Metal Fight Beyblade: Everything you need to know!

Because the Wheel is clearly garbage.
Kai-V Wrote:The Beypointer is used to record your victories and losses.
Is that the only thing the Beypointer is used for? Or was that just it's use for the arcade machine?
I'm going to go with my initial guess with that it will be another useless Analyzer thing.
Kei Wrote:
Kai-V Wrote:The Beypointer is used to record your victories and losses.
Is that the only thing the Beypointer is used for? Or was that just it's use for the arcade machine?
The official product sheets the stores got seemed to be talking mostly about that.

I am unsure though. On one picture, one screen showed "6" while the other displayed "1350".
Sega Wrote:All of the blades look pretty evened out, although I reckon Leo will be the least favourite, really reminds me of the Draciel blades.
i agrae, The attack ring will create to much friction for a defensive blade just like the dracie'ls did but i still think it'll be a decient blade until some more are released in october/november. But i still think it'll be popular though in kids sales coz it's based off a lion, which has greater appeal to kids compared to the other creatures.
Personally i really don't understand why the blade designers kept giving draciel high friction attack rings, but then again they didn't really create a whole lot of defensive attack rings did they, i mean there where a couple but they couldve bin better.
I hope they create some decient defensve and endurace type attack rings for the MFB series and not focus on attack type rings overly to much compared to the others. I think the ratios should be 25%endurance--- :30%defense--- 45%attack. the ratios for ye old attack rings kinda felt like 75%attack.
They're called ATTACK rings =P

Anyway, working on "Defence rings" could make defence rather broken. There's very little middle ground. Anything with less defence than, say, Galeon or Galman can't really be considered to be defencive, but anything MORE than that might be overpowered for zombie types.

Also, defence is a really hard category to excel in. They're very niche. You'll usually end up using a mixture of defence and survival.
I hope or more like wish that tomy takara would sell the beyblade parts seperatly and it would be more stratigical, and also make it likw yugioh is today where there is no age limit more of a hobby sport than a toy.

Also i am looking forward to the designs they will make for the tip of the blade because that will really effect the blade alot.
BeybladeChief Wrote:I hope or more like wish that tomy takara would sell the beyblade parts seperatly and it would be more stratigical, and also make it likw yugioh is today where there is no age limit more of a hobby sport than a toy.

Also i am looking forward to the designs they will make for the tip of the blade because that will really effect the blade alot.

i agree selling the parts seperatly would make it more strategic, coz then people would have more unique blades, although it seems that most people in this game don't really care about originality, in my experience they follow other peoples advice and designs ultimatley ending up with the same blade as them, resulting in only a few difffering good blades in play.

i think the new base designs will get pretty technical down the track, i mean the first 4 released are just test blades one of each attack, stamina, combination and defense, these first few look like plastic tipped bases but following previous beyblade design deveolpemnt i think theyll end up being highly techincal and made of metal down the track
WiLdDeFeNdEr Wrote:
BeybladeChief Wrote:I hope or more like wish that tomy takara would sell the beyblade parts seperatly and it would be more stratigical, and also make it likw yugioh is today where there is no age limit more of a hobby sport than a toy.

Also i am looking forward to the designs they will make for the tip of the blade because that will really effect the blade alot.

i agree selling the parts seperatly would make it more strategic, coz then people would have more unique blades, although it seems that most people in this game don't really care about originality, in my experience they follow other peoples advice and designs ultimatley ending up with the same blade as them, resulting in only a few difffering good blades in play.

Any game with any sort of competitive element usually ends up playing this way. A few good customs or decks if you're playing a TCG are used regularly and that's normally all you see.
WiLdDeFeNdEr Wrote:
BeybladeChief Wrote:I hope or more like wish that tomy takara would sell the beyblade parts seperatly and it would be more stratigical, and also make it likw yugioh is today where there is no age limit more of a hobby sport than a toy.

Also i am looking forward to the designs they will make for the tip of the blade because that will really effect the blade alot.

i agree selling the parts seperatly would make it more strategic, coz then people would have more unique blades, although it seems that most people in this game don't really care about originality, in my experience they follow other peoples advice and designs ultimatley ending up with the same blade as them, resulting in only a few difffering good blades in play.

You guys really need to understand that in Japan the tournaments are not the same as outside of Japan. There are free age divisions, there are adults and parents who play. Pretty much every Japanese Beyblade fansite is run by an adult. So you guys really need to stop making assumptions about other cultures.

WildDefender, just like any other strategy game there are certain strategies that work better than others. It has nothing to do with originality; when the combos we now consider "standard" were invented they were original combos, until the community caught on to how good they were and started to use them for themselves.

I don't see why you think it is even a reasonable suggestion for Tomy to sell Beyblade parts individually. Does Upper Deck sell YGO cards individually? No. Tomy makes money off of selling the entire Beyblade. Sometimes all of the parts are good, sometimes only one of the parts are good. However, it's this design that keeps products selling.
Roan Wrote:
WiLdDeFeNdEr Wrote:
BeybladeChief Wrote:I hope or more like wish that tomy takara would sell the beyblade parts seperatly and it would be more stratigical, and also make it likw yugioh is today where there is no age limit more of a hobby sport than a toy.

Also i am looking forward to the designs they will make for the tip of the blade because that will really effect the blade alot.

i agree selling the parts seperatly would make it more strategic, coz then people would have more unique blades, although it seems that most people in this game don't really care about originality, in my experience they follow other peoples advice and designs ultimatley ending up with the same blade as them, resulting in only a few difffering good blades in play.

Any game with any sort of competitive element usually ends up playing this way. A few good customs or decks if you're playing a TCG are used regularly and that's normally all you see.

Last time I checked with the Pokemon TCG, two decks and their many variants dominated the whole damn game.

In each tournament, there's only a few or less players that play with decks that don't use the cookie cutter decks that dominate during the playing seasons.
Yes i see what you are saying but by being able to change the tip of the blade it will effect how the blade mover i will expect in the future there will be rubber, metal, spring, gimmick, bearing and hell if they wanted to magnet tips for the beyblades, know doubt that this will change the way people customise there blades
The biggest deal to me is that the height is determined by the Track (SG), not the Bottom (BB/RC). This is a clear evolution of the HMS design. e.g., you can have tall Metal Change, or very Short Metal Change. You can have a clutch with Sharp or a clutch with Flat. I see a lot of interesting possibilities here.
true but i hope that you can pick the hight it is not like only three option tall, medium short, but i think it will test some players alot.
i think the blade in the top right corner of the BB-20 product in the MFB article, resembles a Lynx, i looked up all the constellations, following the theme of the other blades released and the only other feline apart from Leo is a lynx, and i'm pretty sure thats some type of cat on the bit.
Bey Brad Wrote:I don't see why you think it is even a reasonable suggestion for Tomy to sell Beyblade parts individually. Does Upper Deck sell YGO cards individually? No. Tomy makes money off of selling the entire Beyblade. Sometimes all of the parts are good, sometimes only one of the parts are good. However, it's this design that keeps products selling.

If Takara decides they can make even more money by only selling tournement sets and RANDOM BOOSTERS...
But will there really be a decision which height of the track to take? I can't think of any blade that got better from being higher. I think of SG Base Sharp and stuff, being thrown over easily all the time.
Sasch Wrote:But will there really be a decision which height of the track to take? I can't think of any blade that got better from being higher. I think of SG Base Sharp and stuff, being thrown over easily all the time.

For some reason, I think of Wobblers being tall in general in order to hammer down on the opponent. Could just be me, though.
Sasch Wrote:But will there really be a decision which height of the track to take? I can't think of any blade that got better from being higher. I think of SG Base Sharp and stuff, being thrown over easily all the time.

Yeah, I love it when my Beyblade scrapes against the stadium floor when it gets knocked off balance!
Im not sure if anyone else saw this but there is a video on youtube showin the new blades in action..did any1 see this except me?...seems to me like leo is overpowering chiron
Bluezee Wrote:Im not sure if anyone else saw this but there is a video on youtube showin the new blades in action..did any1 see this except me?...seems to me like leo is overpowering chiron



new stadium looks sweet as hell

And you're right, Leo seems to be doing better than I expected.
im surprised you didnt see it...but i couldnt find it that quick easier...i think the defense blades this time around may be ACTUAL defenders this time and not weak knockoffs of what defense should be
Did anyone else notice the stadium looks nothing like the ones we were shown before? There's no tornado ridge in that video as far as I can tell.
Is it just me, or does the new stadium seem a bit steeper?

Either way, it's pretty cool. I like how it's shiny and more circular shaped.