(Jul. 27, 2017 2:34 PM)Diabooty Wrote: Hey guys, I just bought a Dranzer GT on eBay and I'm sure it's a fake.
I just compared it to my takara one and it is missing all the copyright information within, could you guys have a look to confirm?
Sorry for dropping a Monster Reborn on this topic, but...
...yeah, that's DEFINITELY a fake. The black EG (which was the first pic) was a dead giveaway; Dranzer GT's Reverse EG is *green*. The missing copyright info (all of it should be on the underside of the Attack Ring) & craptastic stickers with incorrect font all show it, and the bigger dead giveaway is that EIGHT BALANCE WEIGHT DISK...it's supposed to have a ten balance. TT Hongli (the company who did the fakes back in the Plastic & HMS eras) never did any of the ten sided WDs as far as I'm aware, and I'm not even sure if they tried their hand at making fake Magne WDs for Dragoon V2 & Voltaic Ape. Another giveaway is that the plastic color seems a shade or two too bright; Dranzers aren't supposed to be THAT bright a shade of blue...except for the Autochange Balancer, which was kinda like a denim blue or something.