Cardfight Vanguard Discussion thread

Poll: Do you want it to be coverted to a TCG (english)

I dont care
This looks nice
Total: 100% 15 vote(s)
Which build for Kagero were you using?
I use Goku-Lawkeeper. Against the Kagero, I had him on the ropes with a Crit for kill, but he got a Heal on his last damage. After that, the game completely turned around, and I got Triggered to pass for game. Against OTT, I got Lawkeeper early game and was forced to ride it. I got Goku late game at a Trigger Check, but it was pretty much useless.

Edit: Also forgot to add...

To those interested in buying EB02...

[Image: 150113_374930249249468_1044569236_n.jpg]

Sealed boxes of EB02 will include these three promo cards. Great for Kagero and Great Nature players, not so much RP IMO. Buy four of these to get a full set, then trade 'em to any people you know who want these cards.

I know I want me some Waterfowl, but Otter's some good trade bait, too.

This "Maelstrom" is lookin' pretty sexy.

Woah, were did all my money go?

Last year, BT05 burned my money.

I'm seeing bT09 doing the same this time...
im lucky i still play royals, or i would be spending all my money on this set. sooooo glad i don't play golds much.
Personally speaking, I dont find Royals up to par unless they have a retreating VG.. Galahad just doesnt give the card advantage Royals used to have. (english meta)

I was playing Royals and it brought me rather far in some tournaments. Until Barcgal was restricted, I then realise the severe lack of field presence it used to have (partially from the Flogal Army) and possible ride survivability (Superior ride to BB). And Pongal serves as another means of not allowing you to misgrade (giving you SSD). It was practically impossible to misgrade as long as you have any grade 1. Virtually, you have 12 G3 (8 being the standard G3, 4 being virtual ones generated by Pongals). All this was for English meta.

It could do what GPs could at an even faster rate. Field populate with Flogals and Alfred easily gains 20K. Gordon was easily boosted by practically anything there was. Doesnt matter if its another Flogal, BT01~BT03 with Barcgal unrestricted would easily dominate. Pongals easily converts to 10K RG attackers which could take out opponent RGs unboosted (the highest ever possible power for an RG is 11K base without effect).

Honestly, I am amazed. With just 1 card restriction, WHOLE STRATEGIES changed. GP took over the lime light as its the next highest field populator.

If Bushiroad ever decides to unrestrict Barcgal, I think RP would easily grab back the lime light.
Actually, in English Meta, you don't HAVE to completely play Galahad G3. Alice of VMundi made five separate decks where the Galahad line is just to get you started, and you can either run it or off it. They make cards like Holy Disaster Dragon usable and alternative to Soul Saver Dragon.

So personally, I don't know why everyone thinks Royal Paladins "just aren't up to par" when you can still make a usable and competitive deck with them.

VMundi's Royal Paladin Article, featuring decks for Alfred, Galahad, and Palamedes/SSD/HDD/Lohengrin.
I did. Several builds infact. I could never pull off the galahad ride chain consisyently no matter what happens. Only my own luck is to blame honestly. I dont even play the g3 in all my builds!

But even if the chain did go off, (g1 and g2) only, the stack which went under may be the card you want or need. Although tsukuyomi does the same thing, the effect it has is so different on the overall deck usage.

Rp is still strong. Its still one of the main decks i intend to use competitively. But screw galahad. The ride chain for it doesnt seem worth it.

Where can I buy Japanese Vanguard cards online besides Ebay and shockwave?
Private sellers? I think Vanguard Rider forums has quite a bit of em.
well being a jap player, i feel like im the only person in Australia still using a royal paladin garmore/garmall deck. it feels so consitant for me and i only have 1 null guard in it, even then the null guard tends to just get in the way.
You meant RP Fang of Light build?
correctomondo. Puppie Power!
At all these posts above:

Lohengrin rocks Smug
Can anyone comment on my Nectar build?
So here the current thing
Shield Seed Squire 1
4 Stand
4 Crits
4 Heal
4 Draw

Blade Seed Squire 4
Corolla Dragon 4
Fruit Basket Elf 2
Maiden of Blossom Rain 3(null)

Knight of Young Leaves, Gene
Hey Yo! PineApple 2
Iris Knight 4
Sky Covering Wings,Simorgh 2

Forrunner Battle Maiden, Laurel 3
Knight of Harvest, Gene 1
Black Lily Musketeer, Hermann 3

I was wondering, should 1 use more of thier g3?
The Gene line is an ABSOLUTELY horrendous idea in a Neo Nectar deck. Focus more on Musketeers instead.
What do you guys think about crossride Ezel?
lion of radiance, platinum ezel


lb5 counterblast 3 and give 5 gold paladin rearguards 5000 power until the end of turn

this unit gains 2000 if you have blonde ezel in soul

this unit cannot attack if you have a non gold paladin vanguard or rearguard

:post from vanguard wiki:
carp, why did they have to call it platinum, now i have to get it (pokemon platinum was my first proper pokemon game, thus leaving a strong connection to that metal). at least it's a strong card, with the right level of restrictions to make it viable and not broken (thank you limit break 5) and is a little esier to get out with ezel in the soul thanks to the starting vanguard we all know and love/hate. looks like im getting this card, going to buy just one more ezel, add both to my little used gold paladin deck and kick the carp out of some DOTE, or fail missarably and end up broke (like im already am due to not having a job).
note, dispite me still playing jap, this will probably be the first crossride i get and actually use, had MLB, but lost blaster blade on the same day i got it, so i traded it. come to think of it, i have never actually versed a DOTE deck, or atleast one that didn't miss ride.
(Oct. 25, 2012  7:26 AM)Hitsugiya Wrote: What do you guys think about crossride Ezel?

Time to restrict Kyrph! =D


I guess I should be grateful that, despite running a Kagero deck, I have two Blond Ezels on standby...

*Finishes Aqua Force and buys Narukami deck* Bandwagon choo choo

Only thing I need for GP is four of this big boy

This one is at the very bottom
Honestly, I'm more interested in the new Blaster G3 coming from the manga...
It seems like a RG effect if it Drops itself after its effect is used. I can't imagine de-Riding with an effect like that.
Effects arent confirmed though. Just speculated. I'm just glad that finally there is an alternative to MLB which Bedivere and Kay could be useful in..