Flash discussion.

Please against mf-h wing kerbecs th170/195/220 mb/cs ( better Mb)
(Mar. 26, 2012  9:36 AM)Glowfire1 Wrote: Please against mf-h wing kerbecs th170/195/220 mb/cs ( better Mb)

MB is not good on that combination at all, and that would be laughably easy to KO with flash.

There are more important things to test right now than your illogical, baffling requests.
Well, since flash kills all, anybody willing to still try Duo (attack) BD145R2F?
Haha, th!nk that list is hilarious!

I'd honestly just take out the DF105 stuff and friends, and basically make it to this:

MF(-H) Flash Sagittario II/Quetzalcoatl/Escolpio 105/CH120/125/130/GB145/H145 MF/RF

Only since we've basically always taught people that the difference between those gimicked Tracks (GB145 and H145 an exception in this case) and the non gimicked version is negligible, which basically infers that those are on the list too.

Also, I think people should do a bunch of informal Clear Wheel tests to find their favourite.
Why are we going for CW attack or whatever? Cygnus, Lynx (try it) and obviously Sag 2 work really well for me but I cannot see Quetzalcoatl or Escolpio having anything but a negative effect.
Bonus contact. Simply, they both stick up a bit, so when you'd normally miss, they get you some kinda hit. It's an added bonus.

Quetz is famed for it in Indo and Escolpio has always been good at doing horrible things to anything it hits.

Kay guys, just two more things I really want testing of unless you think there's something we missed:

AD145MF and 135RF/R2F

(also yeah I think I forgot r2f on my list).

And yeah, CW Preferences?!
Th!nk, I know mb is not the best choice, but I didn' t asked after that, I wanted only a test which couldn't bad.
Um its not that its not the best choice, it's that there's no point testing it since we know that it will do horribly. Also can you edit that since I didn't understand the last half of the sentence.
(Mar. 27, 2012  12:10 PM)Glowfire1 Wrote: Th!nk, I know mb is not the best choice, but I didn' t asked after that, I wanted only a test which couldn't bad.

You wanted a pointless test?

Great, that's so much better.

I also have no idea what the last part of your sentence means, again.
I can do some 135 testing after school today Grin
The people who are testing flash....Are you guys using string launchers?I can't get nearly as many wins when I use a LL2 with flash S130 rf....
Yes, I'm using a Beylauncher.
It's the only launcher that should be used unless somebody is significantly better with another launcher.
My Flash and BB-10 arrived today.

MF-H Flash Sagittario WA130RF vs Duo Aquario R145CS
Flash wins: 3/20 (3 KO)
Duo wins: 17/20 (17 OS)
Flash win rate: 15%

RF is used. CS is used. R145 used in place of TH170/BD145 because I do not own either of them.
CS is classified as calm or aggressive, FYI.
(Mar. 27, 2012  5:00 PM)DragonManiac86 Wrote: My Flash and BB-10 arrived today.

MF-H Flash Sagittario WA130RF vs Duo Aquario R145CS
Flash wins: 3/20 (3 KO)
Duo wins: 17/20 (17 OS)
Flash win rate: 15%

RF is used. CS is used. R145 used in place of TH170/BD145 because I do not own either of them.

Whoa!!! This is extremely surprising tbh...
How did you launch? Did you slide shoot? How did this happen? R145 should actually be high on recoil if your CS is aggressive (which it doesn't seem to be), then this would be anti-attack. But as this ain't anti-attack, and R145's high recoil would actually make OS tough, I am REALLY curious to know the reasons behind this...
Before we think about these tests as valid, please give us a Benchmark test and what mode did you use?
The track itself could not have made that much of a difference with Flash, and R145 would have made it x5 easier to KO.
And Duo didn't have a MF-H or even a MF of any kind.
(Mar. 27, 2012  5:34 PM)Universe² Wrote: Before we think about these tests as valid, please give us a Benchmark test and what mode did you use?
The track itself could not have made that much of a difference with Flash, and R145 would have made it x5 easier to KO.
And Duo didn't have a MF-H or even a MF of any kind.
It was in Attack Mode, and what would you like as a benchmark test?
As I said I have no BD145 or TH170 in my possession, as well as having the sole MF-H...
It couldn't hurt to test with GB145, rather than R145.

Also, as a benchmark, it would depend on what other attack/defense wheels you already have. Try to base it off of what you have that's as close to top-tier as possible (ie: Vari/Blitz for attack, Basalt/Death for defense, etc.).

Also, KaotiK, I did my testing with a Beylauncher. Seeing as the LL2 isn't nearly as powerful as a Beylauncher, that could be why your results are different from ours.
MF-H Flash Capricorne WA130RF vs. MF-H Duo Aquario BD145CS
Standard Procedure
Using new RF, wore it down to prime attack stage before starting test.
Same CS as previous tests, Calm

Flash: 14 Wins (14 KO, 0 OS)
Duo: 6 Wins (0 KO, 6 OS)
1 Draw, Redone
Flash Win Percentage: 70%

WA130 has noticeably worse synergy with Flash. If Flash didn't get the OHKO, it was over, but still, I can't see how the 3-17 happened...
For my benchmark, check my first post of results on the previous page.
Sorry for the Df105 Testing Delay!

MF-H Flash Sagittario DF105R2F(Near Mint) Vs. Mf-H Duo Aquario BD145CS(Calm)

FS:15 (13 KO 2 OS)

Just some lovely wall saving Serious 2 OS were BD145 scraping
So now we have two DF105 test results, still, I'd like at least a third. (I'm not counting KaotiK's because he doesn't have the necessary launcher apparently.)
Odd to see WA130 doing so badly, it shouldn't logically do any worse than S130. Uncertain

Still wanna see 135RF/R2F and AD145MF tested :3
135 Testing...

MF-H Flash Sagittario 135R2F(Near Mint) Vs. Mf-H Duo Aquario BD145CS(Calm)

FS:12 (10 KO 2 OS)
DA:8 (5 OS 3 KO)

Flash doesn't like 135 hahaha

Odd... It should be fine in theory seeing as 145 height tracks and 130 height tracks seem to work quite well, the height in between shouldn't struggle so much.
Seriously... Its a surprise that it actually gets such bad results at that height...
@Galaxy4Stars- May you tell us what is happening there? What forces Flash to actually lose all of a sudden?