Funny things beyblade amatuers say

Noob: Feel the wrath of my Thermal Pisces 100WD!
Me: I'll trade you Dark Gemios 105S for it!
Noob: 'Kay!
Me: *Runs away before he uses it.*


Me: *Pulls out old Mobile Stadium*
Noob: Me and my Flame Pegasis 145HF/S (HF mode) will own you.
Me: Pulls out LL-Drago 100SF (Not top tier, but I've gotten 60% win rates off of Earth Libra GB145B)
Noob: That's!...
Me: Don't say it!
Noob: That thing is weak! It's not worth my time.
Me:... WHAT!? Nevermind let's go!
Both: Let it rip!
Me: *Sends Flame Pegasis over the wall of the stadium.*
Noob: That stadium is fake! Everyone knows only PTW, and Lightning Force are legal!
Me: Would you like to battle in a TT Standard stadium?
Noob: Baraka Coby? What?
Me: Takara Tomy! They invented Beyblade.
Noob: Looks at me with the world's most idiotic face, with his mouth hanging open.
Me: Whatever.
*48 wins later*
Noob: No balance types! That's cheating! You used a Dark Move!
(This actually happened)
(Nov. 07, 2010  7:04 PM)Ra Wrote: NooB:BumpKing is the best bey evah
Me: *stabs self 37 times in the chest*

lamas with hats there. But yeah that's kinda really noobish
(Nov. 08, 2010  4:52 AM)Megablader9 Wrote: Noob: Feel the wrath of my Thermal Pisces 100WD!
Me: I'll trade you Dark Gemios 105S for it!
Noob: 'Kay!
Me: *Runs away before he uses it.*


Me: *Pulls out old Mobile Stadium*
Noob: Me and my Flame Pegasis 145HF/S (HF mode) will own you.
Me: Pulls out LL-Drago 100SF (Not top tier, but I've gotten 60% win rates off of Earth Libra GB145B)
Noob: That's!...
Me: Don't say it!
Noob: That thing is weak! It's not worth my time.
Me:... WHAT!? Nevermind let's go!
Both: Let it rip!
Me: *Sends Flame Pegasis over the wall of the stadium.*
Noob: That stadium is fake! Everyone knows only PTW, and Lightning Force are legal!
Me: Would you like to battle in a TT Standard stadium?
Noob: Baraka Coby? What?
Me: Takara Tomy! They invented Beyblade.
Noob: Looks at me with the world's most idiotic face, with his mouth hanging open.
Me: Whatever.
*48 wins later*
Noob: No balance types! That's cheating! You used a Dark Move!
(This actually happened)

Ture stories are the best...but was the before later scenario real?

Uh, everybody just got BeyBlades at my school.
Me: OK, all L-Drago's should battle.
Other kids: OK.
Me and two other kids: Go Shoot!
Another kid: Let it Rip!
Me: Uh...
First BeyBlade goes flying out followed by second.
Me: Hah, die! Wait is that (Third BeyBlade) bouncing? I told you not to buy Q...
Kid: But I'm using HF...
Me: Let me see that..*picks up*
I swear this is true...
The HF is shaped like Q..
Me: What did you do?!
Kid: Played in a (ceramic) bowl, why?
Me: *Facepalm!*
Noob1: Hey E**** (censored my name) i got my flame saggetario wanna help me test it out?
Me: Uh..sag.. k, -pulls out my custom painted black pegasis 100 RF-
Noob1: Nice bey!
Me: thanks, wait, im not gonna battle on the ground.
Noob1: Why not? It's perfectly safe!
Me: Go try it.
Noob1- Hya! -shoots sag onto the cement-
Me -facepalm-.. (Try not to lol, try not to lol...)
Noob1:-picks up sag- Hey, it is different! -sadface- (its all jagged and, idk, chipped?)
Noob2: I read online that tips are better when worn down!
Noob1: So mine must own! -epic face-
Me:... -FACEPALM so hard my forehead was kinda pink-
True story.
Edit: I put Libra instead of saggetario a couple of times..
I didn't laugh, hah.
But didn't he see the plastic was all dead ? D:
Noob :I got a new beyblade!
Me:It's fake there is no logo on it
Noob : Is not! Look!
Me : (looks inside box is empty) FACEPALM
Noob: my best combo is flame wolf d125 q.
Me. U fail at life mister
Noob: noo itJumps in and out of pockets in the PTW
Me:that's bad.
Noob I bet I can beat u in ur fake clear stadium
Me:*pwns him*
Noob:ah I wasn't using a good combo I bet if I used my bump king I culd beat u

Me: Smithicide
some little noob kids at my school were launching their beys on the brick walls and cement and don't even get me started of what happened to a kids storm pegasis. I don't know why they think a kid is gonna go like "GO PEGASIS" and a tornado is gonna just pop up like the anime
(Sep. 20, 2010  12:29 PM)Red_Eyes_Zombie Wrote: other guy: dark wolf is the best bey ever!!!
me: ...
So we challanged this little kid @ school with another kid ( the kid is the rich kid i mentioned earlier)
So me and another person who is on the WBO PWNED HIM
NOOB AND FRIEND: We are going to pwn you! we are the best bladers!
Me: Yeah right. Pulls out MF-H Libra GB145 WB
Friend: Hmph. Pulls out Divine Chimera TR145 FB ( yes, 3 people in my school have vulcan horuseus, one has mercury anuibis, and 3 have divine chimera.)
WE WIN 3 BATTLES AGASInt their beys.
it was 3 matches anyways.
You've probably heard this before.
Me: Go Shoot!
Him: Let it Rip!
Me: It is G-O S-H-O-O-T!
Him: But on the ad it said Let it Rip!?
Me: *Cracks up* I am so posting this. *Goes on computer* *Posts*
Whats so funny about someone saying Let It Rip?
I know right ?
I say Let It Rip.
I don't even get how you can say go shoot when in the anime they use Let It Rip. Uncertain
Try watching 83 episodes of Go Shoot. Tongue_out
^Off topic^
I found this funny because it fits perfectly into this forum, because he doesn't know what Takara-Tomy is.
I know this thread is about things amateurs say, but this can speak for itself

About the "go shoot", "let it rip" thing, if all you are exposed to is the Hasbro version, of course you will think the normal line is "let it rip". Especially since the commercials, and the anime use it.
WARNING OFF TOPIC> Wait youtube videos speak for themselves?!?! it's the apocaolypse!!!!

Anyways Let it rip and go shoot are basicly the same.
(Nov. 10, 2010  3:14 AM)Flosal Wrote: I know this thread is about things amateurs say, but this can speak for itself


How could he do that!? Smithicide
(Nov. 10, 2010  3:40 AM)Chaos Blader Wrote:
(Nov. 10, 2010  3:14 AM)Flosal Wrote: I know this thread is about things amateurs say, but this can speak for itself


How could he do that!? Smithicide

yeah it wasn't very epicish sorry dude. WARNING OFF TOPIC> But what i want to know is how you manage to find that kind of ray unicorno?!?!
from dimsum2u. i think he has some. also that guy in the video HEAVILY used his aurora version ray wheel... UnhappySmithicide
Lil Bro: "Whats the point in customizeing beys? I like my Dark Wolf and Flame Bull the way they are."
Me: Why not combine them and make a actually good bey to some sort of extent."
Lil Bro: "Cause their already strong enough as is"
*saying this after he had JUST like five seconds ago lost to a Counter Leone*
(Nov. 10, 2010  3:03 PM)Burn Leone Wrote: Lil Bro: "Whats the point in customizeing beys? I like my Dark Wolf and Flame Bull the way they are."
Me: Why not combine them and make a actually good bey to some sort of extent."
Lil Bro: "Cause their already strong enough as is"
*saying this after he had JUST like five seconds ago lost to a Counter Leone*

WARNING OFF TOPIC> If you can get him to blade against somone else who is barely better than him he may understand then.