(Aug. 09, 2012 9:35 PM)Earth Aquila 22 Wrote: What's the best balance combo with out duo
And the best attack without blitz, variares and flash
Can some one tell me a good combo for balance and attack (asking cause I don't have duo, blitz, variares or flash
Can someone tell me a good balance combo without duo and a attack one without blitz, variares, and flash
The best all-around balance without Duo is, IMO, Phantom Cancer BD145CS. Use a semi-aggro CS,and with a sliding shoot, it becomes an attacker. Rip it calmly and it's good Stamina/Defense.
The best Attack without Blitz, Variares, or Flash is probably Gryph Gryph, but I expect that you aren't looking for Zero-G. Otherwise, Beat is good Attack, and I also like Fang, but it's not quite as good.