Diablo Nemesis Draft

If you want to continue this, I am fine either way, but we have to take it to PM.
I think I got all of the formatting done now. Am I missing anything?
For the overall, the bold part should be like this: ''....'' For the bold.
Ah, forgot about that transition. Thanks, just fixed it.
Great. Think it's ready?
Yo th!nk, for the most, that Face section comes directly from what I had written in the stub currently on Beywiki, so I am sure that it is quite decent, hah.

To be honest, there are so many things about Diablo Nemesis X:D that I know I had written in the stub that, now, it appears like a way too big job to go through a whole new version, really. Most of the wording is completely different, and the information is not structured the same way.
I'm afraid to say it really isn't - your English was uncharacteristically poor in that version... Ga's version reads significantly better to me, though that is the only section I read, and I didn't do a full check to make sure all the details were there (though I did do a basic lookover with that in mind) and I can spot at least one small thing I'd change (its eyes resemble orion's eyes - cut the last eyes), but it looks solid to me. I haven't had the time to do a full check and as you can see, my focus was elsewhere, but I do think Ga's version is a significant improvement - he's a very competent writer and always contributes quality work, unlike some.

(Dec. 28, 2012  6:49 PM)*Ginga* Wrote: Great. Think it's ready?

When it's ready, it'll be approved. Until then, don't spam, just like I told you on page one of this very thread.
(Dec. 28, 2012  9:41 PM)Kai-V Wrote: Yo th!nk, for the most, that Face section comes directly from what I had written in the stub currently on Beywiki, so I am sure that it is quite decent, hah.

To be honest, there are so many things about Diablo Nemesis XGrin that I know I had written in the stub that, now, it appears like a way too big job to go through a whole new version, really. Most of the wording is completely different, and the information is not structured the same way.

The only issue with the face section that I had seen was parallelism and a few specific details that Ginga added himself, which is what I changed.

So exactly what do you suggest? I included all of the major info you originally had and added performance information along with touching up some of the other stuff, but is there something else you would prefer to do?
Well, reading the Face section again, it was really not "poor", hah.

Several things :
- It needs to be made clear that we are talking about Face marks, in the Face description : that is why I had at least started by writing "[Beyblade]'s Face's wing" in the beginning, and hoped that we could reasonably omit "Face's" after a while. Technically, Unicorno II is a Clear Wheel, and the heads on it are definitely not illustrated in the Nemesis Face mark;
- Is Fusion Hades' part really just a coloured hue ... ? So if the Nemesis Face mark was printed in simple white/grey by Hasbro, for instance, we would lose all references to Fusion Hades ?
- Whatever ends up happening for "Flame Sagittario" or "Flash Sagittario", it would currently need to be explained in both versions : if we keep "Flash", then thirteen needs to become fourteen, but if it becomes "Flame", then Kenta's role in the anime needs to be briefly explainedl;
- The last sentence of the Face description is completely useless, because it does not have the same meaning as what I had originally written, and as such it only repeats what was described in the first sentence of the section;

- The way you worded the 4D Clear Wheel description does not make it clear enough that you are talking about Cygnus's 4D Clear Wheel being represented, or Uranus' 'influence' in the other half;
- I like the part you added about Nemesis looking like Pegasis III though;
- The rest of the 4D Clear Wheel description is great then : the only criticism is the use of a dub name, and the fact that the shape of Nemesis is just not useful for anything;

- Diablo is a 4D Metal Wheel, not just a Metal Wheel;
- I really prefer this sentence, since it looks a lot more like a formulation you would find on Beywiki : "Because Kreis Cygnus was not out at the time of Diablo Nemesis's release, the latter was the one to first introduce a semi-free-spinning gimmick, and the placement of the Metal Frame in Ultimate Balance Mode was also new to the hobby." Also, the goal of this small paragraph is not to give too many details that you are going to describe right below anyway, which your version does;
- You completely removed every sentence about the heads being different sizes or at least heights, and it can be relatively important to write about the eye stickers, just for simple referrence;
- Fusion Hades is definitely included in the design of the Core somewhere, but you erased the mention about it ...
- "mode change" was used too many times.
- My description of the Attack Mode has more relevant information;
- My description of the Ultimate Balance Mode might appear long and have too many details that are probably stated in the X:D section, but basically all part sections should be written while keeping in mind that Diablo could appear in another Beyblade release and the description would need to stay true and clear even if it was not accompanied by X:D in that other Beyblade release;
- "due to its universality in terms of usage" : this does not really mean anything ...
- It should be mentioned that another cause for Diablo's Ultimate Balance Mode's poor Stamina is that each impact, while theoretically getting absorbed with each impact thanks to the free-spinning gimmick, will cause too much disturbance in its spin regardless;
- The first sentence of the "Use in Balance Customizations" sub-section is too repetitive with what had just been written beforehand in the 4D Metal Wheel section;

- Sure, X:D's diametre stops before Diablo's Core does, but what really needs to be emphasized is that the Metal Frame perfectly encompasses it, "houses" it, because it "overhangs";
- As I told you in private, it is the word "stern" that is used in conjunction when talking about Nemesis, in German legends or whatever, not the tip;
- I am generally fine with how you reshaped the rest of the 4D Bottom description. However, you mentioned that having XF or S on other Tracks would be preferable, but it would need to be clarified that the fixed height of such a combined Bottom is the disadvantage implied;

- No "immediately" in the last sentence of the article.

I truly hope you find no offence in this list, hah. It is really just full of notes, for you or for me, or for both of us, so that we can come to a decisive draft that will completely be ready to be published on Beywiki. I also think that each point is relatively small, but just not insignificant enough to be ignored. You obviously did a good job, globally, though.
I'll get to that, I appreciate the notes haha. Also, thank you for the compliment, I take zero offense from something like this. It just makes me a better writer.

In the case of Fusion Hades, it is not just color hues; if you notice, you can very easily see wisps surrounding the mask that even come out on the sides near Lynx that are clearly derived from Hades when matched. I am 100% positive of this notion.

There was Hades in the Core? Must've missed the section on it then, I didn't even notice anything. I did mention the head sizes and stickers for the Metal Frame though.

Could you give me any suggestions for a 'mode change' synonym and the 'universality in terms of usage'? I was trying to state that it was impractical to use UBM over Attack Mode because UBM was only compatible with XGrin, whereas Attack Mode acts as a normal, fully compatible Metal Wheel.

It's definitely Flame, since the Core part is clearly described as Sagittario I's clear wheel. An anime mention? Alrighty then.

I will be fixing this up over the day, when I am done sending results in. Thanks V!
Sorry for the double post, I have been making the edits that you mentioned. I still would like some clarification on the aforementioned points.

I'm fine with adding the changed sentence involving Kreis and Diablo with the 4D MW gimmick, but I find the placement of the last clause to be awkward. "and the placement of the Metal Frame in Ultimate Balance mode was also new to the hobby" just sounds off, especially in comparison to the last sentence. Would splitting that sentence be acceptable, to prevent any awkward transitioning?

Exactly what did you mean by 'Dub Name'? I'm slightly confused about that. The only names are Nemesis, Jupiter, Cygnus, and Uranus unless you are referring to my abbreviation of Clear Wheel as CW. If you are referring to CW, I will change that to 4D Clear Wheel

Like you showed me in private, I've been using this as reference for the design points. The 2 question marks are Fusion Hades on the Core and Kreis Cygnus on the Clear Wheel, obviously. It points out the unicorn head reminiscent of Blitz Unicorno, the bones of Quetzalcoatl, and everything else.

I placed your extra information about Ultimate Balance Mode as a second paragraph in the Metal Frame section earlier due to the length and its relevancy to the Metal Frame specifically. Do you want it placed in the UBM section specifically?
For the dub name she most likely means the use of Gasher over Cancer.
Ah, thank you for that.
If it's not already mentioned you should mention XD being like a CF in Zero G.
But it isn't ?

Could you stop necroing old threads?
There is a thread in Zero G customizations for XD and it said that XD is like a CF.

Also why should'nt I revive them? They are drafts so people should work on them instead of abandon them.
Well no offense, but that wasn't a significant enough edit to make it bump worthy.
Speaking of this draft, is there a reason why it hasn't been published yet? I thought I had finished this months ago...
I didn't receive any complaints, so it looked fine to me.
Yah, it looks ready to publish.
| image = DiabloNemesis_AttackMode.jpg
| full item name = Diablo Nemesis X:D
| item number = BB-122
| beyblade system = [[Metal Fight Beyblade]]
| beyblade type = [[Balance]]


==Face: Nemesis==
The Nemesis Face Mark is an amalgam of the Face Marks from thirteen of the 4D system Beyblades, excluding [[Omega Dragonis 85XF|Omega Dragonis]]. From the bottom, going clockwise, one can observe the following Face Mark features: [[Variares D:D|VariAres]]’ Face Mark's chin, [[Death Quetzalcoatl 125RDF|Quetzalcoatl]]’s wing, [[Blitz Unicorno 100RSF|Unicorno II]]’s head, [[Big Bang Pegasis F:D|Pegasis III]]’s wing, [[L Drago Destroy F:S|L Drago III]]’s head, [[Jade Jupiter S130RB|Jupiter]]’s eagle head, [[Beat Lynx TH170WD|Lynx]]’s eye, [[Fang Leone 130W²D|Leone II]]’s paw, [[Scythe Kronos T125EDS|Kronos]]’ scythe, and [[Kreis Cygnus 145WD|Cygnus]]’ swan head. In the center, there are three eyes which resemble [[Phantom Orion B:D|Orion]]’s, but the middle eye is replaced with Nemesis’ unique mask and surrounded by black- and purple-colored wisps from the [[Fusion Hades AD145SWD|Hades]] Face Mark helmet which extend to the perimeter of the Face design. The left eye is adorned with [[Flame Sagittario C145S|Sagittario]]’s arrow and the teeth are from [[Duo Uranus 230WD|Uranus]]. Overall, the Nemesis Face Mark forms quite a chimera.

Despite not being a member of the 4D system, Flame Sagittario is included in the Nemesis Face Mark because the owner of Flame Sagittario in the Metal Fight Beyblade anime, Kenta, acts as a companion to the owner of L-Drago Destroy, Ryuuga, and eventually receives a [[Flash Sagittario 230WD|4D system Beyblade]] through the star fragment obtained from L-Drago Destroy. Since Flame Sagittario was present at the creation of Nemesis in the anime, its design is incorporated into Diablo Nemesis.

==4D Clear Wheel: Nemesis==
*'''Weight:''' 3.23g

Just like the Nemesis Face Mark, the Nemesis 4D Clear Wheel offers an integration of the design highlights of other 4D Beyblades at a complex level. There are two halves to the Nemesis 4D Clear Wheel, creating a design similar to the Pegasis III Clear Wheel. Cygnus' 4D Clear Wheel is represented on the smooth, flowing side with the large wing expanding behind it, while Uranus' 4D Clear Wheel is shown on the other side depicting some form of tendrils or whiskers behind it. Officially, a part of Jade Jupiter is integrated into the Nemesis 4D Clear Wheel through the placement of circles on the 4D Clear Wheel which represent the metal balls in Jupiter’s 4D Metal Wheel, but the Nemesis 4D Clear Wheel is already saturated and the design is very difficult to distinguish.

Nemesis, despite being one of the heaviest Clear Wheels released, is outclassed by other Clear Wheels such as Aquario, Cancer, and Kerbecs due to its irregular weight distribution and poorly designed shape, and therefore sees little use outside of aesthetic purposes.

==4D Metal Wheel: Diablo==
*'''Weight:''' 51.26g

Diablo is the heaviest standalone Metal Wheel ever released. Like the other parts of Diablo Nemesis X:D, the Diablo 4D Metal Wheel incorporates several 4D Beyblade design points in its overall schema. Because Kreis Cygnus was not out at the time of Diablo Nemesis's release, the latter's 4D Metal Wheel was the first to introduce a semi-free-spinning gimmick in Metal Fight Beyblade. The placement of the Metal Frame in Ultimate Balance Mode was also new to the hobby.

====Metal Frame====
*'''Weight:''' 25.35g
Diablo’s Metal Frame consists of three mugshot heads distributed around its circumference. The biggest head is a lion’s head, depicting Leone, with red eyes and the top row of teeth. Part of the lion’s mane is visible around the head. The smallest of the three heads is a lynx’s head, from Lynx, with yellow-black cat eyes and two paws. Again, only the upper row of teeth is visible on this head. The last of the three heads, with an intermediate size, is derived from Orion, and shows Orion’s face from the Phantom Metal Wheel in Stamina mode with blue eyes and a full snarl on its face, unlike the smirk seen on the original 4D Metal Wheel.

Since the Metal Frame simply rests in the space between the elevated Core and the 4D Bottom when in Ultimate Balance Mode, it can rotate freely to a point: spinning on its own, the Metal Frame would not rotate independently. It is the impact of the opposing Beyblade that will make it spin semi-freely towards the right or towards the left depending on the spin direction of the opponent, trajectory, and angle of impact. The Metal Frame has one of three positions it pauses on after each impact due to the Metal Frame's three-headed shape. These positions push down on the small pins on top of X:D with varying force and activate the descent or retraction of the sharp tip from X:D, either completely or only half-way, consequently changing the Beyblade's behavior.

*'''Weight:''' 25.94g
The design of the underside of Diablo’s Core originates from the Scythe 4D Metal Wheel on Kronos and allows for smooth rotation of the Metal Frame when in Ultimate Balance Mode. The Core depicts one of Unicorno II’s heads, originating from the Unicorno II 4D Clear Wheel, connected to the bones from Quetzalcoatl's 4D Metal Wheel on one side, with the wings of Pegasis III's 4D Clear Wheel on the other side linked to a dragon head derived from L-Drago III's 4D Metal Wheel. On the side of Quetzalcoatl's and Unicorno II's sections is an irregular, jagged edge reminiscent of Hades' 4D Metal Wheel. In front of the unicorn head is a small portion resembling a scythe from Kronos' 4D Metal Wheel, which is connected to a section of a bow from Sagittario’s Clear[b] W[b]heel. Finally, in between the wings of Pegasis and the bow of Sagittario is a section derived from the wings of VariAres' 4D Metal Wheel.

Like all 4D Metal Wheels, Diablo has a mode change. This is performed by flipping the Metal Frame and placing it under the metal frame. However, this mode change is unique because it requires the X:D 4D Bottom in order to stay in place and work. The two modes are:

* '''Attack Mode''': The normal mode for Diablo Nemesis; the Metal Frame lies on top of the Core in an upright position with the heads facing upright as well. The difference in the heights of each head, with Lynx's head being the smallest, creates varying relief around the Clear Wheel. In this mode, one can manually choose between XF or S on X:D before the beginning of the battle without any automatic changes occurring.

* '''Ultimate Balance Mode''': It is the X:D-exclusive mode. the Metal Frame lies upside-down underneath the Core. The Clear Wheel is fully exposed and X:D is holding the Metal Frame in place underneath the Core. The Metal Frame can spin freely and change the tip of X:D when contact is made on itself.

Attack Mode is considered to be vastly superior to Ultimate Balance Mode due to its universal compatibility with other parts combined with the higher attack power offered by the former. Ultimate Balance Mode requires the use of the outclassed 4D Bottom X:D and causes decreased attack power due to the free-spinning nature of the Metal Frame in this mode. Ultimate Balance Mode also offers poorer stamina because despite theoretically absorbing spin with the semi-free-spinning 4D Metal Wheel upon impact, too much disturbance is caused to the spinning Beyblade to allow for an increase in stamina.

Diablo, despite its extreme weight, does not see much use in Defense or Stamina customization thanks to its aggressive design. At the same time, the shape is not aggressive enough to produce the large amounts of smash required in the metagame to create a successful KO. Instead, Diablo has found its niche in Balance customizations which successfully combine its Attack and Defense properties.

===Use in Balance Customizations===
Due to the aforementioned qualities, Diablo has found use in Balance customizations such as MF-H Diablo Kerbecs BD145R2F. This combination works as an effective Anti-Attack Beyblade, scoring extremely high win rates against top-tier Attack Beyblades of the metagame. While not matching the sheer weight and power of Zero-G’s Synchrom combinations, Diablo certainly finds use as a powerhouse against Attack types through its utilization as an aggressive Defense Beyblade.

==4D Bottom: X:Drive==
*'''Weight:''' 7.19g

X:D is the widest 4D Bottom ever released. It extends almost all the way to the end of Diablo, where it spreads beyond the Core but is fully encompassed by the Metal Frame. Following the overarching principle of Diablo Nemesis’ design, X:D is a collection of several 4D Beyblades' features. X:D mixes L Drago Destroy's F:S and Big Bang Pegasis's F:D in a way, but mainly draws from VariAres's D:D in terms of function. X:D has three tips: XF, S, and a new tip called S²D, for Stern Semi Defense. Stern is the German word for "star" and appears specifically when talking about Nemesis in legends, further displaying the connection between X:D and the overall Beyblade. X:D’s tip change can be either automatic or fixed when on Diablo. In Diablo’s Attack Mode, one can manually choose between XF or S, while in Diablo’s Ultimate Balance Mode where only X:D can be used, one can automatically go from XF to S²D to S. This can occur in the opposite order if the Beyblade fighting Diablo either hits Diablo in the other direction or spins left itself. Before launching, one can choose which tip to start on. The following patterns are therefore possible:
XF -> S²D -> S
S -> S²D -> XF
S²D -> S -> S²D -> XF
S²D -> XF -> S²D -> S

The mechanism housed inside X:D to allow for automatic tip change and tip selection is quite complex. When in either of the fixed states of Attack Mode, the tip selection depends on the manual rotation of two tabs on the underside of the 4D Bottom. In Attack Mode, to choose the tip, one needs to push those tabs down, and then rotate the tabs to lock the 4D Bottom in either XF or S mode. When the tab is turned to the left, the Extreme Flat Bottom is exposed, but when it is turned to the right the Sharp tip protrudes from the center. In Ultimate Balance Mode, two small tabs get pushed down or up by the interior shape of Diablo's Metal Frame, which contracts the spring inside X:D and makes the sharp tip come out more. However, this will only occur if the tabs are originally placed in the Extreme Flat position. When the tabs are forcefully pulled and rotated clockwise, causing the sharp tip to manually protrude, no automatic mode change will occur in Ultimate Balance Mode.

Like most 4D Bottoms, X:D sees little use competitively. Its reliance on an inconsistent mode change when used with Diablo in Ultimate Balance Mode prevents any major usage. Both of its tips in the fixed state are not nearly as useful as the XF or S bottoms themselves when combined with other Tracks at variable heights, and having access to the unique tip S²D is not worth the drawbacks associated with it, especially since little difference has been noted in performance between it and the S tip. XF on X:D is prone to self-KO and is unable to perform a Sliding Shoot effectively, while S is outclassed overall as a Stamina bottom by other options like WD. While there may be use for it in the newer Zero-G stadiums due to the unique properties of said stadiums, extensive testing has not been performed by several bladers to validate the usefulness of this part in such situations.

==Other Versions==
* '''Diablo Nemesis X:D Dragren Ver.''' - from the [http://www.takaratomy.co.jp/products/gan...112dc.html Beyblade & B-Daman 2012 Dragon Campaign] Only 100 produced. (Red 4D Clear Wheel and 4D Metal Wheel, grey X:D, green stickers and yellow Face)
* '''Golden Diablo Nemesis (X:D)''' - Exclusive CoroCoro lottery in Strongest Dragonis 4D Guide, only 100 produced (Gold 4D Metal Wheel, red 4D Clear Wheel, clear black X:D, and black Face)
* '''Diablo Nemesis''' - WBBA Tournament Prize (Gunmetal Diablo, Red Nemesis)

Image:DiabloNemesis_UltimateBalanceModeConcept.JPG |Concept art for Diablo Nemesis' Ultimate Balance Mode
Image:DiabloNemesis-1.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - top view
Image:DiabloNemesis2.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - 3/4 view
Image:DiabloNemesis3.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - side view 1
Image:DiabloNemesis-4.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - side view 2
Image:DiabloNemesis5.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - side view 3
Image:Diablo Nemesis 6.jpg|‎Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - bottom view (Sharp)
Image:Diablo Nemesis-7.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Attack Mode - bottom view (Extreme Flat)
Image:DiabloNemesis8.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - Ultimate Balance Mode (UBM) - top view
Image:DiabloNemesis9.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - UBM - 3/4 view
Image:DiabloNemesis-10.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - UBM - side view
Image:DiabloNemesis-11.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - UBM - bottom view (Extreme Flat)
Image:DiabloNemesis12.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - UBM - bottom view (Stern Semi Defense)
Image:DiabloNemesis13.jpg‎|Diablo Nemesis - UBM - bottom view (Sharp)
Image:DiabloNemesis-19.jpg‎|Diablo - Attack Mode
Image:DiabloNemesis18.jpg‎|Diablo - Ultimate Balance Mode
Image:Diablo Nemesis14.jpg‎|Diablo Core top view
Image:DiabloNemesis15.jpg‎|Diablo Core bottom view
Image:DiabloNemesis 16.jpg|Diablo Frame top view
Image:DiabloNemesis17.jpg‎|Diablo Frame bottom view
Image:DiabloNemesis20.jpg‎|Nemesis Clear Wheel
Image:Diablo Nemesis21.jpg‎|Nemesis 3/4 view
Image:DiabloNemesis22.jpg‎|X Drive top view
Image:DiabloNemesis23.jpg‎|X Drive - Extreme Flat - 3/4 view
Image:DiabloNemesis24.jpg‎|X Drive - Sharp - 3/4 view

====Diablo Nemesis X:D - Dragren Ver.====


Diablo Nemesis is an interesting bey. Unique from a design standpoint, this Beyblade contains outclassed but viable parts such as the Nemesis 4D Clear Wheel and X:D. However, the main draw of this Beyblade is the powerful Diablo 4D Metal Wheel, which sees use in top-tier customizations. While by no means worthy of an immediate purchase, '''Bladers who already own the fundamental parts in the metagame should purchase this Beyblade.'''

[[Category:Metal Fight Beyblade]]

Having to correct uncapitalised words is really annoying ... All of Ultra's drafts had this flaw ...

Overall, I am satisfied with the corrections, but I still thought of things to add. In any case, what did this sentence actually refer to or mean : "When the tabs are causing the sharp tip to manually protrude, no automatic mode change will occur in Ultimate Balance Mode." ?
Just tried out my X:D this morning, and that sentence means that when in Ultimate Balance Mode, you can pull the tabs so they go from left to right diagonally (at least on mine) and it will stay on Sharp no matter what.
Ah man, I did not even remember that, but I tried it and you are correct. I modified that sentence slightly in my previous post to hopefully clarify it a lot more.
Ah, just noticed that. I didn't even realize Face Mark or most of the other terms had to be capitalized...sorry about that.

I have no complaint with your corrections, and Ginga already explained what I meant by that sentence. Thank you for reading it over.
I just posted Kai-V's edits, because while the draft was approved it wasn't posted on Beywiki ...