MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

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Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
Basalt Tank,
yeah I still abbreviate MM and LT.
I think it's Basalt Tank...
EDIT: Beaten.

Also yes I know this is spam, but wewt, 700th post ftw!
Ahh. Seriously, I've never seen anyone abbreviate it, and it was never a popular name.
Plus, we're not supposed to be abbreviating stuff any more (my poor fingers) Unhappy

And yep, as I said, Ultrablader, gotta fix the shonky order there Uncertain
Currently nothing in attack is in any order. Only tier 1 for Metal wheels used to be in order but it isn't any more. Also i'm apprehensive about putting MB in defence considering it only has use in one defence combo.
Ok since its been updated i think i have to mention this
Counter is better then rock for attack i have result in legend bey testing and counter does better then rock , and why isn't bakushin tier 1 fir stamina i heard it's better then burn ?

Also my bad about hell its a machine Tongue_out and its my fave MW Wink
I can't believe that BD145 is not in the attack list Unhappy
It has a lot of attack potential dude such a useless post. I already mentioned it!
So have I. 2 attack combos (at least) that have BD145 on it: Lightning Tank and MF Gravity Perseus BD145 MF. Good luck on BD15's way! Good luck on BD145's way!
I think Hell should be below Libra for defense , i find that hell doesn't do that as good as Libra i can supply some test's if needed , from videos i have seen WD does better then PD but PD does really well on 230 . And i think SW145 should be on their for attack Tongue_out and move R145 down from defense , those are just my thoughts Wink
I think Thermal should definately be in Tier 1 for stamina.
Read this:
- Thermal wins on average about 80% against other top-tier MWs.
And read the rest of the thread too-
look at other members testing such as Bluezee, Spin-Sonic etc.
Kei's testing show's it too:
Testing he just forgot to add it onto it Top Tier list.(kei's one)
I don't think it should be it get's KO'ed to easily , but against stamina its seems on par with earth well from my observations anyway Wink
is l drago destroy worty of top tier 1 or is it outclassed, not enough testing?
i would say there is not enough testing , IMO it need a bit more testing then it should be put into tier 1
(Jun. 04, 2011  10:40 AM)r4sketch Wrote: is l drago destroy worty of top tier 1 or is it outclassed, not enough testing?

Its probably because of the mix of not many people having it yet and not enough testing yet.
I recommend switching Hell and Fang. Hell has shown great results, especially like: MF Hell Kerbecs 100RF, MF Hell Wolf BD145RF, MF Hell Kerbecs BD145RF, MF Hell Bull CH120RF.

Most of those combos have been tested and found evidently good. Fang, I haven't seen anything.
lol Hell wolf?
Fang S130R2F. Look at the Fang thread.. It should be posted there.
(Jun. 04, 2011  5:05 PM)Dan Wrote: lol Hell wolf?
Fang S130R2F. Look at the Fang thread.. It should be posted there.
Hell Wolf has won some tournaments, actually. At least I saw it in videos..

But seriously Hell has been tested more! I say it should go above Fang.

My goal: To bring Big Bang and L Drago Destroy to the top, even above Lightning.

Well, here's my proof:

Well, it may not beat Lightning, but when I get it, I'll do tons of tests. Though I'm sure it could go right under gravity. REMEBER, this is ATK Mode.
(Jun. 04, 2011  5:07 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: My goal: To bring Big Bang and L Drago Destroy to the top, even above Lightning.

Well, here's my proof:


Well, it may not beat Lightning, but when I get it, I'll do tons of tests. Though I'm sure it could go right under gravity. REMEBER, this is ATK Mode.
The only thing right now that could surpass Lightning is Beat. (maybe Vari Ares when it is released)
My GOAL was to do that, but again, the Metagame is Left-Spin oriented.

I totally see potential, I think this can go below Gravity for sure. As soon as I receive it, I'll test it. Beat, has full potential, but there's more proof behind it. I need someone with time to do exclusive testings on LDD.
(Jun. 04, 2011  5:04 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: I recommend switching Hell and Fang. Hell has shown great results, especially like: MF Hell Kerbecs 100RF, MF Hell Wolf BD145RF, MF Hell Kerbecs BD145RF, MF Hell Bull CH120RF.

Most of those combos have been tested and found evidently good. Fang, I haven't seen anything.

Not in any order.
(Jun. 04, 2011  5:43 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Not in any order.
What? If you're saying in any specific order, then no. The combos shown have been here and shown great results, or in videos.
I'm saying that nothing is in any order of ability so switching means nothing.
(Jun. 04, 2011  5:46 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: I'm saying that nothing is in any order of ability so switching means nothing.
Thanks! I thought making a higher up would increase rank, seeing LLD is top.

Anyways, do you mind taking a look at LDD? I mean, it's got great results against Basalt, all 50% above. 100% on MF-H B Bull GB145CS!
You should put vulcan back to tier 1, its pwnage on low track defense customs...
Also, in stamina tiers, is it in order?
Every other wheel in the tier 1 is better than Vulcan so I don't think it belongs there.