I'm not mad at all. It just seems that your goal is just to prove your superiority over other people with combos you assume Win all the time. It's kind of funny actually.
Like I wrote above, youre the one that always says that tournaments are different from testing. So saying "fall of the metagame" without it actually being used around the world in the many places where there are dominant combos, is pretty ironic.
And, i meant to write that in my first post. I just forgot and rotation reminded me.
It is really annoying to see people say, there is no spin stealing in MFB, only equalizing. You do realize that the ONLY WAY FOR ANYTHING TO BE EQUALIZED IS BY SOMETHING STEALING SPIN FROM THE OTHER RIGHT?
I dont care what they use in tournaments because if it worked, they wouldn't be having issues. I know what works and what doesn't. I dont follow anyone's lead.
The reason it is not used is because it has just been recently shared and people are still afraid to use anything other than Basalt and are not skilled enough to use attackers to take these "dominant" combos out. My goal is to stop all of these boring, insignificant, and useless mirror matches from happening. They prove absolutely NOTHING. I don't have to prove any superiority over anyone. My skill and track record can show that for me.
If people were not so lazy and dependant on Basalt and 230, there would not be tournament after tournament of stamina types and Basalt 230s winning. And I would not have to sit and watch the most BORING excuses for final matches in tournaments up close and have them being seen as "intense" or "epic". Especially the crappy videos. I cant sit there and watch 30 seconds of it anymore. I dont even watch final matches of tournaments I attend anymore even if it is my own because if my opponent is not using attack, it is insignificant to me.