Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread

Poll: Do you want it to be coverted to a TCG (english)

I dont care
This looks nice
Total: 100% 15 vote(s)
Been buying bt09 stuff over the past two days. its been sold here since thurs. i ve bought enough to complete a shirayuki build, lacking tamamo at the moment (have only 2).

There is something strange about this booster. i ve yet to see a single crit point being obtained by anyone so far. And on the other hand, lots of sps have been out in the market so far.
@ Pcyborg Do you seem to get a lot of Metatrons? I bought 8 boxes and only 2 Metatrons. Uncertain Narukami's Perfect Guard has decreased in value now, I believe?
(Dec. 08, 2012  5:32 PM)Whatzzer Wrote: @ Pcyborg Do you seem to get a lot of Metatrons? I bought 8 boxes and only 2 Metatrons. Uncertain Narukami's Perfect Guard has decreased in value now, I believe?
My first box had Metatron SP. I got the RRR version from randomly buying some packs the next day.

As for Guld, I dont think its just him alone. Mark also seem to be downing on value on my side by around 30%. Thats just how high the circulation is on my side.

around here both golds and narukami nulls have incressed in value, with narukami going for $25 and gold going for $34.

just some news, the english world chapionship (i think thats english) had top 3 as golds and the 4th being narukami. internet prices are going to raise any second now for those clans.
I believe the English variants do cost that much.
Over at YJA and Rakuten respectively, cost anywhere between 600 to 1500 per Mark(Japanese and depending on print type BT06/BT09). But I get my cards from a different market. This market is definitely cheaper however selling cards are equally a pain since I'm expected to sell them at equally low prices.

And yeah its English. The Japanese meta will never truly have Golds dominating as long as DOTE is still around. It could hold its ground, but the number of players playing it is way more overwhelming. Even with the new Crossrides in BT09, I dont think any of them will reach the legendary status of DOTE.

Guld and Mark are being really cheap on my side here from $20 to $10(Guld) $ 15(Mark) dem I just can't find much Metatrons. I get a lot of Blasters thoughUncertain
ok, this thread is about to explode. new restrictions on jap format. for each clan, the following cards have been restricted to only 2 of them (that is, out of all of them you are only alowed 2) per deck.


royal paladin
TKK Alfred
wingal brave

orical think tank
tsukiomi starter
tsukiomi grade 3
silent tom

personaly, don't care about anything but oricles. loving the tom restriction, but i haven't vs any tsukiomi decks, and this ain't helping.
Its not funny when you can legal stack triggers for Tom... Aim for 2 trigger pass, its an all in at the centre. Aim for no pass, its an all in to the Tom... A restriction of Tsukuyomi is much needed but the restriction is really overkill though.

Everything else seems fine. I just dont get why Alfred is restricted...
MLB really isn't that bad, even with the restriction. It's just less consistent, but it can still work. But DOTE got hit HARD.

Mad people are deffy mad salty right now...
Many people might want to kill me after i say this but i think yugioh is WAY better than Vanguard. the vanguard anime is 10 times better but the card game isn't that good in my opinion. Yugioh is a good card game best since there is so many cards you don't know what cards your opponent will have. nuff said Tongue_out
I still LOVE yugioh, but the guy up there who said that yugioh was easier than vanguard, its not. Not in the SLIGHTEST.
if we are just going to get more yu-gi-oh to vanguard posts we need to change the tital of this topic. yu-gi-oh is dead to pure vanguard players, is struggling to anyone playing both and still going for yu-gi-oh players. can we leve it like that and just talk about vanguard here?
Sorry? I was just stating something Crying but I have a starter thunder dragon deck, I like it a lawt :3
Guys, knock it the carp off. It ain't CFV related if it's YGO glorifying. Seriously, anything off topic or not contributing to the topic is friggin' spam. I've said this countless times so that you wouldn't get mod noticed. But if you persist, I'm not gonna hold back.

Edit: Fixed now that I am on an actual keyboard.
If you came into this thread to say YuGiOh is better than CFV, leave.
I went to my local card shop and we had a tourney, I placed 2nd :3
(Dec. 11, 2012  2:57 AM)DrPepsidew Wrote: I went to my local card shop and we had a tourney, I placed 2nd :3

number of people, language, types of decks and player experience? knowing these things will let us know how good you are. plus im currious.
(Dec. 10, 2012  11:32 PM)Rustled Jimmies Wrote: MLB really isn't that bad, even with the restriction. It's just less consistent, but it can still work. But DOTE got hit HARD.

Mad people are deffy mad salty right now...

DOTE is still playable. Hybrid with Amber, it still works to some extent... The one which got hit the hardest is definitely Tsukuyomi... I for one, welcome the Silent Tom restriction with open arms
DOTE is dead~ Obviously Bushiroad trying to make people buy The Blood ~ I geuss Bushiroad is Void~ Expect DOTE Spirit soon~And bushiroad is trying to be konami now~ I just can't believe the release ofBT-09 BT-10,TD08-09and EB06 is so near.....
lol That restriction won't last long, actually. It'll be temporary lifted, among other past restrictions such as Barcgal and that G4 Silvest for one tournament.

I'm talking about "Planet Cray: Total War". How awesome sounding is that?
Get Barcgal released and Soul Saver Dragon, The Invisible and Absolute Dragon will rule once again.
Also guys what do you think of Magatsu ride chain? Good? I wann try them out :3 si far if you get the ride chain off you have no problem in winning as it totally saves your entire hand. That's just my opinion though.
The Magatsu Ride Chain is a Rank 3 Ride Chain, similar to that of the SDD and Military Dragon Ride Chains. Meaning, it's one of the worst Ride Chains out of the 3 Ranks (Rank 1 being the highest, I.E. Amber Dragon and Blau, and Rank 2 being the middle, aka somewhat consistent, I.E. Galahad and Tsukuyomi). In cases like those, you only need parts of the Ride Chain, like the G3 of Amber Dragon. It's like saying the best part is the juiciest meat.

Read this article on Ride Chains.

For reference, Tsukuyomi is the only one that benefits from having every member of its Ride Chain.
(Dec. 13, 2012  7:01 AM)Whatzzer Wrote: Get Barcgal released and Soul Saver Dragon, The Invisible and Absolute Dragon will rule once again.
Also guys what do you think of Magatsu ride chain? Good? I wann try them out :3 si far if you get the ride chain off you have no problem in winning as it totally saves your entire hand. That's just my opinion though.

Effect wise, I'd rather run a Tamamo build instead. Late game more power and its able to clone pretty much almost anything. A Magatsu Storm build pretty much only leaves you to clone copies of itself.

I'd rather have you putting down RGs and have them try to take em down instead. If you just have the VG on the centre, you'd have to fend off 3 consecutive attacks every single time. On the other hand, if you have an RG stationed, they'd feel pressured to take em down since you can clone them. They would probably direct their stage 2 or 3 attacks to it just to make sure you wont clone it again.

As for the SSD build, you would need an almost perfect field/hand to utilise it. Barcgal was more scary on his own than with SSD I feel. Calling out a Flogal army with almost no cost and pulling it behind Alfred is just... Too much considering that RP now has x2 variant for 10K vanillas. In terms of early game setup, I find it rather scary.
So I'm currently at a loss. I'm utilizing a multi-functional Kagero Deck to cover Early Game in two scenarios and late game with Dragonic Waterfall. But in order to avoid getting Grade Stuck, I opted for the Amber Dragon Ride Chain, a Rank 1 Ride Chain that mainly guarantees a ride in every turn provided you have the cards you need. In this case, I have a /Amber Dragon, Dawn/ being ridden by /Amber Dragon, Daylight/ to get /Amber Dragon, Dusk/ into my hand and secure a G2 Ride by Turn 2. By riding Dusk, I will secure an 11k defensive with /Amber Dragon, Eclipse/ by Turn 3, if available, and be able to get off with its CB as soon as I could get it. Then I can either switch to Goku if I'm still Early or move to Waterfall if I'm in Late (though I'd rather build my G3 hand with Goku to load Waterfall).

My main problem is that my current deck build has less G2s then there should be due to the addition of Daylights, Heatnails, and Kimnaras, and a need for 10 G3s to utilize Goku to its max. Here is the deck list.

Goku-Eclipse-Waterfall Multi-Functional Deck (Click to View)

What I've done, but haven't tested, was taken out two Tejas and a Heatnail to add in 1 Dusk, 1 Goku, and 1 Eclipse. But my G2 count goes down to 6, putting me dangerously low. While the Rank 1 Ride Chain is supposed to guarantee my G2 Ride, should I keep my G2 count like this and be dependant on the Ride Chain itself?
Too much G1. If you grade stuck, you lack the firepower to actually survive through.

In my opinion, you're playing too many "tech cards" that it lacks the basic base power. You must remember that Kagero is the kind of deck which minuses out on the opponent. A minus for them is not necessary a plus for you. You have too many cards competiting for CB as well

My recommendations would be
15 G1
9/10 G2
8/9 G3

You should treat the chain ride mechanics as a BONUS and not a mechanics which you have to force yourself around with. Also, the deck lacks lots of scalability to hit for a Stage 2 attack. Its true that your G3 +
G1 does the job, but again, what if you Grade stuck?

Also one more thing, do consider more draw triggers.