
Get Ragna-rec'd!

  Richmond, Virginia
Tournament Results
Deep Run Recreation Center
9900 Ridgefield Pkwy
  The Springfield Room
12:00 PM on 02/10/2018

Most official Beyblade Burst gear can be used.

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One Beyblade is prepared and used in each First Stage match.

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5 cash

The WBO is a volunteer, fan-run organization.
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[Image: Fkwo5xV.png]

It's time for a tournament in RVA!
Get ready to be Ragna-rec'd at Deep Run Recreation Center

What: Burst Format 
Where: Deep Run Recreation Center (9900 Ridgefield Pwky in The Springfield Room)
When: February 10th at 12:00 PM (registration will run from 11:40 AM to 12:00 PM so be sure to arrive on time!)
Host: The Supreme One
Judges: TSO and Kaboom!!!

3 unregistered users (friends of TSO)

Hyper xeno

Additional Information:
Spare parts will be available for players who lack Beyblades of their own, however as they will likely be outclassed, we encourage you to try to get your hands on one or two prior to the tournament Smile Additionally, I request that parents of children under the age of 13 be present for the duration of the event, as tournament end times can be difficult to estimate, and I would hate for someone to be left behind once it is over.

Please be aware of your belongings. We'd advise users to please, please look after your stuff. While yes this is a Beyblade tournament and we're not suggesting that any of us would attempt to take each other's stuff it is still happening at a public venue where other people (who may not be so friendly) are going to be present as well. Of course, if you see a personal belonging lying around bring it up any of the judges so we can return it to the right person. 

All players must arrive on-time. If you do not arrive at the scheduled start time, you risk being excluded from the tournament. The software we use to run our events–Challonge–does not allow us to add in extra participants once the tournament has started.

If you know in advance that you will be late, please post in this thread or contact someone at the event and depending on the circumstances we can perhaps still include you if we know you will arrive soon.

Additional Additional Information: 
If you have a better tournament name, by all means let me know...please.

Need-to-Know Information

1. Organizers, their Events, and Event Pages are independent of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc.

Event Organizers are users independent of the World Beyblade Organization website, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, staff, or volunteers. Event Pages and Events are coordinated and operated separately from the operations of the World Beyblade Organization website or Fighting Spirits Inc, controlled solely by individual Event Organizers.

Under no circumstances will World Beyblade Organization, Fighting Spirits Inc., its directors, members, or staff be held liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages that arise from independent Events advertised on the website. .

2. Terms of Service

All event attendees and users of this website are subject to our Terms of Service.

I've taken my test to become an organizer!! I'm hoping to host this event if they promote me?!?

So I need to confirm players who would join us at the next event on March 17th... in Richmond Va.
(Feb. 22, 2018  5:40 PM)AmishRaven Wrote: I've taken my test to become an organizer!! I'm hoping to host this event if they promote me?!?

So I need to confirm players who would join us at the next event on March 17th... in Richmond Va.

I'm a "maybe" for the 17th and last I heard from Kaboom!!! he wasn't able to make it.
What happen you lose Phoenix oh let me tell you how am I'm the guy that had the God Valkyrie in Roanoke VA I'm waiting to meet you again and battle you and I haven't forgot about that burst on your chronos I was bayewatch.
Dark Eye, feel free to join us in Richmond on March 17th @ Deep Run Rec Center - I'm certain PhoenixBurst will gladly accept your challenge - he has several new tricks up his sleeve these days!!
Sorry can't come to Richmond.

Good thing he has more tricks that means a harder challenge.
Hey come down to Roanoke VA some time what do you say?
New results spreadsheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1...sp=sharing

Hey @[The Supreme One], I've created a new spreadsheet to fix an issue with your username being listed as "TSO" instead of "The Supreme One". Thank you!

And so everyone knows: this tournament has now also been pre-processed as part of our campaign to work through the queue of older events thanks to The Supreme One.