[India]Bey Nightmares -Elite Beyblade Team.Now Accepting any Indian.

Poll: What should our moto be?

Nightmares Rule
Aim to destroy
gives you Nightmares
The Best in the world
None of these
Total: 100% 8 vote(s)
Ya,its a different Experience alltoghether.
NameConfusedea Spectrums
Date/Time:13th July 7 'O Clockin the Evening
Stakes/Prizes:If we win we are the Best.

I'm your Best Friend this is just a Teamly Friendly Battle and to Break this Streak.
I dont know why you want to Break our Team.But we Accept.
EDIT:I will beat you 5-0.
The match wasn't so Easy it use to be very close.Although I liked it,SpikeBeyRaahul-Dude Bs5 asked me 3 Beyblade Questions I answered 2 out of 3 so put me in the Professional List.
Ok,Welcome to the Team have a nice time here.Guys we have a Website Please join then only we will be a complete Team.The link is in the OP or our teams Homepage.
Yeah we won I shot the Videos I will Upload the Video soon 5-0.Ok I will send you the Questions Half Demon
Please dont Post one linner like you could have sent the messsage.
The Match that I saw was Epic it was Hell Kerbecs BD145 WD Vs Flame Byxis 230 WD.Between Sandsea Spectrums Vs Nightmares.SBR used Hell Kerbecs and sudhir libra used Flame Byxis.
Oh yeah,News-Half Demon in the Trainees list.A NEW MEMBER!!!!!
Guess who oh Yeah our Former member is Back!! he is Fabregasrox323.Welcome to the Team Bro nice to see you Back.
Okay after a lot of thinking i have made up mind .Let me join your team sbr ,but i don't want to be a trainee please see if that is possible.
Dude,you think I'll put you in the Trainees list you are Dam!! Talented and have to put you in a Good Platform.So you are in the Pros List.Welcome to the Team!!!.Please join our Website it is in the OP.
Team meeting is on the 5th of August.Xcore Chaos added to the Team,Welcome to the Team.Eee
Congrats to ashton and gameboysuperman.
(Jul. 22, 2012  2:58 PM)Plastic Freak Wrote: Congrats to ashton and gameboysuperman.
@SBR can you add our (including gameboysuperman's) achievements to the OP..
well it was not easy to come in the top three

Yeah,very well done Nightmares we are now the best Team in India as we have 9 tournament placers.Guys,I will probably be making a video for Nightmares like ashton Plastics Defence just for Show off,Nightmares please join the website a meeting is on the 5th of August time has to be decided and our new moto is on the Poll please vote.
tijil puri
want to bea part of a professional team
tijil puri
want to bea part of a professional team
(Jul. 24, 2012  2:04 AM)WARRIOR2105 Wrote: tijil puri
want to bea part of a professional team
tijil puri
want to bea part of a professional team
Sorry no,because this is a Professional Beyblade Team as you know so would you like to be in the trainees team.Smile
(Jul. 24, 2012  5:14 PM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote:
(Jul. 24, 2012  2:04 AM)WARRIOR2105 Wrote: tijil puri
want to bea part of a professional team
tijil puri
want to bea part of a professional team
Sorry no,because this is a Professional Beyblade Team as you know so would you like to be in the trainees team.Smile
I dont think so we should be having too many in the trainees list,so we should stop taking we have been taking too many in our Team......

(Jul. 29, 2012  3:10 AM)Plastic Freak Wrote: I dont think so we should be having too many in the trainees list,so we should stop taking we have been taking too many in our Team......
Yeah,I really agree with your Idea,we have been taking enough.Sorry,for whoever wanted to join this Team the team is now fullUnhappy
THE GOOD NEWS FOR NIGHTMARES ! we are now a complete Beyblade team and hope so we Rule.Wink

I came 2nd in MFB format of http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Mumbai-I...ure--53623 ,,, and gameboysuperman came 1st in zero G format and 3rd in MFB format..
forgot to battle zeneo???? team tourney... i will battle him next time
(Aug. 20, 2012  5:53 AM)ashton pinto Wrote: I came 2nd in MFB format of http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Mumbai-I...ure--53623 ,,, and gameboysuperman came 1st in zero G format and 3rd in MFB format..
forgot to battle zeneo???? team tourney... i will battle him next time
Firstly congrats,Dude the MFB and the Zero-G count in the team Match and Zeneo said that Zeneo def Ashton in Zero-G
GameBoySuperman def Zeneo-Zer-G
Ashton def Zeneo-MFB
GameBoySuperman def Zeneo so we win.
Zeneo PM'ed me about this.
(Aug. 20, 2012  8:33 AM)SpikeBeyRaahul Wrote:
(Aug. 20, 2012  5:53 AM)ashton pinto Wrote: I came 2nd in MFB format of http://worldbeyblade.org/Thread-Mumbai-I...ure--53623 ,,, and gameboysuperman came 1st in zero G format and 3rd in MFB format..
forgot to battle zeneo???? team tourney... i will battle him next time
Firstly congrats,Dude the MFB and the Zero-G count in the team Match and Zeneo said that Zeneo def Ashton in Zero-G
GameBoySuperman def Zeneo-Zer-G
Ashton def Zeneo-MFB
GameBoySuperman def Zeneo so we win.
Zeneo PM'ed me about this.
but he never told it was a team match,,
zeneo Wrote:i told Team Bey Nightmares member SBR the results of the Zero-G and MFB matches via PM.i know we forgot to host a team tourney in our excitement
anyways we won, so its good..

well rahul i guess it would be better if you added mine and ashtons entire records to the OP thanks. and i have a question, we do have a lot of trainees on our hand but is there anyone actually training them?