"Build me a combo!" #2

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thnx guys
I know the weel is good but wat i dont like the spin track and pf those parts arent good in the bey.p.s this mesage is for coke
(Jun. 30, 2012  1:49 AM)EAGLE 4 EVER! Wrote: I know the weel is good but wat i dont like the spin track and pf those parts arent good in the bey.p.s this mesage is for coke

Yeah, that's what quoting is for, sir...
hey guys these are my beys and i hope u guys suggest me some good attack, defense and stamina combos and if you could also a spin stealer/ balance/ destabilizer combo if possible and also suggest if i should get any parts which could help me improve any combo.... but no 4d beys as if i give an order now i will get it much later after the tourney + im limited to only hasbro beys for now.....
so here are my parts:
thank you!
Spin Stealer:
Meteo L Drago CH120 WD

Hell Kerbecs BD145 R2F/RF
Screw 90/CH120 RF/R2F
Gravity Destroyer CH120/D125 RF/R2F/MF


Hell Kerbecs BD145 WD
Burn Bull AD145 WD
Earth Bull AD145 WD

Hell Kerbecs BD145 CS
(Jun. 30, 2012  2:06 PM)Dark_Mousy Wrote:
are u sure that CS would be okay for the balance combo as its very agressive and arent there any defense combos possible at all? Gasp
and should i use horogrium CW for the screw attack combo? and i forgot to add the i have MF-H and MF-F as well...
ohhh almost forgot which mode should hell kerbekes be used in the
1. attack combo,
2. stamina comboe and
3. the balance combo?
kerbecks can be used in all types it has everthing wheight distibution 3 sided attack and a nice amought of defensive power
(Jun. 30, 2012  2:10 PM)gameboysuperman Wrote:
(Jun. 30, 2012  2:06 PM)Dark_Mousy Wrote:
are u sure that CS would be okay for the balance combo as its very agressive and arent there any defense combos possible at all? Gasp
and should i use horogrium CW for the screw attack combo? and i forgot to add the i have MF-H and MF-F as well...
ohhh almost forgot which mode should hell kerbekes be used in the
1. attack combo,
2. stamina comboe and
3. the balance combo?
For attack use normal mode. For stamina/Defense use Boost mode.
wow its been a long time since i have posted lTongue_out
l drago destroy
diablo nemesis
rock pegasis
ray Unicorno
lightning L-Drago
dark wolf
flame sgto
flame byxis
earth virgo
earth aqualia
coloured rock giraffe
rock leone
rock aires
thermal pices
gravity destroyer
grand kato
inferno cancer

face broken in half hell kerbecs from rapidity(cw wont come out)
blitz Unicorno from rapidity(damaged CW)
metal face for eagle(messed up face)
missing destroyer face so i used eagle since the eagle face only fits on the AD145
metal face is for eagle ONLY because it can fit into eagles 145.
ATK: Variares R145HF, maybe D:D (F).
DEF: Diablo Nemesis X:D (Ultimate Balance Mode with S²D)
STAM: Earth Cancer AD145WD
What good combos can I make of each type (including balance) with the following beys?

Basalt Horogium 145WD
Hell Kerbecs BD145DS
Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F
Rock Leone 145WB
Ray Unicorno D125CS
Flame Sagittario C145S
Dark Bull H145SD

Attack:gravity destroyer ch120 rf(nice attack)
Gravity destroyer lw105 xf,85 r2f(upper attack)
Hell libra h145 r2f(high recoil)
Meteo l-drago ch120 xf(stamina and attack),Use it with ewd/wd for amazing spin-equlizing
Get variares/flash/diablo for attack.and ewd
Defence:twisted tempo 90/85 wd(stamina-defence),
Twisted kerbecs bd145 rf/cs(anti-attacker)
Get duo uranus/2xgurdian revizer for defence,and thief phenic for amazing e230.l drago gurdian for left spin defence
Stamina:twisted cancer ad145 wd(have nice attack and defence too)
Get phantom orion/duo uranus/scythe kronos for stamina
Blaence:basult cancer 230 mf
Too bad ur cs is aggrasive.
Basult kerbecs 85 wd
Get the beys i said.get takara only.ill build u awesome combos.
ATK: Hell Kerbecs H145R²F
DEF: Basalt Pegasis BD145CS
STAM: Hell Kerbecs BD145 (Boost Mode)WD
Please could somone tell me a good combo with these Beys:

Storm Pegasus 105RF
Flame Sagittario
Rock Aquario 125SF

and soon Cyber Pegasus
Your best combo would be a mediocre Attack custom; Storm Pegasus 100/C145RF.
Thanks Smile.
I will stay on the look out for anymore combos.
Yo! i know i haven't been on in a while, but that doesn't mean i haven't been bladin'! but i need some help, i need atleast two good combos out of the parts i have. here they are:

Facebolts: basic face boltX7

Energy rings: Capricorn, Byxis, Befall, Bull, Pegasus, Aquario, Leone, Libra, Gasher, Virgo, Picses,

Fusion Wheels: Spiral, Earth (hasbro mould), Flame X3, Hyper, Fury, Night, Rock (Hasbro Heavy mould) X2, Evil, Midnight,

Spin Tracks: 230, Tornado 125, Claw 145, Eternal Defence 145, Gravity Ball 145, 105, 100, 90, 125,
145, Upper Wing 145,

Performance Tips: Ball Sharp, Ball, Wide Defence X2 (one is a little worn, the other is pristine), Eternal Wide Defence, Wide Ball (again, slightly worn), Metal flat, Hole Flat, Flat, Eternal Sharp, Flat sharp (Very worn).

anyways, thanks in advance to whoever can help! Smile i really appreciate it!

P.S. can't get any non hasbro parts, mom wont let me order them over the internetz, and i live in bc, so i am so outta luck on the takara tomy / other japanese parts
Attack: Spiral _____ 90/100 MF
Defense: Earth Aquario C145WB
Stamina: Earth Gasher 100 WD/EWD
Well this is my first build me a combo request and I've got quite a few parts to list so this might be fairely lengthy,but any advice would be wonderful. I simply wish to know what viable combos I could make, from the beys I own.

Galaxy Pegasus W105R2F (Tip is a bit worn)
Spiral/Screw Capricorn 90MF
Thermal Lacerta WA130HF(Recolored version)
Thunder Leone GB145BS
Gravity Destroyer AD145 WD
Twisted Tempo/Basalt Horigium 145WD
Flame Byxis 230WD
Evil/Killer Befall UW145EWD
Hades/Hell Kerbecs BD145BS
Flame Serpent SW145F
Rock Zurafa R145WB
Poison Zurafa S130 MB
Bakushin Susanoo 90WF
Inferno Gasher SW145SF
Hyper Aquario 105F
Cyber Aquario 100RF
Ultimate Meteo L-Drago Absorb DF 105 LRF (Fairly new that I got last week,the tip was only used very few times)
Counter Scorpio 145D
MF-Vulcan Horuseus 145D
Ray Striker D125CS (Coat Sharp is slightly worn but still in good condition)
Grand Cetus WD145 RS (Slightly worn tip)

Anyway, I know the list is long. xD I've followed this topic a bit and I'm currently trying out a MF-Twisted Gasher 230D. I'm just curious to see, if I have any other potential combos, with the current parts I've got.
I just won some Zero-G's from the tourney, can someone make me a -Zero-G combo? Parts are in the sig and keep in mind I have MSF Custom Stone Faces.
I would like to know if i could build a stamina combo with beyblades...
this is only a few of the beyblades i have that might help in the combination please reply if any other parts to the stamina combination would helpSmile
Earth Virgo GB145BS
Spiral Capricorn 90MF
Evil Befall UW145EWD
Flame Sagittario C145S
My cuz needs a combos
Lightning L-Drago 100HF x2
Ultimate L-Drago Attack 105XF
Evil Befall UW145EWD
Meteo L-Drago LW105LF
Rock Giraffe R145WB
Rock Scorpio T125JB
Gravity Destroyer AD145WD
VariAres DGrin
Pirates Oroyja 145D
Storm Capricorn M145Q
Flame Byxis 230WD
Poison Giraffe S130MB

@ ReploidZero

Attack: MF Gravity Destroyer R145/S130 RF (MF if hasbro stadium...)
Defense: MF Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS
Stamina: Hell Kerbecs BD145 (Boost mode) WD

@ Elderbow Gryph hasn't had testing, and non-synchrom beys are pretty bad, so nothing right now Zero-G wise...

Attack: Gravity Destroyer CH120R2F (MF can be used too...)
Defense: Duo Kerbecs BD145 CS/MB
Stamina: Duo Gasher AD145WD

@ BlazingIce1735

Attack: Gravity Destroyer D125MF
Defense: Twisted Kerbecs BD145CS
Stamina: Hades Kerbecs BD145 (Boost Mode) WD

@ Death Bro

Attack: Gravity Destroyer S130HF (Get R2F or MF...)
Defense: Nuffin...
Stamina: Nuffin...
Spin-Stealer: Meteo L-Drago 100WD

Thanks, I actually placed second with that stamina combo. All I did was look at the competitive combos and made that one up.
Thanks for the tips Def!

Just one question would R2F or LRF be viable substitutes for RF in the Attack: MF Gravity Destroyer R145/S130 RF/MF combo?