This is why we don't use nicknames
Plus, it already had a nickname. MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230MF does quite well against it, IIRC (as long as you orient kerbecs right), and MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF, launched really weakly (20% or so), does great against it. It can also tornado stall at 100%, check its thread for details. MF Lightning L Drago BD145LRF does decently against it, too.
Plus, it already had a nickname. MF-H Basalt Kerbecs 230MF does quite well against it, IIRC (as long as you orient kerbecs right), and MF Meteo L Drago CH120XF, launched really weakly (20% or so), does great against it. It can also tornado stall at 100%, check its thread for details. MF Lightning L Drago BD145LRF does decently against it, too.