Tournament Results
12:00 PM on 11/25/2017
That's right! We're joined by Bladers from abroad this time, so let's celebrate with the ultra-popular Beyxercise routine!
You are all expected to join in! Please wear blue or red! Bring sweatbands!
No exceptions! You will join us, and you will love every second of it!
The tournament itself will start at 12:00pm, so as a guide, aim to arrive for 11:30am. The Tube and public transport services are not very reliable, so plan your journey well in advance.
Regent's Park. We shall be at the Bandstand as always. Please check this thread on the day for updates or like us on Facebook for any quick location updates.
Here is a map of Regent's Park. Click on the tab labelled "Monuments, Fountains and Statues". Head to the area marked Bandstand. We suggest taking the London Underground or Bus to Baker Street.
We might have prizes. We might not. Who knows ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Hosts and Judges:
This tournament is being hosted by ~Mana~. If you have any queries about the event, feel free to PM us or post in the thread and we'll be happy to help!
Important Advice:
Despite being around friends and rivals, please remember we are in a public park. Bad behaviour and swearing will not be tolerated and will result in a ban from future events. Please keep your personal belongings with you or in a safe place while at the bandstand. If you see any personal items left around with no apparent owner, please hand it in to a judge, so we can return it to its rightful owner. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Remember to turn up on time. If you arrive later than 12:10pm, your place will be forfeit and you will not be able to participate. If you know you'll be late, please let us know via PM or a post in-thread!
Spread the Word!
Are you as excited about the festivities as we are?! If so, be sure to tell your friends about it! And if you haven't already, follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook!
[Image: twitteric.png] @worldbeyblade
[Image: facebookic.png] WorldBeybladeOrganization
[Image: facebookic.png] WBO UK Division
Spread the word!
[Image: facebookic.png] WorldBeybladeOrganization
[Image: facebookic.png] WBO UK Division
Spread the word!
Need-to-Know Information
1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.
1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.
Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.
Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .
2. Terms of Service
All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.
Me and The Supreme One are here
Theres no one at the bandstand :p
I went to the wrong place
I went to the wrong place
Running a little late.. akming for 12.45
Sure. Is it just your son entering, or you as well?
I had a lot of fun today guys! Props to @[~Mana~] for organising everything!
Great to see everyone again and to see the London community growing! The meta certainly has changed since I last played, Sieg Xcalibur on Trans/Orbit/Needle FTW!
Alas, it is time to say goodbye for a while. But do not fear, I shall return... And when I do, I shall bring about a wave of change (at least I hope so lol)
Great to see everyone again and to see the London community growing! The meta certainly has changed since I last played, Sieg Xcalibur on Trans/Orbit/Needle FTW!
Alas, it is time to say goodbye for a while. But do not fear, I shall return... And when I do, I shall bring about a wave of change (at least I hope so lol)
1st - ~Mana~
2nd - @[Mr LT]
3rd - @[Chimera]
A fantastic turnout for today; 21 total participants, which is the most I've seen at any London event since I've been attending, and the most London has seen at an event in years as well. Thank you to all who attended!
Was awesome to see so many new faces (hopefully we'll see many of you again in the future!), and also awesome to have the likes of @[TrainiacJ], @[CookieLonginus], @[The Supreme One] and @[Ice³] attend. Thank you all for making your way down; hopefully we made the trip worth it! Hopefully this won't be the only time we all see each other, haha.
2nd - @[Mr LT]
3rd - @[Chimera]
A fantastic turnout for today; 21 total participants, which is the most I've seen at any London event since I've been attending, and the most London has seen at an event in years as well. Thank you to all who attended!
Was awesome to see so many new faces (hopefully we'll see many of you again in the future!), and also awesome to have the likes of @[TrainiacJ], @[CookieLonginus], @[The Supreme One] and @[Ice³] attend. Thank you all for making your way down; hopefully we made the trip worth it! Hopefully this won't be the only time we all see each other, haha.
Wow, sounds awesome! Jealous I couldn't be there, even though our tournament in Toronto today was great too. One day ...

Thanks for the fun day everyone :) Glad I was finally able to make it to a Burst tournament, in one of the most active regions nonetheless. Hopefully I can attend more in the future ~
I had a lot of fun yesterday! It was a blast getting to see the London tournament scene and to talk with you guys in person. I hope we'll be able to come out there again some day!
I'll be submitting most of the footage I took of the tournament for the Beychannel, but I figured I'd share the two matches I was able to capture in full, now that I've finally had the chance to upload them. I know everyone really wanted to watch the TrainiacJ vs ~Mana~ match in particular. Love how half of the videos I recorded from the tournament feature sX vs sX haha
Spoiler (Click to View)
Is this a tournament? What goes on in "Beyxercises"? Cause Im NOT in shape for no hardcore exercises ??
We don't do the Beyxercise on non-Beyxercise events, don't worry.
Let's not.
Hey @[~Mana~] some issues that need to be resolved for this event:
Spreadsheet Username Errors
Update the following:
"TheSupremeOne" to "The Supreme One"
"StuartButler" to "Stuart butler"
"Kaidon" to "KAIDON"
Missing Users
Is "Mert" the user "mert"? They registered in 2012.
Spreadsheet Username Errors
Update the following:
"TheSupremeOne" to "The Supreme One"
"StuartButler" to "Stuart butler"
"Kaidon" to "KAIDON"
Missing Users
Is "Mert" the user "mert"? They registered in 2012.
Hey @[~Mana~], just wanted to follow up on this again:
(Jun. 04, 2018 5:38 AM)Kei Wrote: Hey @[~Mana~] some issues that need to be resolved for this event:
Spreadsheet Username Errors
Update the following:
"TheSupremeOne" to "The Supreme One"
"StuartButler" to "Stuart butler"
"Kaidon" to "KAIDON"
Missing Users
Is "Mert" the user "mert"? They registered in 2012.