(Mar. 28, 2016 6:01 AM)Seasync Wrote: I need help trying to make a stamina combo. The parts I have are:
Scythe Kronos T125EDS
Thermal Lacerta WA130HS
Ray Striker D125RS
Storm Aquario 100HF/S
Bandit Genbull F230TB
Storm Pegasis 105RS
Dark Wolf DF145FS
Extra parts are: 130, SD, R2F, A145, JB, Pirate, Cyber, Galaxy
Sythe Aqurio 230TB/HF/S [sharp mode]
Sythe Aqurio 100EDS/SD
Sythe Aqurio D125/100HF/S [hf mode]
if you have GCF/CF try making Sythe Aqurio F230GCF [it's a almost top-tier staller combo]