I just looked at the current list so I'll throw in my two cents.
It might be illegal to use a sg bearing ver. 2 if it's aggressive enough to use for attack types.
For smash attack, I suggest not
using HMC. Generally, you'd want less weight. I guess it does help with control, but I'd prefer to just get better launching technique. Maybe I could see it on SG Metal Flat 2, but I'd still stick with a North Core. Also, that's another thing, for the life of me I cannot remember why, but I remember North Core being preferred over South Core for attack types.
For the OHKO section, I doesn't make sense at all to use SG Metal Flat 2. The ARs have so much recoil that the only/best chance for KO is very early on in the match, and at the highest speed possible. With the metal flat tip, that chance is brought down, and then the bey will just KO itself. Also, the ARs, or at least Whale Crusher is too wide for Fin Tector to have any place.
For grip based defense combos, it's not a good idea to use Fortress Base. You shouldn't mix the weight with the grip like that because then the stamina decreases too drastically. So it'd lose to other defense types, maybe some SG Metal Flat 2 combos, and it loses out on spin stealing on opposite spin survival combos for the possible win. Also, I'd always use Wide Defense here over Wide Survivor.
For the weight based defense combos, I like it how it is really, but
Tiger Defense
10 Heavy/Wide Defense
Neo Left/Right HMC
SG Metal Ball w/4 balls
should also be there. With these kinds of combos there is a lot of preference involved. Like, if you run 10 Heavy then you might opt to use 2 metal balls instead if you think your opponent has a similar combo in his arsenal, but you are still weary of his attack types, and you think he might be weary of yours. Now that I thin about it, playing plastics really shows you how to approach your analysis of your opponent when choosing your combo, or preparing your combos in the first place. It might help people with MFB.
Also, for all the defense type combos you should list both right and left spin directions because Triangle Wing makes it so that they can use upper attack in left spin too.
I think zombies should be separate from endurance. Especially, since gen 2 zombies use SG Bearing Ver. 2 because people started resorting to attack types to take out zombies. Also, Wing Cross should be there for right spin zombies. I think everyone should read the zombie article off the damashii archive.
For compacts the only bases you should use are SG Semi Flat or SG Metal Change. The other ones aren't necessary. Also, War Lion should be under Tiger Defense and Wing Cross.
SG Metal Change should get a special mention aside from compacts because it's a great base to help beginners learn about shooting techniques. You can very clearly learn te difference between the straight shot, banking, catapault shot, and the sliding shot with this base. Because of this, I think these types of combos should also be mentioned seperately from compacts under balance types.
Another thing, Panther Claw got a mention. That AR is similar to Tiger Defense, except
it has more attack and less stamina/defense. So, paired with SG Metal Change it behaves similarly, but when needed you can change launch technique for more attack against let's say, a similar combo using Tiger Defense, or a survival type, or whatever. This doesn't exactly
mean top tier, but more like a description of why I like the honorable mention/where that was placed on the list.
For Bluezee's combo it should be noted that a long time ago, similar combos were recommended to beginners to use. No one realized then that it could beat zombie combos like that, and it was often used with the tip portruding instead of the other way.
Ahh, I hope this isn't all jumbled up. I types it on my iPhone. Hope
this helps.
Credit for the avatar and sig go to Nic. THANK YOU!