So, a couple years ago at AN, the trend was to have members sign your stadium:
[Image: P1040043.jpg]
And this year it evolved into having members sign your case!:
[Image: DSC03659-1.jpg]
From left to right/top to bottom, here's who signed mine:
lord Wolfblade, Spinster, Crimson, Bey Brad, Kai-V, JesseObre (signed as "J.O"), Stormscorpio1, Blader Monk (signed as "Nguyen the boss"), Blue (signed as BlueSuzaku, his original username from way before the WBO existed), Dark_Mousy, Benjamin Israel (VA for Toby/Faust, Toby_Faust on the WBO), M. Christan Heywood (VA for Zeo Abyss, Zeo Mac on the WBO), Wrathn, Shadow, Arupaeo, Pockyx3 (signed as K-Pop St★r, a nickname Blader Monk gave him a couple years ago haha), Fang Wolf, Yuko Ray14, geetster99, Primus
Good times.