[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
Maybe the indoor location of the previous tournament would be good? Would you be able to host Fury?
My house, whch is where we held it last time, my apartment has that big room. Whos up for that?
The party room
This tournament wont be able to be friday, not enough time, i will look at sometime in january
Poo. I wanted it to be during the scavenger hunt period. (I'm in 16th you know) as I think about it, coach was going to host it but I'm kind getting mixed messages from him.
Coach isnt hosting it, and there just isnt enough time to pull one together, and friday is out of the scavenger hunt period anyway
No I asked. If we have it on Friday the points will count. They said that it "officially" ends on Friday at 11:59:59 EST. do you want to push for Friday? I'm in.
I'm in. Let's do this.
You don't get it scout... there's no way to organize this by Friday... We know it qualifies but that doesn't matter geez... oh Well I told Fury to get one later this month and I'd help out if he wants.
I'd be willing to help out. Get a look at how a tournament is run and all.
Puff. oh well i guess. Ill go if there was a tourney later this month.
Ok I think fury should host a tourny at the previous location he's s good host and has experience and other tournys in the area have had good turnouts it should be in january the scavenger hunt Is almost over and if furys hosting then we don't have to worry about the money and who needs face boosters
im cool with this just give me the date and time and i'll be there
meh why not if i can possibly get a ride ill go why not
I'll try to make it!
There is nothing posted for a tournament....

Seriously guys you're ruining your own thread and freaking scaring an hosts away....
Hey hey leys not be negative but I agree were not getting much done I can probably come to
Ok guys, Coach is right, there isn't a tournament so lets not act like there is one. But we could start planning. I think, if it was possible, we could have an unofficial tag team tournament. It's just an idea.
(Jan. 04, 2013  9:36 PM)Outnumbered Wrote: Ok guys, Coach is right, there isn't a tournament so lets not act like there is one. But we could start planning. I think, if it was possible, we could have an unofficial tag team tournament. It's just an idea.

No, the best idea is always to try to make a proper official tournament. Only if you can achieve that well should you even think about trying less traditional genres ...

Not to mention that we would of course not let you discuss such a tournament on this site.
Oh no I meant afterwards, for fun.
yes mabye we can do that afterwords for fun, but before discussing that we should work on making it an official tourny. first order of buisness is this going to be bb-10 or zero-g
I'd say BB 10. I have one I could bring.
If it's zero g stadium than do we have to bring zero g beys?
(Jan. 06, 2013  7:39 PM)kaihiwatari5673 Wrote: If it's zero g stadium than do we have to bring zero g beys?
No all MFB beys are allowed in the Zero-G format.
i think zero g it will give most of us a more new fun experience. I have both anyway. Is it in niles confirmed? thats kinda far from my house Schamberg has had good turnouts before. if fury is hosting than will it be at the same location as his last one?
I vote bb-10 (I have two zero g beys) if we are voting
Oh my god you don't need zero g beys! Why does everyone think that. Literally two posts ago! Mfb blades are good in zero g to. Sorry. Why would you guys want bb-10 I bet you have never had a zero g battle. Not to be rude of anything