My bad, totally called it the wrong thing. Yeah, Metal Ball Base. Edited the post so it makes sense. I still want it re-tested, hopefully I can find who said it sucked.
And I still want 10bBistool's viability checked. If it's gonna lose to zombies and attackers, I mean, that's not exactly all that useful, is it? A lot of it's popularity seems to be based on how well it worked in the huge dishes hasbro used. It could avoid zombies due to the size and had decent stamina to outspin them, and it could survive KO's well, due to the Arena. I'm sure you all know this, but the point is, we don't use stupid arena's. So is it really as great as it is fabled to be?
I could be wrong, I'm again only able to go by what I've read, but I mean, considering it'd be easier to KO than a compact, and would be forced to make contact with zombies, I just don't see it working. I mean, sure, if a metagame was ruled by compacts, but most people would carry a decent attacker, zombie, or both, right?