Here.

Also, nice on getting my fave bey from that RB Tongue_out

Basalt BD145CS doesn't get destabilised easily, from my testing/use/months spent trying to beat it. A couple of combos have a chance, but yeah, what are you using that's beating it easily, and what condition/movement is the CS in? And is your BD145 oriented correctly? (Two prongs on the half with the DIP in it, there should be one prong on the opposite side to BD145.) That makes a huge difference
Don't wanna go off topic with this, so, uh, reply in PM or whatever. You'd know what's best Tongue_out

ANYWAY, I'm not really surprised this beats Basalt230CS. I'm interested in the possibility of LDD in a combo that beats both Basalt230 and BasaltBD145CS, s'yeah.
Hopefully mine should get here soonish and I can test myself, but yeah.
This is how I'm trying to look at it:

Sure, maybe LDD has significant upper? Maybe we hated on it too hard. Maybe the KOs came from upper, not smash. Doubt it. read below to see what i mean, but heed this for further reasoning. isnt it odd weven never had an MFB with real upper and zombie abilitie. and now 4ds are released and this one magical bey has upper. hmmm.

Assume this. 230 is 4 grams lighter than BD145. Lets say we put a magnet in 230. Its now as heavy as BD145. LDD still beat it? Why is that? Umm, well its not metal on plastic? Wrong. Its a heavier 230. In that 1 round of testing against 230CS, it beat it in 15 secs with flying colours on R145 Since Oki says it works relly well against 230, lets say it acheives those results everytime. Use the same combo against BD145. It misses BD since its so low on anything other then hell, and a collision occursbetween metal, not plastic on metal. Since it beat 230CS so well, its going to do almostas well, if not better than against 230. Alright then, still not convinced? Say TH170 is stable, has a good locking mechanism etc. We put it on 170/195 height. It hits Basalt Directly above the MW. It smashes down hard and floor scrapes. Bam. Set it to 220 or maybe even 195 again and bam. theres ur killer. TH170 is roughly same weight as R145 4. something grams...

heres my reasoning, i wouldnt understand why it wont. work. interested to see okis results, its called comparison.
There are differences, it's not necessarily BD145's weight that makes it unstoppable. Both are successful if they prevent Metal on Metal Contact, HOWEVER, there is a huge difference in their Centre of Gravity. 230 beys have a very high centre of gravity, making them easier to nudge out of the stadium. BD145, however, has all it's weight just above the floor, and the MW is also lower. That low centre of gravity combines with teh spoiling effect of plastic in many cases to prevent KO's.

Another point is what part of the opposing bey is hitting the wheel. Some Wheels have excellent smash on their top sides (Upper smash, I guess, I dunno, I need to research that a little), and less at the sides. A good example of this, at least with MY wheels, is lightning L drago. The sides are pretty round, and not much pokes out. However, the top has slopes and gaps, which give the bey some form of upper smash. At least, that's what I can discern. A fairer example may be Hell. The sides of it do have some smash, however, if you own one, if it's used, go look where it's got the most dings in it. More stuff hits the top, which has those slopes and bumps, and that's where it's hitting hardest. It's not Upper attack, but it's smash coming from the top, and hitting under an opponent. 145 heights work against 230 because they get underneath (Basalt on 230, however, is too heavy to really be affected, or, it's wobbling due to it's imbalanced nature smashes back and hits them down, I'd need a really fast camera to see this), and hit upwards. Agaisnt BD145, however, a wheel like lightning, with most of it's attack being on it's top surface, can't get under BasaltBD145, so it's stuck using it's weaker side attack.

What I want to see is if this wheel HAS good smash on it's sides. Basalt BD145 is pretty much the PERFECT bey to test that against. Plus, I'm having trouble finding something that can beat it reliably. I figure if LDD can beat Basalt BD145 reliably, it's top-side smash should let it take care of Basalt on 230.

I hope I've explained that well enough, as I'm eating dinner ATM.
Want an example of a bey that has no attack at the sides? Lightning L Drago. Mine, at least, has very little smash, especially compared to Fang or Vulcan.
Hm, I actually didn't notice that the Metal Frame was actually painted a dark metallic gray...
(Apr. 23, 2011  6:19 AM)th!nk Wrote: Well, personally, I'm really excited for every part of this beyblade.
I don't mind the quick change, it might cost balance/spin, but given it's a left spin bey with rubber, that'll be quickly stolen back (assuming you keep using it with left spin bey.
I can't wait for a video of the mechanism, though. Curious to see how they've done it.

Also, I'm taking it that L-DragoIII Is Dark/Slate Grey?
Methinks I need to buy spraypaint.

There is no such thing as "L-Drago III", it is just a Plastic and Rubber core of the 4D Metal Wheel.
(Apr. 23, 2011  1:27 PM)ldragolightning Wrote:
(Apr. 23, 2011  6:19 AM)th!nk Wrote: Well, personally, I'm really excited for every part of this beyblade.
I don't mind the quick change, it might cost balance/spin, but given it's a left spin bey with rubber, that'll be quickly stolen back (assuming you keep using it with left spin bey.
I can't wait for a video of the mechanism, though. Curious to see how they've done it.

Also, I'm taking it that L-DragoIII Is Dark/Slate Grey?
Methinks I need to buy spraypaint.

There is no such thing as "L-Drago III", it is just a Plastic and Rubber core of the 4D Metal Wheel.

haha i laugh at u, the L DRAGO part of it is L DARGO III lolz
that core had nothing to do with it
I'm pretty impressed. Seeing all these videos, Destroy looks really good. I feel that FConfused is much too easy to make, and it really doesn't help balancing the Bey. I will try to purchase it.

But I like the idea of MLD 100WD!

LDD will easily act as in that way.
So, it IS Dark Grey? Dangit. Off to buy Spraypaint. Actually thinking of painting it white so it looks like other L Dragos. Or something. Might get both, as I probably need both for other projects anyway.
(Apr. 23, 2011  1:36 PM)darkblader12 Wrote:
(Apr. 23, 2011  1:27 PM)ldragolightning Wrote:
(Apr. 23, 2011  6:19 AM)th!nk Wrote: Well, personally, I'm really excited for every part of this beyblade.
I don't mind the quick change, it might cost balance/spin, but given it's a left spin bey with rubber, that'll be quickly stolen back (assuming you keep using it with left spin bey.
I can't wait for a video of the mechanism, though. Curious to see how they've done it.

Also, I'm taking it that L-DragoIII Is Dark/Slate Grey?
Methinks I need to buy spraypaint.

There is no such thing as "L-Drago III", it is just a Plastic and Rubber core of the 4D Metal Wheel.

haha i laugh at u, the L DRAGO part of it is L DARGO III lolz
that core had nothing to do with it

the l-drago part is the metal frame. There is no clear wheel. This means that there isn't a ''l-drago III''.
(Apr. 23, 2011  1:57 PM)eternaldark Wrote: the l-drago part is the metal frame. There is no clear wheel. This means that there isn't a ''l-drago III''.
BUT IT IS CALLED l drago III im pretty sure sum ppl posted it ????
i know its the metal frame
but isnt called l drago III still???
Just watch Akirasdaddy's L Drago destroy vids. On my opinion Big bang pegasis is stronger that L Drago destroy in real life (Even though im a L drago fan!)
Quote:BUT IT IS CALLED l drago III im pretty sure sum ppl posted it ????
i know its the metal frame
but isnt called l drago III still???

This l-drago destroy is the 4D metal wheel. If it was the clear wheel the it would be l-drago III
(Apr. 23, 2011  2:21 PM)eternaldark Wrote:
Quote:BUT IT IS CALLED l drago III im pretty sure sum ppl posted it ????
i know its the metal frame
but isnt called l drago III still???

This l-drago wheel is part of the 4D metal wheel. If it was the clear wheel the it would be l-drago III
(Apr. 23, 2011  2:08 PM)MeteoLDrago=) Wrote: Just watch Akirasdaddy's L Drago destroy vids. On my opinion Big bang pegasis is stronger that L Drago destroy in real life (Even though im a L drago fan!)

Uncustomized tests don't really mean anything though, even if they're just for matching with the anime.

EDIT: Unboxing, Review, and Demo
i love your vids OKI, it's so damn clear, what are your opinions on it so far, I love mine, the HF is so fast, yeah the gap doesn't make sense either
What? His videos are great, but that was in god damned 240p. Pretty disappointed, but I love the content of his videos anyway. I guess we got the message from AD but this shows using a Bey launcher has more effect on FS, more power, longer time it will stay in HF Mode. Even then, all we can do is wait for formal testing.

@Oki The gap is normal, and so is the cake. There is no lie.

EDIT: Woops, I forgot when a video is first uploaded, YouTube has it in only 240p. Watching it in glorious HD now Grin
(Apr. 23, 2011  3:27 PM)Ï€ Wrote: What? His videos are great, but that was in god damned 240p. Pretty disappointed, but I love the content of his videos anyway. I guess we got the message from AD but this shows using a Bey launcher has more effect on FS, more power, longer time it will stay in HF Mode. Even then, all we can do is wait for formal testing.

You didn't give it time to load...

The HF is about as wide as WF, so it's definitely faster.
(Apr. 23, 2011  3:30 PM)OkiBlaze Wrote:
(Apr. 23, 2011  3:27 PM)Ï€ Wrote: What? His videos are great, but that was in god damned 240p. Pretty disappointed, but I love the content of his videos anyway. I guess we got the message from AD but this shows using a Bey launcher has more effect on FS, more power, longer time it will stay in HF Mode. Even then, all we can do is wait for formal testing.

You didn't give it time to load...

The HF is about as wide as WF, so it's definitely faster.

Which is faster, FConfused is HF mode or FGrin in RHF mode??
(Apr. 23, 2011  2:21 PM)eternaldark Wrote:
Quote:BUT IT IS CALLED l drago III im pretty sure sum ppl posted it ????
i know its the metal frame
but isnt called l drago III still???

This l-drago destroy is the 4D metal wheel. If it was the clear wheel the it would be l-drago III

Woah, hey, you're actually right. My bad. Good spot!

When referring to the Metal Frame, it's easier to say L Drago 3, though, than "LDrago Destroys metal frame"

That said, we separated Meteo and Ldrago II, so that's where I took it from.
While it can be easier, it would be totally wrong to refer to it as "L Drago III" though.
Kai-V yeah, true. I honestly made an error Tongue_out I guess we won't really be talking about it in it's separate parts, and just saying LDD is way easier anyway.

Are you able to slide shoot with F: S? Does it hold a flower pattern?

Also, does it get taller when it changes mode? If so, do you think that could have any effect on a bey that is, say, on 230, if it were underneath as it popped up?
(Apr. 23, 2011  3:49 PM)th!nk Wrote: Are you able to slide shoot with F: S? Does it hold a flower pattern?

Also, does it get taller when it changes mode? If so, do you think that could have any effect on a bey that is, say, on 230, if it were underneath as it popped up?

Not really, no; sometimes I use a weak shot that's still strong enough to keep it in HF mode, and it uses a slight flower pattern, but that's it.

I think the effect would be negligible, and it wouldn't do much anyways.