General GFX Thread

burnblader no light source, flow, depth, and composition. Drop the text, and follow the "rules of third" for good render placement

naruto same with burnblader. There is light source, however Gaara's shading needs fixing. I suggest the dodge and burn tool

JCx06 render placement is bad. No light source, flow and depth.

I'll give you guys a tip for the "rules of third"
1.) make guide lines (i think its view>make new guides) and enter this coordinates:
vertical: 33%
vertical: 66%
horizontal: 33%
horizontal: 66%
(you must put the % sign)
2.) if memories serve me right, renders must NOT BE PLACED on the corners AND on the middle.
3.). For text placement, it must not be away the render. And it must be readable. DO NOT put text at the corners of the sig

for good C4D placement:
1.) it must follow the flow.
2.) IT CAN create the flow if the render doesnt have one

for render choice:
1.) must be head to toe, or knee. Otherwise the sig has a "floating syndrome" render
2.) it has to have movement. Render just looking at you wouldn't work

i will give visual aids for another tutorial Smile people can help me revise this if needed
You know how to place something so it looks decent or you do not, and I seriously do not take that "rule of third" seriously at all.
(Aug. 05, 2011  10:48 AM)NARUT0 Wrote:
(Aug. 05, 2011  4:46 AM)TanithElite Wrote: Here is a sig I made before I am going to bed I didn't do good to me give your honest opinions for my future signatures [Image: dm-S5VI.png] mine is always small forsome reason
Hey tanith, its a nice wee sig but it feels kinda empty with one small character at the right but nothing at the left maybe you could fill it up with some fancy text saying tanith?
Also about the size maybe you should use 450 x 150 I sometimes even use 450 x 160 this is good advice to make a good sized signature!

All right I will try it out
I find following the "rule of thirds" for signatures results in people saying "it's too empty" as their critique.

Rule of thirds should probably be more applied to photography. Serious
(Aug. 05, 2011  3:08 PM)DeX Wrote: I'll give you guys a tip for the "rules of third"
1.) make guide lines (i think its view>make new guides) and enter this coordinates:
vertical: 33%
vertical: 66%
horizontal: 33%
horizontal: 66%
(you must put the % sign)

2.) if memories serve me right, renders must NOT BE PLACED on the corners AND on the middle.

You can have renders and can put them in the corners, as long as they aren't cut off, but they need to be big enough to reach an intersection. Although it IS BEST to put them directly at the intersections. The reason for the rule of thirds is to create tension. Look at this tutorial, it explains it perfectly.
lol i'm a noob, i just make different effects and put them together to make it look good. i have no idea what C4Ds are. Tongue_out
I think a lot of what ruins it is the bad quality of the picture.
(Aug. 06, 2011  3:35 PM)Kai-V Wrote: I think a lot of what ruins it is the bad quality of the picture.
I'm getting that same problem when I try to make an desktop background, but it still looks good BP. Good design, ect.

I'll be able to make tutorials and GFX work now, because my move is over :p
Then try to get larger pictures. If you're using Google, there's an option to only show large pictures.
I like the colors you used Tongue_out Light source is noticeable, there's a sort of flow, and overall it looks nice. Render placement is good too.
(Aug. 06, 2011  12:50 PM)JCx06 Wrote: lol i'm a noob, i just make different effects and put them together to make it look good. i have no idea what C4Ds are. Tongue_out

I'm going to say it, because it's been bugging me for a while.

Being a "noob" doesn't mean someone shouldn't learn what things or tools are and how to use them. Just because someone is new to a program doesn't mean that they should stay ignorant about it. Those saying they are "noobs" shouldn't hide behind that label, and should actually take a (big) effort in learning to get better.

If one doesn't really want to be a "noob" at graphics, it will show with how much they learned, especially taking into consideration the amount of time that was in between the "noob" and "quality" status. One can advance their skills near exponentially in a small amount of time if they are dedicated and have enough drive.

Tutorials are practically everywhere. Use them to learn how to use particular tools and how to get certain results. Mix and match the lessons learned to create something your own.

Talk about "flow" and "placement" is more of a set of obtained intuition when you get better at it. I don't think it's a "set of rules" as described here, either. Also, I don't think the flow is reliant on the image or render used; it's how the person creating the work uses it and how they "make it work".

tl;dr : this thread disappoints bugturtles
I know that I said brushes don't mean someone is bad. But in a GFX Battle, their only technique seen was brushes, that is different.

I'm pretty sure you guys could tell in Omega VS. Me that mine was terrible, I know that everyone would know by now. But, I spent long and hard in the work, and I do see that meaning is not everything, but when your competitor is using mainly brushes and what could be a ball filled background with a hint of some orange brushes is well...

I'm now aware people think I'm whining on this, but I am not. I'm trying to say that overuse of brushes doesn't prove your time and effort to create something that is a graphic you made. The only brush I used in there was the thing the aliens were shooting.

Also, the votes weren't on which one was serious, were they? I remember Fyuuor saying something on the fact of being a better tag than one in personal opinion of choice.

Now, I'm also wondering that if anyone liked it. I KNOW someone had to of, but those other 17 or whatever number they were voting before intimidated them not to. I am sorta whining, but I'm taking this into more seriousness as the battles proceed and come by.
Yes, while the amount of time you spent was long, it's the final outcome that counts. It could take an experience GFXer 10 minutes to do something someone else can in an hour. Does that mean they don't deserve the victory?
But they only made it looks so pro because of those brushes? Which if not use made the signature empty.

He's using the obvious r0man_100k brush.
To be honest, I didn't like either, so I didn't vote. For the first entry, I didn't know there was even a planet. Too many bright spots that have nothing to do with it, and for the second entry, the text made the effects look really cheesy. And I honestly think that many people voted for entry one just because they didn't want to disagree with Kai-V..
If you want the graphics battles to be on an even playing field only allow the standard round brushes to be used, it's that simple.

A few WBO members including me, used to be on a forum which used host a graphics competition every so often to create a new forum banner. There was a mutual understanding between the competitors that they only used the standard round brush. It all came down to people perception of the theme and the best way to show it.
I think that the use of the brushes depends. You could make it look obvious that you used certain types of brushes or brush sets, however brushes do have their own place. Some effects are not able to be obtained without them, so they still have some purpose. It helps if you create your own brushes as well. Some of the stock brushes included with Photoshop are actually good for use in smudging too. Brushes are also able to have certain properties changed, and knowing this allows for even more utility.

On the case of battles, I myself have had my small share in participation. However, all the critiques I received were actually very good regardless if they were in favor of my work or not and not sugarcoated. A lot of the votes here, I have noticed, is not good enough to detail what needs to be improved or what was good in the first
place. It is the usual hive mind mentality with no real critiques on actual improvement. I believe that for the signature makers of WBO need to give each other more information on how to improve for actual improvement.
(Aug. 06, 2011  6:18 PM)Vintage Wrote: And I honestly think that many people voted for entry one just because they didn't want to disagree with Kai-V..

I'm bound to know someone, out of 18 people liked it. Brushes do have their place, bugturtles. But in the end, some people use them so much I can tell:
  • What brush it is
  • How often it is used
  • Where they got it from or found out about it
In this case, he used, as I said much earlier, r0man_100k brush set. Very good one, needless to say. But indefinitely it makes terrible signatures look good. I didn't understand why his was so exaggerated awesomeness whatever, while mine was like a secondary piece of ....

I know Fyuuor doesn't have that time, to do that much. But someone has to do something to do justice as what bugs said. He's right.
That is why most of the time, I chose not to vote It's easy to say I vote for someone for the same reason the last person did, but you obviosly can see things a person might have missed.
(Aug. 06, 2011  4:24 PM)bugturtles Wrote:
(Aug. 06, 2011  12:50 PM)JCx06 Wrote: lol i'm a noob, i just make different effects and put them together to make it look good. i have no idea what C4Ds are. Tongue_out

I'm going to say it, because it's been bugging me for a while.

Being a "noob" doesn't mean someone shouldn't learn what things or tools are and how to use them. Just because someone is new to a program doesn't mean that they should stay ignorant about it. Those saying they are "noobs" shouldn't hide behind that label, and should actually take a (big) effort in learning to get better.

If one doesn't really want to be a "noob" at graphics, it will show with how much they learned, especially taking into consideration the amount of time that was in between the "noob" and "quality" status. One can advance their skills near exponentially in a small amount of time if they are dedicated and have enough drive.

Tutorials are practically everywhere. Use them to learn how to use particular tools and how to get certain results. Mix and match the lessons learned to create something your own.

Talk about "flow" and "placement" is more of a set of obtained intuition when you get better at it. I don't think it's a "set of rules" as described here, either. Also, I don't think the flow is reliant on the image or render used; it's how the person creating the work uses it and how they "make it work".

tl;dr : this thread disappoints bugturtles
What this guy said is so right! I'm a noob at graphics! As you can see by the sig's i've been creating BUT I'M NOT GOING TO HIDE BEHIND THAT NAME AND USE IT AS AN EXCUSE! I am trying to become better! I watch more and more tutorials everyday and I practice and publish my gfx here so I can get some critism so I CAN IMPROVE! i'm hoping to get photoshop soon (which is considerably better than my current PAINT.NET) when I get it hopefully I can improve by leanring how to use the wide variety of tools on it!

I'm hoping when i'm older to get a job with graphics and I also like programing, BECOMING a pro at these is my biggest wish and dream and I'M going to make it happen by LEANRING AND PROGRESSING!
(Aug. 06, 2011  5:52 PM)BeyBladestation Wrote: I know that I said brushes don't mean someone is bad. But in a GFX Battle, their only technique seen was brushes, that is different.

I'm pretty sure you guys could tell in Omega VS. Me that mine was terrible, I know that everyone would know by now. But, I spent long and hard in the work, and I do see that meaning is not everything, but when your competitor is using mainly brushes and what could be a ball filled background with a hint of some orange brushes is well...

I'm now aware people think I'm whining on this, but I am not. I'm trying to say that overuse of brushes doesn't prove your time and effort to create something that is a graphic you made. The only brush I used in there was the thing the aliens were shooting.

Also, the votes weren't on which one was serious, were they? I remember Fyuuor saying something on the fact of being a better tag than one in personal opinion of choice.

Now, I'm also wondering that if anyone liked it. I KNOW someone had to of, but those other 17 or whatever number they were voting before intimidated them not to. I am sorta whining, but I'm taking this into more seriousness as the battles proceed and come by.

Hm, I never use brushes, but the difference between you and me is that there is a different outcome. I spend time on what I make too, but I make it look as if it had brushes when there are none. OK, you did not use brushes, but it really shows, and that is what I mean. You have to fool everyone. I do not think your "meaning" was really that powerful either to surpass even the (over)use of brushes in the other signature picture.

I often wonder if I should vote at all because I do notice that people seem to be repeating and following what I write even if that was not intended at all. I also have no idea why they would be intimidated about it since they are not breaking rules or anything and I am obviously not establishing any rules that must be respected ... However, at the same time, seeing as this is in the context of a tournament, I would dislike to see a bad entry win a battle just because the voters barely know anything about graphics (those people are not really in this topic by the way).
(Aug. 06, 2011  9:17 PM)Kai-V Wrote: I often wonder if I should vote at all because I do notice that people seem to be repeating and following what I write even if that was not intended at all. I also have no idea why they would be intimidated about it since they are not breaking rules or anything and I am obviously not establishing any rules that must be respected ... However, at the same time, seeing as this is in the context of a tournament, I would dislike to see a bad entry win a battle just because the voters barely know anything about graphics (those people are not really in this topic by the way).
You should vote when the battle is almost over? Maybe, so.