[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
Okay, your loss(hopefully not offensive) I guess see ya in December or October! Smile
C'mon guys it will be boss! I could just lend you a couple. Seriously though, once you see how fun plastics are mfb will look boring.
Lol that is true, and don't get me started on HMS XD
Have we decided on what we want to do in November? Plastic or HMS guys?
I would enjoy Plastic A billion times more then HMS. There isnt much customization in HMS and a plastic tourney would be so much fun. It would bring me back to when beyblade first came out
So far at least two people picked plastics so... it will be a Plastics tournament officially! Time to get my gear ready.
Plastics for sure. They're awesome.
Haha, yes indeed. Well, guys... can anyone sell me a Wide Defense, Wide Survivor, and a Jiraiya Blade?
I have been talking to Some of my friends and some of them are thinking of coming with me to the tourney. They really liked the idea of the plastic tournament. when i get a for sure answer I will Let you know how many people are coming with me
(Sep. 07, 2013  11:20 PM)Shining God MS Wrote: Lol if you were hosting this you would know everything about this XD. Kai-V said depending on how my unofficial B-Day goes either you or me will host, but you can put the proposal if you want to, I know this is gonna be fun Eee, any word from facade?

nope havn't seen him.

But seriously i think this is a really bad idea (and ik i tend to say a lot of your ideas are bad hear me out) Who wants to enter a tourny FOR MONEY where they are going to use a random, most likely non competative bey in the tournament. Even if you have a lot of good ones some people area going to be unhappy getting beys not as good as someone elses beys. Dont get mt wrong i wanna play plastics and hms with you guys [guess who has a seadragon] because of the good prize support everyone lending will most likely not give the best beys. My suggestion hold on to your rare beys
Ok, first of all, they're not dishing out 25 bucks. It's five dollars. Plus, that's like saying there's no point in anyone coming to a tournament if they don't all own Dragooon or something. It's five bucks for a chance to win prizes and to have fun.
Anyway, obviously many people don't agree with you, because we have people coming already.
Not to sound rude, but it doesn't matter if you think it's a bad idea, because like I said, we have enough people who obviously don't agree with that opinion who would come to the tourney.
Well I guess I deserved that but do you think we could have it be a side event or somthing because there r a lot of people like those guys who said they couldnt come because it didn't look fun who want to play mfb it will be a long time before the next mfb tournament if u do plastics then hms. Suggestions do them both at once or do them as side events with mfb tournaments. Just trying to make sure everyone gets their chance I'd hate to have to wait four months to play in one tournament...
My thoughts exactly I know I'm gonna suck and I don't want to lose my beypoints when they haven't even been processed yet.
Do plastics tournaments even count for beypoints?
And facade, two tournaments at once? You were the one complaining about the fee, which would be doubled now. And we tried to do side events at our last tournament, but no one could stay.

Let me ask you this: Is it fair for us to wait for so long for a plastics tournament? We hosted an MFB tournament, now we should be able to host a plastics one.

Again, not trying to sound rude, but the hosts are the ones who do all the work. They should therefore be the ones who get to choose the tournament style. And again, we have enough people for plastics, so we're doing plastics.
Guys, what the carp? This will a Plastics tournament. Why is everything about "BeyPoints"? Is that why you play with Beyblades? I don't think so. I mean, look at SethJonezz... he's bringing Draciel G(which is bad no offense) and he's coming for fun, but you guys don't want to go because of BeyPoints? Seriously, my feelings are hurt a little bit.
Ok wow u think the hosts should get all the benifits that's low man just no. Like I said I want a plastics tournament to but I feel really bad for the people who can't play in them. I also suggested side events and ur right about the fee it should be unofficial no beypoint problems either. There won't be a problem with people staying if u plan for it. Not as many people will enter them. The bday thing was already unofficial if I'm right.
Frankly, I don't really like plastics, and yes, we would like to raise our points.
What's low? Why can't we play for fun? Is everything in beyblade about BeyPoints? Of course not! At least in my opinion. The money goes to the WBO, the prizes go to the placers who can be anyone. And about my B-Day it will be unofficial but Kai-V said I should film the event, and if it goes good, I can host this.
Hahaha, we're low? We get all the benefits? What benefits? Please, tell me all the benefits we get for hosting.
We have to organise a tournament, get it approved, gather up all the bladers once we get to the location, then scramble around juggling battling, judging, and keeping track of matches. And all for what? The participants.
People will be lending out beys, so anyone can participate, in our last tournament (check the thread) we did say if there was enough interest we would have a side tourney and we couldn't, so you have no valid argument.
And to be honest, I don't care if you think we're "low" just because we want to host a plastics tournament.
So Im done here, all I'm gonna say is think what you want, say what you want, I don't care. We're having a plastics tournament.
And you know what's funny? They play for BeyPoints it's a shame, really. They would've had so much fun... but I guess they like MFB more :\
I really could care less about my bey points, and Win or Loose its all about having fun, and Im bringing Draciel G cuz i know hes bad and it doesnt matter to me because Its still one of my favorite beys. So whatever its his loss. there shouldnt be any argument about this.
Im down to go with SethJonezz and have some fun.
This is really cool! Thank you SethJonezz for your statement, I guess other people just want to win :\ well anyway, we have 10 people all ready! Sounds nice guys!
ok nobody said they didnt wanna have fun he just likes to play competitivly and doesnt want his score hurt because hes using a random bey that makes perfect sense. I didnt say you get all the benefits i said you think you should get all the benefits. im not saying you dont do work you do and thats great im just saying that i want everyone to be able to have fun and it sucks to have to wait another three months to go to a tournament they were expecting yo go to next month. Im sorry for calling you "low" i was angry because it was the early morning and i had just come back to the wbo for the first time in a few weeks and the tournament had been completlely changed. The side event didnt work last time because not many people were planning on participating in it. If everyone wanted to play in a hms/plastic tournament then they would make time to play in it. You dont have to do this i just want there to be an mfb tournament somtime soon for the people who were waiting for one.
That is not true at all. If you were at A Cities Anniversary, people wanted to do the side event but the parents wanted to leave right after the tournament so... yeah. Plus, your saying Plastics isn't competitive and MFB and Zero-G is? They're both the same. Now please, just stop unless you want to come or not.