(Jun. 30, 2019 8:25 AM)Ash_Ketchum_007 Wrote: I would like people to get more bits. Maybe, people should get bits for contributing to threads like 'build me a combo' and doing enormous amounts of testings.
Here is currently little problem. WBO use MyAwards MyBB plugin for Bits, but this isn't updated very very long time and there can add bits only Committee in ACP. But we have currently only 2 active Committee members,
Kei and
~Mana~ who don't have time to award massive amount of bits. Yes, some newer plugins comed like OUGC Awards, but moving to this isn't easy. Check
this Gold Bit page and you see, how much bits is awarded and all of them need to be reawarded one by one and this is work, what I think Committee and Contributors/Moderators don't want to do and this is only one bit, so this is very, VERY hard work. But this have much of new features: Tasks (like can be used to auto award Gold, Silver and Bronze Bit when tournament is processed or for passport (read more below)), MCP Bits Awarding, Bit Requests and Bit Categories. Additionally, new plugin need to be intergrated with WBO Custom Theme. However, yes, Bits should be easier to get online (like writing specific amount of Wiki drafts etc.) but currently we have problem with this.
For a idea, I suggest to replace current Passport system to
BankPipe. This allow after Passport expiration move user back to Member usergroup and when WBO move to OUGC Awards, Bit is very easy to remove automatically. This plugin allow discount codes, what WBO should give to users who win giveaways. Second plugin what I suggest is
Flyover what allow to login with Social Media and other bigger sites accounts. However, both of these plugins is paid and WBO need wait until PayPal freeze is removed.