MFB Tiers list Last Updated 27/12/11

Poll: Should this be stickied?

Needs more work before it's stickied
Total: 100% 418 vote(s)
(Jun. 06, 2011  5:03 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Looks good. I'll put it up later. Who else thinks LDD should be in tier 1?

Me, it's definitely on par with Lightning L-Drago and possibly Meteo, I just don't have it :L
Well, Bluezee was also happy with it as well. Also, was DragoonTalon.

The thing is, the CW of Lightning is really the Metal Frame on LDD. There is much more of an impact on the other beyblade due to it being much more exposed.
(Jun. 06, 2011  5:03 PM)Ultrablader Wrote: Looks good. I'll put it up later. Who else thinks LDD should be in tier 1?

If it has that good of results, why not? Only thing that i'm more or less happy about that it does 10 to 10 against Hell Aquario/Bull BD145CS...
I'll add it later.
Where Do we stand with Big Bang I think it should be Tier 2 Because i think Storm is the Best of tier 3 and its better than storm but not better than others
i think big bang deserves to be teir 1 actually cuase it works good in big bang aquario bd145 rf
You mean like this combo that I posted already?:

Hmm, is 145 still top tier for attack, because I don't remember any combos with it other than Pegasis, which is tier 2?
EDIT: Why is this computer double posting! Unhappy
(Jun. 06, 2011  10:13 PM)WhyD125 Wrote: Hmm, is 145 still top tier for attack, because I don't remember any combos with it other than Pegasis, which is tier 2?

well Ch120 can do it too but it can be used to make contsct and defeat 230 with l dragi not sure about Basalt 230 though
(Jun. 06, 2011  10:16 PM)BillyBlast Wrote:
(Jun. 06, 2011  10:13 PM)WhyD125 Wrote: Hmm, is 145 still top tier for attack, because I don't remember any combos with it other than Pegasis, which is tier 2?

well Ch120 can do it too but it can be used to make contsct and defeat 230 with l dragi not sure about Basalt 230 though

But, if you need 145 height why not use BD145, H145, SW145, R145, etc.
It's hard to split the tracks in attack into tiers cause most can be used effectively.
I'll put up Big Bang tests as soon I receive my new CS! Though, I should mention this will need EXTENSIVE testing because of the four modes.

I'm trying to find which has the best Smash Attack, and no, the smash attack mode actually has no S ATK.
Uhm the standard testing now is 20. 10 dont mean jack. Do a real testing, 20. So no, dont put it up til its I see proof.
I'm not sure DS is so good/worth testing.
Yeah, I think it is.. :V
(Jun. 07, 2011  12:56 AM)The Ryuga Wrote: I'm not sure DS is so good/worth testing.

Wrong It is i has untapped powerful potential
@TheRyuga it is a good stamina bottom from my oberrvations it seems to do ok but it gets knocked off balance pretty easily so i would suggest it for tier 2 Wink
Actually i tested Hell KerbecksBD45 DS VS Hell KebecksBD145WD and they were getting pretty even results ill post later
DS definitely needs testing. I'd dismissed it, but as D has found further use it may be worth some investigation. Maybe like a more stamina-leaning cs kinda deal (as it seems outclassed for pure stamina). Even if it turns out useless, the last thing we want is it to go untested as that's the only way we'll find out.

It might even help with the issues stamina beys face when they're up against basalt defence combo's (destabilisation and KO's). Given it's so common given it comes with what is arguably the best out of the box bey currently, I'm surprised it's had so little testing.
Well i find DS to do better against a bey that is the same/ taller than it because from low beys it gets knocked off balance very easily from what i have seen , and i think Big Bang should be tier 2 but that's just my opinion.
Might protect a bit from the downward hits from MFH Basalt Kerbecs/Aquario/Bull 230CS, mebbe?

And agreed on Big Bang as Tier 2, the fact that in a few combo's (230RF eg) it does passably against basalt (compared to most wheels getting 0%), means it's better than most, though obviously not tier one. It's better than a lot of tier 2, though.
i think attack needs some fixing:
(in no order)

what do you guys think?

edited it...