[India]Bey Nightmares -Elite Beyblade Team.Now Accepting any Indian.

Poll: What should our moto be?

Nightmares Rule
Aim to destroy
gives you Nightmares
The Best in the world
None of these
Total: 100% 8 vote(s)
welcome to bey nightmares india PlayBlitz
SpikeBeyRaahul youre a good leader
Thank you,thats Really a Compliment.
sridbeyz17 congrats to you for comin 2nd in the Bey Empire2:Take it to the Max and in Back to the Bey-sics Plastics Tourney.
sridbdbeysz17 congratulations are team is turnin out to be the best team.
Cool congratz.Grin
BladingSpirit5-Nightmares arre Really Proud of your Achivment 2nd in India,3rd in Asia and 21st in the World.It is a Privilage to have you in our Team.Eee
Remove me from the Team I'am Representing Bey Chakras.I challenge SpikeBeyRaahul
It really gets to my nerves when People come leave.Does not matter I love Challenges.Me and Aqua Master will play you.Its not a Handicap Match is like this Eg:I face you the first match and I win 2nd Match you win Against Aqua Master and you win,then the Tie-Breaker will be you against Me.I'll take the Video the battle is in the BB-20
@SBR Janstarblast's spelling is incorrect, http://worldbeyblade.org/User-Janstarblast
just update the OP Smile
Thank you,I will Update it.
EDIT:We are now only Recructing more 2 Members thats it.
Dude,where are you from if you are in India I'll take you.I'll ask you 3 Beyblade Questions if you atleast answer 2 out of 3 then you are in or otherwise as a Trainee EDIT:`Guys Omega told us that we are now a Elite Beyblade Team as we have 5 Tourney Placers.
hey dude im intrested in joining ur team....
so far i have placed in 2 tourneys....:
1. Back to the Bey- sics: 3rd place (Plastic format)
2. Bey- ond expectations: 1st place (MFB format)
hopefully i can join Smile
and btw im from bombay...
Yeah for sure you look good in your Progress so far now we have 6 Tournament Placers and Really glad to have you in the Team.Welcome!! to our Nightmares Elite Beyblade Team.Eee
EDIT:Guys we win!!! yet another battle we won 5-0.
hey i would like to join bey nightmares as well...
i have palced in one tourney yet:
Back to the Bey- sics 3rd place (HMS format)
and i live in mumbai....
Yeah sure seems that we are getting a lot of bladers in Mumbai.Welcome!! to the Team.Eee
thankx bro!
will be really cool now that i have joined a real beyblade team...