[Illinois/Chicago, USA] Calling Illinois/Chicago Bladers

Poll: Would you attend a qualifier for the WBO North American Championship on Sunday April 28th?

Yes, I'm free and will go!
No, that's a bad day for me.
Total: 100% 25 vote(s)
You do understand that
1. kyler_the_best is coming the week after Thanksgiving
2. We can only do it in Niles, sadly because more people can come there.
3. My mom can contact your mom about this tournament in November so you might be able to come, I have 6 HMS beys as of now, but I will get more Smile
4. Also for Plastics.
What HMS beys do you have?! And bularieleone I have 5 so I could let you borrow or anyoneelse who needs some can borrow up to 3. I might be able to do Christmas, but not sure if I can rearrange. My dad said I can't go to Chicago. I also have 30 or so plastics.
Grin So the confirmed list so far is me, Ultramarine(right?), and kyler_the_best
Hopefully a few more people will decide to go, maybe we can convince Tri or Yuko. Or anyone else around Illinois. SPREAD THE WORD!!!!
I've got many friends that can come, but I'll only bring 3-5 cuz of the lack of HMS, can you let them borrow your plastics? I can Tri(lol) to convince Yuko to come.
XD Yeah I can, if I can most of them.
I'll bring 8 friends XD, but I will put up the proposal in a month, good luck guys!
Also, at the tournament, I need
Jiraiya MS AR
that's it.
That I have. My only competetive part though, so I'm most likely not trading unless its for a bunch of stuff. Assuming I come.
Kyler already PMed me about it. Can you come to this tournament, its in Oak Park Niles
As of now, what's the date and time?
Its gonna be sometime around november the week after Thanksgiving, as for the time, Registration would most likely start around 2
That's kinda broad, but I'll try.
Ill put you as confirmed and 5 of my friends.
Hope people will be able to make it! I might be selling some stuff too.
All right! Time for the confirmed list!!! I think you guys will like it Grin

Confirmed List
Shining God MS
Kyler_the best
Shining God MS' 3 friends
Maybe List
So that's 8 already? Nice! Don't they have to be WBO members?
I'll register them at the tournament. I can bring many more people(almost 16 in total XD) if you let them use your plastics and HMS.
Hey im interested. I live in kenosha WI Just get me a Time Place And Date!
Oh wow! Hi there! So, this is going to be in Niles(30 minutes away from Chicago), it will be a week after Thanksgiving, and Registration would start at two! Hope to see ya there Grin
Its only an Hour away from me Gives me plenty of time to find other People to come to this event too. Count Me in tho!
Sounds great! Can't wait to see ya there! Also, we aren't going to be using the new ones like Samurai Pegasis. We will be using the Plastics and HMS beyblades, ok?
Thats fine with me! I still have my MHS Draciel but i cannot find any of my plastics for the life of me. Had every Draciel at one point. Guess ill have to do some shopping!
Haha, well, good luck! See ya there! Bring your friends if you can!
I could sell you some plastics if you want!
Ill try my best! Most of my old friends from grade school dont blade anymore but im sure if I put a Launcher in there hands they would pick it right back up. Most people i know didnt even know beyblades where back but ill Defiantly Try!