Night Story 0: Heat's Metal Counter Part

meh i would escape, if i get caught that is Tongue_out <-- i think that is a little offtopic

I have a character suggestion :

Name :Jenny Bowler

Age : 17

Bio : Parents are botanists , must study new plant in new place , blah blah blah , has a bey , blah blah blah.

Blade :
Face : Demeter

Clear Wheel : Demeter , similiar to Virgo but green with a third gap.

Metal Wheel : Divine - Infinity counter part , lighter and more Stamina oriented

Track : T125 - self explanatory

Bottom : JB just like Xero's

Jog Ball

JB = Jenny Bowler
Can my character make an appearance?

Name: Terry Kimura
Bey: Thermal Terrakon 100 Eternal Polished Defense
Bey Appearance: A blue turtle, plated with steel and Iron alloy, and a cannon on it's back. The clear wheel is a greenish-blue smaller version of Leone, but is lined only with the vent-looking parts. It is heavier than TT's Aquario, but lighter than Hasbro's Bull.
Character Appearance: He wears a blue thin jacket, with a blue T-shirt , and gray jogging pants, with red stripes down the sides. He has messy hair, simply because he doesn't care much.
Character Personality: He has issues with thinking before acting. The one thing that keeps him in trouble during battles, is his tendency to fall asleep during tense moments. Likes sleeping. A lot.

Special Moves: Thunder Shot. Terrakon becomes covered in electricity, and strikes the opponent
Cannonball Dash: Terrakon uses EPD to dodge any attack, and counterstrike.

(Nov. 29, 2010  9:46 PM)Night Wrote: You guys, you can make your own metal wheels by all means.

Hmm... Ok...
How bout this:
Bey: MF-X Shamon (shay-mohn, think of "say mom") Lopris CH190XRHF. What the parts do, look like:Facebolt: MF-X: a new metal face, even heavier than mf-h. Metal wheel: Shaymon (shay-mohn, think of "say mom") okay think of storm. Now take storm's three protruding parts and put them on an earth wheel, and space 'em apart a little bit more. There you go.Energy Ring: Lopris: kinda like aquario, except it has rubber parts where the circles on the aquario energy ring are. Track: CH190: a new version of ch120, this one goes from 190 at it's low position to 230 in it's tall mode. Tip: XRHF: extreme rubber hole flat. It us as wide as extreme flat (xf) made of rubber with a hole in the middle, like hole flat.
Character name: Luke Wilker
Bio: nervous, sometimes timid, enjoys reading, studying beys, doesn't trust anyone but himself to repair his bey, tall, sort of thin appearance.
Special move: ... Uh, you can make one for me I don't care what it is.
You can change whatever you want, but try and keep my name close to what it is here please?
any special move.... MF-F SHAMON FLUFFY RABBIT OF TERROR!!!! RAWR!!!!
that should be your special move!
Yeah!!! Lol it would be like a giant bunny comes out of my bey and hugs the opponent, distracting them while I attack their bey head on and stadium out them. Lol Smile
Lol ok Smile
Btw, keep up the good work!
btw night congrats on 10 pages of awesome!
Umm as I stated pages ago, my character is Taiwo Seigi and his bey is Justice Ma'at Wing Fan 125 Rubber Hole Flat/Polished Flat. His special move is Justice Bloomer, Ma'at comes out of the bey in somewhat of a flower shape then turns into her normal self and uses her wings to attack the opposition's bey.
Her apperance:
Please and thanks.
The bey itself/desciption:
EDIT: I typed those links in, painful.
wow this story is unbelievable!!! great work, i would love to be in it. i was thinking about a kind of cameo for g-revolution.

Name: Tyson Sumeragi (as in a descendant of daichi sumeragi from g-rev's family, named after Tyson Granger)

Bio: He inherited Daichi's way with nature and will to fight along with the better half of the family's level-headedness and sense of justice. Loves nature, espesially jungles and forests (maybe to fit in with the forest bit in the story?) and his bey shows it. Has lived and grown with his bey his whole life. Very athletic, not the smartest guy around. Quick to battle, make friends, and ask questions later. ALWAYS hungry, haha.

Blade: Gaia Serpent GC130WS, an attack blade w/ some defensive or stamina capabilities
Gaia- two sides resemble two twisting snakes with small bumps all along them
GC- Giga claw- on Tyson's command, 3 long, curved spikes come out from the track to protect it and cause considerable damage.
WS- Wide Slide- think of WF with an inward curve that allows it to easily go up trees, ride vines, branches, etc.

Bit Beast: Serpent- a giant Serpent with old Gaia Dragoon's features.

Special attack: Gaia Ground Strike- bey gets an orange glow, then rams into opponent, shoving them a good few feet into the earth.

Hope this wasnt too much detail, and dont use him if you dont want. And if the Cameo thing is too far fetched, then forget about it, its fine. Haha thanks for writing this story!!
Episode 13

Neta was inside the base of the Hou Clan. There was a dark corridor. Nothing else. She took one step and -- Boom! A red beam shot at her, but she jumped out just in time, but hurt her back upon falling. A deep voice emerged from the darkness.
"Haha... Foolish child. Didn't your father tell you, what goes up... Must come down."
Neta looked towards where the beam landed and there was a bey spinning. It was a blue bey.
"Say hello to Bubble Blowfish ESK145PWB," called the voice,"It's a Defence type, just like yours. ESK stands for Eternal Spike. Eight Free-Spinning Spikes. And PWB stands for Polish Wide Ball. Wide Ball, but with a smoother plastic."
"Who are you!!" Neta cried in pain.
"I am Kazuya Kouhei. I can't believe I have a fan already!" he laughed.
"I'm not your fan! Now tell me where you're hiding my dad!!"
"No need to be shy. And If you want to find your father..."
Bubble Blowfish leaped into Kazuya's palm."You'll have to get him!"
"What's that s'pose to mean!?"
"Okay, so you want your dad, right?"
"Do you think we're just gonna give him to you?"
"That's what I thought. Anyway, he just needs to hand over Flame Byxis 230WD and Hell Kerbex BD145DS, and we'll set him free. Oh, and you know where our base is, so you're not going anywhere either."
"I'll Defeat you! Rock Orso C145WB!"
"Hmm? The data we recorded on you said you had a Clay Orso..."
"I've been storing this for the right moment."
"Well, it doesn't matter. This is the wrong moment..."Kazuya got out a Beylauncher and attached it to his Grip,"Because I'm gonna beat you anyway."
"Three, Two, One..."
"Kttchoo!" Bubble Blowfish made a loud noise when it was launched. Every time it hit into a wall, It made the same terrifying noise. It's PWB was sliding it across the ground, causing it to bump diagonally forward from wall to wall.
"Orso, New Special Move!" Neta cried with anger,"Thunder Richter-scale!"
Neta began to glow a bright pink, the same colour as her bey. It was as if she was transferring energy into it. Then, the Claw145 Track swung left and right rapidly, creating sonic booms in Blowfish's direction. Blowfish took slight damage and flipped backwards.
"Haha!" laughed Kazuya,"Nice move! Your track is useful, let's see how it fends against mine!"
"Hmph!" grunted Neta
"Your track has three free-spinning claws! Mine has eight sharp free-spinning spikes, built for shaving off your stamina!"
Blowfish slid towards Orso in a flash and leaned back, smashing it's track into Orso.
"One thing I forgot to tell you." Kazuya interrupted,"My bey can spin in both directions, and right now it is spinning left."
Neta gasped for help as she noticed that the eight spikes would eventually steal her stamina.
"Giga Richter-Scale!" she cried.
"What's this?" Kazuya replied.
"Thunder Richter-Scale allows the track to sway sideways, while Giga Richter scale allows it to sway in all directions!"
"If you've noticed, there is still spaces for the claws to move up and down, and now the vibration will shave off your stamina as well!"
A large sonic boom zoomed out of Orso, knocking Blowfish into Kazuya's hand.
"It seems I underestimated you, Neta." said Kazuya in discomfort,"But even if you move forth, more 'obstacles' await you. Bubble Blowfish, Shield me!"
Kazuya launched Bubble Blowfish, and all eight spikes swayed in different directions, creating a white wind shield. When it dissapeared, so did Kazuya.


Kua, Xero and Taru are walking in the forest, wary of the fact that Neta is gone. Tare starts a conversation.
"Hey, Xero."
"Yeah?" Xero replied.
"Remember when we were kids, playing with thos carp combos?"
"Yeah! I remember! You had Dark Aquario ED145FS and I had Poison Phoenix C145FS!"

"Aquario! Come on you can do it!"
"My track is more defensive than yours!"
"My Clear Wheel is more defensive than yours!"
"Come on! Come on!"
"Yeah, you can do it!"
"It's a draw."

"You used to use defence types! Now you have a Galaxy Aquario!" laughed Xero.
"So did you! But now you have an Infinity Phoenix!" replied Taru.
Kua felt kind of left out. In his country, china, he was the rich, spoilt kid that didn't have a childhood. The kid that was too cool to hang with the other kids. The kid that only needed money and beys, but no friends. But boy, was he wrong. He felt sad about his past, then he dropped on the floor, almost lifeless.

Episode 13. End.
Nice .... next ep. can you include my character I suggested.
what's the difference between this one, and dtory 2?
will the next part be up today? or soon? cause i can't wait for the next battle i'm in!
Awesome episode!!!!!! You should make a PDF file of this or somethin so people could read it offline Grin I seriously hope Kua isn't dead!!!!!! Haha
aww am i part of the plot or just a secondary character?
btw someone should find a good animator to animate this series... is anyone an animator??
well, actually night is! he could probably do anyones requests!
When is the next ep?
Can't wait!!
Everyone has to stop SPAMming "when will the next ep be up???". Either comment and give constructive criticism, or do not post at all. Alternatively, send Night a private message instead of SPAMming here.
so Kai-V, what do you think of the story?
I am too busy right now unfortunately.