"Build me a combo!" #2

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the combo lightning l drago d125 can be good in a local tournament, that the battles are at hasbro satadium?
i know im not suposed to say illegal combos but i have a very good one gravity perseus th inside from ed145 then put on meteo l dragos energy ring next hf
DO NOT discuss illegal combos here. There's different thread for it. Use the search function.
(Apr. 28, 2012  10:38 PM)ngfblader Wrote: the combo lightning l drago d125 can be good in a local tournament, that the battles are at hasbro satadium?

You shouldn't be using attack types in a Hasbro stadium.
However, you might stick an HF tip onto that setup, to use it in Hasbro stadiums...
is there a good combo or a good way of making rock giraffe/zurafa bettter?
Please list your parts so we can help you.
Good combos Pls





Attack: MF-H Flash Escolpio S130 RF/R2F
Defense: MF-H Duo Kerbecs BD145 CS/RDF/MB
Stamina: Duo Cancer AD145WD, Phantom Cancer/Cygnus 230D

Go check out the recent talk on the Competitive MFB combos. That might help you, since you have a lot of useful parts...
i just want a combo or a way of making rock giraffe better, its not excactly a combo question but i went on the ask a question get the answer thread and they told me to come here so im not going to list my parts.
just give me a combo or a way of making rock giraffe/zurafa better!
The only part that is useful from it is R145, in the combo MF/-H VariAres R145 RF/R2F/LRF.

Also, i don't see why anyone should help you when you are shouting at them, demanding them to answer your question.
There really is no way to make a bey "better'' unless we know what type u want im just going to suggest you want a defense type so just change the WB to a CS or an EDS
EDS isn't at all suitable for Defense customs, and Rock Zurafa out of the box is a poor combo to begin with.

@LeadFarmer1875: If you list all of your parts, we can help you to build better combos.
sorry my mistake pushed 3 keys at the same time on accident didnt look at what happened the combo you have should be Rock Zurafa R145 CS
Oh please, that is by no means a good combo for anything.
Yes, one can argue that its a mediocre Attack combo, should that CS be aggressive, but well...
That's still quite poor... We can't help him unless we know the rest of his parts first, so changing tip of an already poor combo to a better Bottom won't do him much good either. If he doesn't want to post the rest of his parts, then he'd might as well take BeyHyperKiller's advice since that at least uses a part of his original Bey.

EDIT: Beaten; didn't see you there, Janstarblast!
Seriously... That's so true, ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

(Apr. 29, 2012  12:08 PM)LeadFarmer1875 Wrote: i just want a combo or a way of making rock giraffe better, its not excactly a combo question but i went on the ask a question get the answer thread and they told me to come here so im not going to list my parts.
just give me a combo or a way of making rock giraffe/zurafa better!

Well, this is the Build Me a Combo thread. If you want a combo with Rock Zurafa, list your parts.
Don't ever expect us to help you with combos, when you aren't ready to list your parts.
By not listing your parts, you are simply prompting us to suggest combos blindly, as a result of which, you'd reply- "But I don't have those parts!"
So, listing parts is important.

OK, its been quite long, but I had a question this time. Tongue_out
I am looking for a Stamina combo, but I am wondering as to what out of these would be better-
Hell Kerbecs BD145EWD
Basalt ____ AD145WD
Basalt ____ BD145EWD

The last combo is something I am unsure about. It might scrape in the BB-10 due to its slopes, but as I have no BB-10 to verify this, and as this combo doesn't scrape in my rather flat stadium, I want someone to verify this for me. Tongue_out
ikr he should have given us his parts than i could have given him a better combo but he didnt so all i could give him was that unsatisfactory combo

And it will scrape depending on how hard a hit takes but it would be the best for stamina.
(Apr. 29, 2012  3:45 PM)THeNITesRiPpeR Wrote: ikr he should have given us his parts than i could have given him a better combo but he didnt so all i could give him was that unsatisfactory combo

And it will scrape depending on how hard a hit takes but it would be the best for stamina.

Please refrain from posting in this thread. As your advice is bad.

Janstarblast Any BD145 non-boost mode combo with EWD will scrape in a BB-10. I am not sure which is better out of Hell ___ BD145 EWD and Basalt ___ AD145 WD but i know the Hell combo has a better solo spin, however Basalt grinds the opponent down. So yeah, i'm not sure.
Thanks for the verification, BHK. Smile

Well, Hell is considered to be superior to Basalt for Stamina, but only because of Basalt's grinding ability, I am a bit confused between the two. Confused
So, we both share the same confusion I guess. Tongue_out
Yeah Jan, Hell is superior for Stamina and also its common that Basalt has a really bad performance with WD.
Are there any ways to improve to combos Flash Bull CH120R2F, Diablo Kerbecs R145RF, and MF Phantom Libra B : D? I only have one Metal Face and R2F. I do not have Duo.
Other useful parts I have:
another Bull
ok i want combos for attack defence stanima and balance only 4 beyblades i dont mind if my parts are outclasseed i just need the best beys i can make out of my parts
i use hasbro lightning force stadium and beyblades
Storm Pegasis 105RF
Midnight Bull 125 SF
Cyber Pegasis 105 F
Evil Befall UW145EWD
Galaxy Pegasis W105R2F X 2
Ray Unicorno D125 CS
Grand Cetus WD145RS

Spare Parts
Pegasis 1
Pegasis 2
Capricorn CW
Leone 1

So what beyblades can i make out of these parts as i said i dont mind if they are outclassed im just looking for the 4 best beys thanks!
(Apr. 29, 2012  4:20 PM)BeyHyperKiLLer Wrote:
(Apr. 29, 2012  3:45 PM)THeNITesRiPpeR Wrote: ikr he should have given us his parts than i could have given him a better combo but he didnt so all i could give him was that unsatisfactory combo

And it will scrape depending on how hard a hit takes but it would be the best for stamina.

Please refrain from posting in this thread. As your advice is bad.

Janstarblast Any BD145 non-boost mode combo with EWD will scrape in a BB-10. I am not sure which is better out of Hell ___ BD145 EWD and Basalt ___ AD145 WD but i know the Hell combo has a better solo spin, however Basalt grinds the opponent down. So yeah, i'm not sure.

Thank you BHK for posting that its the family reunion and one of my cousins got on the computer and started posting on my account this has been very bad advice and i am very sorry for any inconvenience usually i would not have posting on something for a beys specific stadium performance so i am HUGELY sorry for this terrible and and thank the users greatly for correcting it
@GM Phantom Try switching the BGrin on Phantom Libra to 230D if you have one, and also remove the MF, it doesn't really go on Stamina types. And try and use Escolpio/Scorpio for the Flash combo and put the MF on it instead.

FlareRyan there's not much you can make with them, so try to get Lightning L-Drago, Hades Kerbecs and Twisted Tempo. But to answer your question
Attack: Screw Pegasis II D125RF
Stamina: Flame Bull 105ES
And as I said before, try to get LLD, Hades Kerbecs and Twisted Tempo so you can make far better combos like
Hell Kerbecs BD145WD, Lightning L-Drago 100RF and Basalt Bull BD145CS.