(Jul. 08, 2011 7:30 AM)amit93 Wrote: what's wrong with the hasbro w105? i didn't notice anything because my hasbro Galaxy Pegasus was already assembled (i got the triple pegasus set), i took it apart and assembled it and it was fine
One of the workers in the factory where they make the parts derp'd up my W105, out of all of the things they could derp. The face bolt doesn't go through the track. Watch my unboxing video and you might see what I mean.
(Jul. 08, 2011 7:33 AM)Raigeko13 Wrote: Well in the starter, something is definitely wrong with the W105. It hasn't been really mentioned much because of that fact that W105 is barely spoken of
Nope, just mine. My friend also got a Galaxy Pegasus and his track was perfectly fine. We bought our beys at the same store, at the same time.