"Build me a combo!" #2

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(Jun. 17, 2011  11:35 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: Attack- LL Drago Ch 120 F (get an RF and a MF (Metal Face)

Defense- Earth Gasher GB 145 CS (Get a MF)

Stamina- Burn Gasher DF 145 SD (get a 145 if u cannot get a AD 145 and a WD)

Destableizing- none

Btw, Burn Fireblaze comes with a 135 not a 145.

I've tried that stamina combo, it didn't work.
You do not own the parts that make the stamina combo top tier, I will ask one more time, What stadium are you using, what bey are you using against this bey, and what launchers are you using?
try Earth, thats the better ring but that means you dont have a defense, but its worth a try
(Jun. 17, 2011  8:05 AM)BHorogium Wrote:
(Jun. 17, 2011  3:56 AM)Ray Unicorno. Wrote:
(Jun. 17, 2011  12:38 AM)BHorogium Wrote: None of the combos posted for my parts were that good last time, so I hope you guys don't mind me posting them again.

Metal Wheels: Night, Basalt, Gravity ( I think it's mold 2), Lightning, Meteo, Torch, Rock, Counter, Killer, Ray, Screw, Storm, Dark

Clear Wheels: Capricorne, L-Drago, L-Drago II, Perseus, Aries, Giraffe, Leone, Gemios, Unicorno, Pegasis, Wolf, Horogium, Virgo

Tracks: 85, 90, 100, 105, DF105, 125, 135, 145, AD145, R145, GB145, DF145, LW105,

Bottoms: RF, LRF, WB, WD, FS, S, RS, XF, CS, D, LF, MF, F

I also have some MF and MF2's. Feel free to repeat any parts on multiple combos.

Attack: MF Lightning L Drago 85LRF (get BD145)
MF Meteo L Drago 125XF (get CH120)
MF Gravity Perseus R145RF (use only if its mold 1)
Defense: MF-H Basalt Leone GB145CS/RS (get Bull/Aquario and BD145 (and use MF-H Basalt Bull/Aquario BD145CS)
Stamina: Basalt Virgo AD145WD (get a Hell Kerbecs and use Hell Kerbecs BD145WD)

(Jun. 17, 2011  3:50 AM)Lonely_Icarus Wrote: Hi

Um.. I am kind of new to this and I am just looking for a decent combo with nothing specific in mind.

I only have

1 Rock Leone 145WB (all parts) and
1 Poison Serpent (all parts) SW145SD

I know that it is really quite pathetic but I would still like to know the best possible combo with them.
Attack: Rock Leone SW145WB (SW145 attack mode)
Defense: Rock Leone SW145WB (SW145 defense mode)
Stamina: Rock Lone 145SD
Alright, thanks. I'm getting Hell Kerbecs in the next few days, I'm pretty sure, chance of getting Dark Cancer as well... What would you recommend to buy with about $30, after Hell Kerbecs and Dark Cancer? I'll test combos tomorrow btw... too tired right now. Again, tyvm.

I have the results:
MF-H Basalt Leone GB145RS was pretty much fail. Lost against Killer Gemios DF145FS 3-0.

Basalt Virgo AD145WD was decent, won against Killer Gemios DF145FS 3-0, and Screw Capricorne 100MF 3-1....

The LLD 85LRF pretty much failed because LRF is so unactive for some reason.... Acts like defense bottom.

MLD 125XF was kinda weak... I tried before.

Can't do Gravity Perseus R145RF, my Gravity is mold 2.

I am getting CH120 and BD145, and Scythe Kronos. =D
Okay, I got a couple more beys, so...

(As a side note, I'd prefer if the parts listed for each bey is only listed depending on quantity, as in if I only have one type of a part, it cannot be used for another combo)

All plastic faces. :\
Clear Wheels:
Virgo, Libra, Bull, Kerbecs, Horogium, Gasher, Pegasus II, L-Drago, L-Drago II, L-Drago II (Rush Ver.), Perseus
Metal Wheels:
Vulcan, Bakushin, (Hasbro) Burn, Basalt, Hell, Lightning, Meteo (x2), Earth (x2), Gravity
Spin Tracks:
90, 100, LW105, W105 (x2), 105 (x5), 145 (x2), AD145, BD145, R145, GB145 (x2), T125, D125, CH120, 230
Performance Tips:
RF, LRF, CS, WB (x3), BS, WD (x4), WF, LF, RSF
IdiotBox:IMO these would be great Beys:
Attack:LLD CH120RF
DefenceEeearth Gasher GB145WB
Stamina:Hell Bull BD145CS
(Jun. 17, 2011  11:48 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: You do not own the parts that make the stamina combo top tier, I will ask one more time, What stadium are you using, what bey are you using against this bey, and what launchers are you using?

Now please, don't criticize me for using the l-drago stadium, because I didn't have enough money to get some expensive japanese stadium, and it seemed like a better choice than the other Hasbro stadiums. So, yea L-drago Stadium. Launcher, just an ordinary launcher that comes with a bey, and I'm using lightning l drago against it.
(Jun. 18, 2011  3:08 AM)spiritofldrago Wrote:
(Jun. 17, 2011  11:48 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: You do not own the parts that make the stamina combo top tier, I will ask one more time, What stadium are you using, what bey are you using against this bey, and what launchers are you using?

Now please, don't criticize me for using the l-drago stadium, because I didn't have enough money to get some expensive japanese stadium, and it seemed like a better choice than the other Hasbro stadiums. So, yea L-drago Stadium. Launcher, just an ordinary launcher that comes with a bey, and I'm using lightning l drago against it.
Well, that's why it is not working. You're using a Hasbro Stadium and using a Light Launcher.
(Jun. 18, 2011  3:08 AM)spiritofldrago Wrote:
(Jun. 17, 2011  11:48 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: You do not own the parts that make the stamina combo top tier, I will ask one more time, What stadium are you using, what bey are you using against this bey, and what launchers are you using?

Now please, don't criticize me for using the l-drago stadium, because I didn't have enough money to get some expensive japanese stadium, and it seemed like a better choice than the other Hasbro stadiums. So, yea L-drago Stadium. Launcher, just an ordinary launcher that comes with a bey, and I'm using lightning l drago against it.

Dude, stamina is GOOD in Hasbro stadiums.

But yeah, what beys ARE you using?
(Jun. 18, 2011  3:19 AM)IdiotBox Wrote:
(Jun. 18, 2011  3:08 AM)spiritofldrago Wrote:
(Jun. 17, 2011  11:48 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: You do not own the parts that make the stamina combo top tier, I will ask one more time, What stadium are you using, what bey are you using against this bey, and what launchers are you using?

Now please, don't criticize me for using the l-drago stadium, because I didn't have enough money to get some expensive japanese stadium, and it seemed like a better choice than the other Hasbro stadiums. So, yea L-drago Stadium. Launcher, just an ordinary launcher that comes with a bey, and I'm using lightning l drago against it.

Dude, stamina is GOOD in Hasbro stadiums.

But yeah, what beys ARE you using?
Not if you're using a Light Launcher. Hah. Better use a BeyLauncher for everything.
Can I get a combo with any hasbro bey except the part ch120. I also have meteo l drago and galaxy pegasis
And if i can get top teir combo that i will problaby buy the parts for
MF meteo l drago _____R2F..not sure about the track that you have...
He said ANY, so you could do:

MF/No MF Lightning L Drago H145R2F
MF Meteo L Drago 100RF

MF Earth Bull GB145CS

Burn Bull 145WD
(Jun. 18, 2011  5:15 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: MF meteo l drago _____R2F..not sure about the track that you have...

You should use either 85 or 90 track with this combo, try to use low tracks. From the beys he listed, LW105 or W105 is what he's got so either of them he should use doesn't really matter.. since he's going for hasbro get lightning L drago its a top tier bey and it has very useful parts.

MF Lightning L Drago 100R2F
MF Meteo L Drago 100R2F
Thanks for the combos and how would i make Meteo L drago win more when he spin steals cause i want to use him like that against certain beys. Would it be to increase his stamina when it comes to the final seconds? I have Meteo L Drago 100WD to spin steal better and it ties almost every match.Thank you again for your help. Cute
(Jun. 18, 2011  5:24 AM)Resistance Wrote:
(Jun. 18, 2011  5:15 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: MF meteo l drago _____R2F..not sure about the track that you have...

You should use either 85 or 90 track with this combo, try to use low tracks. From the beys he listed, LW105 or W105 is what he's got so either of them he should use doesn't really matter.. since he's going for hasbro get lightning L drago its a top tier bey and it has very useful parts.

MF Lightning L Drago 100R2F
MF Meteo L Drago 100R2F

you should get takara lightning l drago..it is beeter then hasbro's..
(Jun. 18, 2011  5:51 AM)Rogue Blader Wrote: Thanks for the combos and how would i make Meteo L drago win more when he spin steals cause i want to use him like that against certain beys. Would it be to increase his stamina when it comes to the final seconds? I have Meteo L Drago 100WD to spin steal better and it ties almost every match.Thank you again for your help. Cute

In my opinion it will always tie, just win/lose by like a mili sec
its not really spin stealing
its more Equalizing IMO
though u could always try to go lower
EX Meteo L drago 85/90 WD
ALSO IMO i think SD does better in spin stealing ( well it was what beyblade potter said for L drago destroy, dont know if it would apply for Meteo though)
Ya i know it's really equalizing but i like spin stealing better Eee
(Jun. 18, 2011  5:24 AM)Resistance Wrote:
(Jun. 18, 2011  5:15 AM)Benjohadi Wrote: MF meteo l drago _____R2F..not sure about the track that you have...

You should use either 85 or 90 track with this combo, try to use low tracks. From the beys he listed, LW105 or W105 is what he's got so either of them he should use doesn't really matter.. since he's going for hasbro get lightning L drago its a top tier bey and it has very useful parts.

MF Lightning L Drago 100R2F
MF Meteo L Drago 100R2F

He should change the bottom to D or WD as well for stamina

edit: oh sorry i didn't read darkblader's comment. my bad.
(Jun. 17, 2011  11:22 PM)spiritofldrago Wrote:
(Jun. 17, 2011  11:15 PM)Jacksonian Wrote: Calm down, what combo are you using? It may be you who is in the wrong, not the CS, it could be your launch, what launcher do you use? Your statement could have gone is "Beyblade Random Thoughts".

But also, what other beys do you use?

I have 8 beys, not including dranzer and dragoon. I don't customize because not matter what combo I try (believe me I've tried everything), I always lose, if it's attack, I try to launch it in the best possible attack way, I don't really have anything good for defense, and I've tried a stamina combo suggested by someone here, and it didn't work out at all.

Typical kind of unexperienced bladers...widen your view and test, test, test. dont judge something because you lost while using it. find out what went wrong and seek advice.
(Jun. 18, 2011  1:19 AM)BHorogium Wrote: I have the results:

Try the Basalt Leone combo again on attack types maybe? Did killer gemios have a brand new FS or worn out? were all the losses OS or KO
What combos can I make when I get my Maximum Series beys. That is:

Metal Wheel:

Clear Wheel:


CS (Hasbro, pretty aggressive
WD x2
Attack: Screw Byxis 90MF
Defense: Basalt Kerbecs BD145/230CS (use your CS that much so that it isn't very aggressive)
Stamina: Hell Kerbecs BD145WD (boost mode)
(Jun. 18, 2011  10:23 AM)Reapers_Embrace Wrote: -List Removed-

Attack: Hell Kerbecs BD145CS

Defense: Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS

Stamina Hell Kerbecs BD145WD

The only problem is that you're CS is aggressive, which is not the best for Defense, but is good for Attack.
If you get an RF and then you can use it on you're attack combo, then keep wearing off you're CS's rubber.

Get a few Metal Faces and add it on you're Attack and Defense combos.
(Jun. 18, 2011  11:10 AM)Electric Wrote:
(Jun. 18, 2011  10:23 AM)Reapers_Embrace Wrote: -List Removed-

Attack: Hell Kerbecs BD145CS

Defense: Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS

Stamina Hell Kerbecs BD145WD

The only problem is that you're CS is aggressive, which is not the best for Defense, but is good for Attack.
If you get an RF and then you can use it on you're attack combo, then keep wearing off you're CS's rubber.

Get a few Metal Faces and add it on you're Attack and Defense combos.

Hey! Why not MF? Its awesome for attack, you know... Stupid
(Jun. 18, 2011  11:48 AM)Janstarblast Wrote:
(Jun. 18, 2011  11:10 AM)Electric Wrote:
(Jun. 18, 2011  10:23 AM)Reapers_Embrace Wrote: -List Removed-

Attack: Hell Kerbecs BD145CS

Defense: Basalt Kerbecs BD145CS

Stamina Hell Kerbecs BD145WD

The only problem is that you're CS is aggressive, which is not the best for Defense, but is good for Attack.
If you get an RF and then you can use it on you're attack combo, then keep wearing off you're CS's rubber.

Get a few Metal Faces and add it on you're Attack and Defense combos.

Hey! Why not MF? Its awesome for attack, you know... Stupid

Mf is not aggressive enough,
and it's kind of wobble...
(Jun. 18, 2011  11:52 AM)Meteo LDrago Wrote: Mf is not aggressive enough,
and it's kind of wobble...

not really. MF is aggressive enough depending on your power / launch. And wobbling is not really an issue for attack-type.