So, I know a lot of people have been anticipating my Cincinnati tournament. So many, in fact, that my original cap of 24 is insufficient to hold everybody that wants to come, and I'm still getting the stray DM asking if they can get in or when it's going to be brought back. If it wasn't my first tournament I would've loved to open the doors to everyone, but as a first time tournament host I can't go over the cap of 24 under any circumstances.
Due to Corona though, my current location at Dayspring Church will not work very well as a host location due to the heavily indoor location and the small space I have to work with (as they sadly didn't let me use the gym first time around). As a result I plan on using one of several local parks instead, which provides me with two benefits:
1: Hosting at a park allows people to socially distance more easily around whatever shelter it'll take place in, keeping people safer overall and making it more likely to get the go-ahead green light than an indoor venue.
2: By hosting my first tournament outside of Dayspring Church I can then appeal to the church to get a larger number of people in (once it's safe to do so), which in turn allows me to increase the participant cap, advertise on the church billboards, weekly notices, emails, e.t.c., and just generally open up the doors of the tournament to the people at the church.
------(on that note, as far as I know not a single Dayspring Church family originally signed up for my tournament there, as I never got the chance to advertise to the church itself by the time the participant cap was reached. Hosting elsewhere and advertising it there could draw more people into the WBO from the church, as I know several families there do blade, which means more competitors and fun for all!)
To make this work smoothly I'd love it if I could get suggestions on good parks to host this at in the area, and if anyone knows how to reserve a park space any help on that front would be immensely helpful in getting this going sooner rather than later. I've also considered, rather reluctantly due to the DMs of people that really want to battle in the area but were late to the signup list, of reducing the participant cap to reduce the overall number of people there for safety reasons. If I do so, it'll likely be to a nice round number like 16, though I'm not set on this yet if I can find a large enough park shelter.
Cincinnati-based Organizer, and owner of every single currently released TT Burst bey part in at least one color. Hard to think of anything I don't have from MFB either...