(Sep. 14, 2019 7:23 AM)RacingCheetahz Wrote: Huh, A driver that was labeled as a defence type getting a ' form. At least Keep has some weakness to it. Glad to see KO Defence getting a buff!
Admittedly out of all the defensive options, Keep and βite are the two least likely to ever cause problems due to their low Stamina and LAD, so Keep' shouldn't be an issue. I'm just hoping they don't give the ' treatment to anything that does have significant Stamina or LAD, because that could be dangerous.
Unite' is long overdue. Feels great to see as a potential release here, and its color scheme reminds me of Yaeger Yggdrasil's Yielding driver but slightly greener.
And Jolt', although not usually as good as Xtreme' or Quick', is still a welcome sight especially since Jolt' is otherwise hard to obtain. Can't go wrong with a transparent driver with some black rubber either.
Also, presuming these do come with this set, that guarantees at worst a 50% chance of getting a ' driver, maybe more if the rumors of "Stardust" Storm Pegasus having Liner' are true and this is just a combo stolen from the Legend Star Bey set.
Cincinnati-based Organizer, and owner of every single currently released TT Burst bey part in at least one color. Hard to think of anything I don't have from MFB either...