Put me and TMNT Isaac on the maybe list. We're definitely probable, but its pretty slim being this close to Christmas.
8D yay Tri! It's official too! Also, I have at least 2 or 3 more friends coming.
Excited to announce I will be hosting an official Standard event immediately following the Limited Format. Thanks to Ultramarine and Kai-V for all of us working together.
Yup, two consecutive tournaments! Big thanks to Coach for willing to come all the way to Niles and not only participate, but also host another tournament!
We need everyone to confirm that they can stay for this tournament, so either post here or pm Coach and me.
Also Coach, feel free to change the name of your tournament. I can't add it to the title or posting would be very tedious.
We need everyone to confirm that they can stay for this tournament, so either post here or pm Coach and me.
Also Coach, feel free to change the name of your tournament. I can't add it to the title or posting would be very tedious.
Yay! Two tournaments! I can't believe this is next week.
Is Coach and Wyatt V2 confirmed for our tournament? And I got 3 more people to come.
Is Coach and Wyatt V2 confirmed for our tournament? And I got 3 more people to come.
Ultra name sounds good, and I understand about not changing the title. This works.
And yes we are confirmed for the Limited, I promised Ultra use of my BB10s that way we get both tournaments moving quickly.
And yes we are confirmed for the Limited, I promised Ultra use of my BB10s that way we get both tournaments moving quickly.
Wow, I better go buy the prizes!
Warning, tournament dates are closer than they appear.
And Shining God MS, so you have a total of about 8 people coming?
Warning, tournament dates are closer than they appear.
And Shining God MS, so you have a total of about 8 people coming?
Possibly, yes.
Confirm me for Coach's tournament.
Really excited for this tournament meet all new bladers with a different metagame. If will be fun even with the 3 hour drive and battling in the snow!
Would any of you guys mind if I take pictures of you with a Happy Anniversary WBO sign? Also, I will bring 10$ to this event for the Face Booster White II.
If anybody has metal fury beys for sale or trade I might be interested. Particularly in Variares and Scythe. Yes I know they aren't the best ones but idc.
*Holds Shadedra with power and confidence*
OH...........I'm also bringing my lil bro
*Holds Shadedra with power and confidence*
OH...........I'm also bringing my lil bro

Does he have an account?
Ok guys, if you bring anyone who doesn't have an account, after the tournament make them an account as soon as possible or else the tournament will take longer to be processed. Also,we'll be on the large cement platform. I will bring a blanket, but it can only hold a few stadiums, so if anyone else has blankets to bring, please do.
Ooh, I'm gonna freeze my butt off. I'm gonna have to bring like 5 blankets
(Dec. 19, 2013 2:05 PM)Ultramarine Wrote: Ok guys, if you bring anyone who doesn't have an account, after the tournament make them an account as soon as possible or else the tournament will take longer to be processed. Also,we'll be on the large cement platform. I will bring a blanket, but it can only hold a few stadiums, so if anyone else has blankets to bring, please do.
I have rugs and two custom tables that hold 4 BB-10s. Just bring stuff to stay warm.
For sure. I've put off buying the prizes to either today or tomorrow, as I've been so busy it's not even funny. We're really short on money, so they might not be too great, sorry.
Okay, so Ill see you guys on Saturday! Can anyone let me borrow their Burn Metal Wheel?
No he has no account he's 8. My mom wouldn't let me make him one anyway
He has to have an account in order to participate in the tournament.
Hey Tri, are you confirmed for this tournament? I wanna battle you again

I mentioned it to my aunt but she hasn't really brought it up again so I doubt it. I'll ask again tomorrow but I highly doubt it.