(Dec. 02, 2020 9:49 PM)Master_chanter0 Wrote: (Dec. 02, 2020 9:45 PM)TheRogueBlader Wrote: Well, Tempest Hyperion 2, MCC, 1S would be better than union because it’s heavier, thicker, better, defense
I meant gt layer bases. (Besides, I don't have hyperion burn or a mcc)
Oh. Ok sorry. Um, Gt bases. Well, Zwei Diabolos is a perfect resemblance of union Achilles Goku, except LEFTSPIN. So if ur looking to make this combo into a LEFTSPIN use Zwei Diabolos. As for right beys, nothing really better than union for attack, except maybe , MAYBE judgement spriggan Goku.
(Dec. 02, 2020 9:46 PM)EarthHelios Wrote: I need Lucifer The End combos
If ur using limit break layers, ou is the best disk cause cho is unbalanced, kou is light.
Lucifer the end, ou, zone’ + (defense type with amazing LAD)
Lucifer the end, ou, xceed’ + z (attack type with good LAD)
Lucifer the end ou, bearing (stamina type and don’t worry about burst resistance unless ur chips rubber is worn) if ur chips rubber is worn use Xtend+
Lucifer the end, ou, Unite’ (Balance type)
Blader for 8+years, CA Organizer, hoping to improve at the game and meet more people along the way. Let It Rip!