[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
(Sep. 11, 2013  9:27 PM)Shining God MS Wrote: I guess other people just want to win

Pinching_eyes WHY IS THAT A PROBLEM! What is wrong with entering a tournament to win. This website if for making tournaments COMPETATIVE EVENTS! beyponts exist so people can show how good they are. On the advanced threads you MIGHT not get taken seriously if it says you lost to a bunch of newbies. There are prizes that people want a fair chance of winning! Ya the games about fun but winning is also a big part of the game we can want to have fun and win at the same time. WHO WANTS TO ENTER A TOURNAMENT WHERE THEY HAVE NO SHOT A WINNING!

(Sep. 11, 2013  9:42 PM)Shining God MS Wrote: That is not true at all. If you were at A Cities Anniversary, people wanted to do the side event but the parents wanted to leave right after the tournament so... yeah. Plus, your saying Plastics isn't competitive and MFB and Zero-G is? They're both the same. Now please, just stop unless you want to come or not.

YES MFB AND ZERO G ARE MUCH MORE COMPETATIVE THAN PLASTICS OR HMS! THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT IM SAYING. There are loads more mfb tournaments than any other kind of tournament and its the most relevent format. And for the last time im saying if people want to enter a side event THEY PLAN IT BEFORE THEY GO TO THE EVENT!
You never stop do you? It's not a problem at all, it's just that people won't go to tournaments just cuz they think they'll suck. That's my problem.
well thats a pretty big problem that you should address host

people want to go to the tournament with a shot to win so it makes total sense that they are worried they will suck
Well it is Plastics and HMS remeberance month.
ik im trying to say that we should have a mfb tournament the month after not hms do them both at once
Why don't you two work this out in PM... please Smile
Of course they can do an MFB, after this plastic tournament.
Nobody said you had to use a random bey? its called GO and buy one and Practice practice practice! Its the same as you would for MFB or Zero G Do you think everybody who plays is going to be a total noob? some of us have Ten years of skill with the plastic beyblades and everybody is going to have a shot at winning.
Yeah even in MFB tournaments, they're people at disadvantages because they don't have top tier beys to use, but go anyways for the fun.
(Sep. 11, 2013  10:03 PM)SethJonezz Wrote: Nobody said you had to use a random bey? its called GO and buy one and Practice practice practice! Its the same as you would for MFB or Zero G Do you think everybody who plays is going to be a total noob? some of us have Ten years of skill with the plastic beyblades and everybody is going to have a shot at winning.

Tired ik that iv been playing for 11 years coincidentaly and i have plastics and im exited for the tourny i just think we should have the hms one at the same time as the plastics one one of them being unofficial/side event/etc. That way in november the tournament can be mfb and the people who were waiting for the mfb tournament dont have to wait so long kapeesh. Because currently (from my understanding) theres gunna be plastics then a month later hms then a month after that mfb and thats a long time because there was soposed to be one in place of this plastics one
... The HMS tourney is a side tournament...
You what mate?
We are having the HMS as a side tournament.
Facade is right. We unanimously voted not to go because:
1. We have school
2. We feel at a disadvantage and feel that we will just be wasting our hard earned points. There is nothing wrong with wanting to win.
3. We don't really like plastics or hms
4. We don't think Shining God MS can handle the abundance of people he plans to have there.
5. We just don't feel like it.

AND don't say we are just in it for the points. We want to have fun too. ONE tourney missed isn't this big of a deal, so get over it.
i didnt know there was hms on the side its not in the thread anywhere
They were deciding whether to do plastic or hms, and chose plastic.
1. It's on a Saturday
2. The WBO gave you those points just for joining so u didnt do anything to "earn" them.
3. They're nearly the exact same...
4. That's why we have me and ultramarine to help.
5. That's doesn't even make sense.

So, are you going Facade?
probably and dont call people stupid
You sir, have never heard of weekend work.
I went to A Cities Anniversary, and should have more now, but they haven't been processed.
And we have other things to do. We have lives outside of beyblade.
And besides, you have enough people without us.
should bring any stadiums i got bb-10 and zero g attack
Okay sorry, I was referring to his reason. I believe Ultramarine was saying how long the tournament is and it would be better to just not have the HNS tourney and instead do it as a side tournament if people have time.

If you have any plastic or HMS stadiums that would work.

Bularieleone, now your just saying stuff, that's obvious, but I'm sure people don't have things to do every single day.
wierd i could have sworn ultramarine was strictly against side tournys XD

i do have this...http://imgc.classistatic.com/cps/poc/130816/619r1/5748n3m_27.jpeg
Page 46 is the discussion on a side tournament. Fix the link.
(Sep. 11, 2013  10:32 PM)Kyler_the best Wrote: Bularieleone, now your just saying stuff, that's obvious, but I'm sure people don't have things to do every single day.
Allow me to prove you wrong.
Monday: Band and Homework until 6:00
Tuesday: Swim and Homework
Wednsday: Band, Martial Arts, and Homework
Thursday: Swim and Homework
But anyways, we are not coming.
(Sep. 11, 2013  10:39 PM)Kyler_the best Wrote: Page 46 is the discussion on a side tournament. Fix the link.

okay the only thing there is you saying there should be a side tournament and everyone ingoring you, but im glad you agree with the idea and secondly just copy paste it its not that hard